(PDF) Hard Cash and Soft Skills: Experimental Evidence on Combining - PDFSLIDE.NET (2025)

DRAFTHard Cash and Soft Skills:

Experimental Evidence on Combining Scholarshipsand Mentoring in Argentina∗

Alejandro J. Ganimian†

Felipe Barrera-Osorio‡

María Loreto Biehl§

María Cortelezzi¶

Daniela Valencia‖

February 29, 2016

∗We gratefully acknowledge the funding provided by the Inter-American Development Bankand Fundación Cimientos for this project. We thank Marina Bassi, Agustina Cavanagh, MercedesMateo Díaz, Costas Meghir, Hugo Ñopo, Ernesto Pais, Anahí Pissinis, and Emiliana Vegas fortheir input at different stages of this project. We also thank Ariel Fiszbein and Laura Trucco forcomments on earlier drafts of this paper. The usual disclaimers apply.†Education Post-Doctoral Fellow, Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL) South Asia.

E-mail: [emailprotected].‡Associate Professor of Education and Economics, Harvard Graduate School of Education. E-

mail: [emailprotected].§Senior Education Specialist, Inter-American Development Bank. E-mail: [emailprotected].¶Evaluation Director, Fundación Cimientos. E-mail: [emailprotected].‖Evaluation Manager, Fundación Cimientos. E-mail: [emailprotected].








Many developing countries provide cash to low-income families to encour-age children to attend school. These initiatives have increased studentparticipation in school, but they have rarely increased student achieve-ment. One reason why scholarships and cash transfers have had a limitedimpact on achievement is that the beneficiaries of these programs maylack the “soft” skills to succeed in school. We conducted a randomizedevaluation of a program that provides seventh graders in the Province ofBuenos Aires, Argentina with a scholarship and non-academic mentor-ing. After one year, we find limited evidence that the program improvedsocio-emotional skills on average. However, it improved their school per-formance, increasing their propensity to pass language and math, andreducing grade failure and student absenteeism. After two years, westill find little evidence of impact on socio-emotional skills on average.However, we find clear evidence of impact on students’ school navigationskills. We can discard small to moderate effects on reading and mathachievement. The program is most effective for low-income students andstudents who had previously dropped out of school.

JEL codes: C93 Field Experiments; I21 Analysis of Education; I22 EducationalFinance; I25 Education and Economic Development.


DRAFT1 Introduction

Many developing countries provide cash to low-income families to encourage children

to attend school. Some of these initiatives are called “scholarships” and others “cash

transfers”, but they operate under the same theory of change. Low-income parents

may not send their children to school if they perceive that the costs of schooling

are too high, its benefits are too low (or take too long to materialize), or they lack

access to credit (Banerjee et al. 2013). Thus, these programs aim to cover the costs

of and raise the (immediate) returns to schooling, while relaxing credit constraints

by offering their beneficiaries cash to enroll and stay in school (Fiszbein et al. 2009).

Scholarships and cash transfers are among the most rigorously evaluated educa-

tional interventions in developing countries. According to a recent review, there are

47 impact evaluations of these programs in 20 countries (Ganimian and Murnane

2016). Nearly all of these initiatives have increased student participation in school,

but with few exceptions, they have not increased student achievement.

One potential reason why scholarships and cash transfers have had a limited

impact on student achievement is that the beneficiaries of these programs may lack

the requisite skills to succeed in school (Borghans et al. 2008; Farrington et al. 2012;

Gabrieli et al. 2015). If the lack of these “character”, “socio-emotional”, or “soft” skills

is a binding constraint for children, they could benefit from programs that combined

scholarships or cash transfers with support to develop such skills.

This paper reports the results of a randomized evaluation of a program that pro-

vides seventh graders in the Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina with a scholarship

and non-academic mentoring. To our knowledge, this is the first study to rigorously


DRAFTassess the effect of combining financial incentives with non-academic mentoring on

school performance in a developing country.

After one year, we find limited evidence that the program improved socio-

emotional skills on average. However, it improved their school performance, in-

creasing their propensity to pass language and math, and reducing grade failure

and student absenteeism. After two years, we still find little evidence of impact on

socio-emotional skills on average. However, we find clear evidence of impact on stu-

dents’ school navigation skills. We can discard small to moderate effects on reading

and math achievement. The program is most effective for low-income students and

students who had previously dropped out of school.

The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 reviews prior research. Section 3

describes the context, intervention, sampling strategy, and randomization. Section 4

presents the data collected for this study. Section 5 discusses the empirical strategy.

Section 6 reports the results. Section 7 discusses the policy implications.

2 Prior Research

There are three common obstacles that low-income parents face when deciding

whether to send their children to school (Banerjee et al. 2013). First, the costs

of doing so may be too high. These include the direct costs (e.g., fees) (Barrera-

Osorio et al. 2007; Borkum 2012; Liu et al. 2012; Lucas and Mbiti 2012), the costs of

complements to schooling (e.g., transportation, uniforms, or textbooks) (Evans et al.

2009; Glewwe et al. 2009; Muralidharan and Prakash 2013), and the opportunity costs


DRAFTof not employing children at home or in the informal labor market (Del Carpio and

Macours 2010; Skoufias et al. 2001). Second, the benefits from schooling may be too

low or take too long to accrue. Specifically, the returns that parents expect for their

children may be too low, given their private assessment of their children’s skills and

of their available schooling options (Jensen 2010, 2012; Loyalka et al. 2013). Third,

parents may lack access to credit to cover schooling costs (Karlan and Linden 2014).

Scholarships and cash transfers were conceived to tackle these common barriers

to schooling (Fiszbein et al. 2009). They provide cash to low-income parents for

enrolling and keeping their children in school. They aim to cover the costs of school-

ing, provide a short-term reward for a behavior that pays off over the long-term, and

relax (or lift altogether) existing credit constraints.

Nearly every one of these programs that has been rigorously evaluated has in-

creased schooling. Yet, their impact has depended on the design of such initiatives

and the characteristics of their beneficiaries (Ganimian and Murnane 2016).1

Scholarships and cash transfers, however, have been less successful in improving

student achievement. Several studies that measured the impact of such programs on

student learning found no effect (Baez and Camacho 2011; Filmer and Schady 2014).

There are two exceptions. There is some evidence that cash transfers may impact

student learning in the long-run (Barham et al. 2014). Merit-based scholarships

(i.e., scholarships awarded based on students’ performance on an exam) have also

1Some design features that make a difference are whether cash is made conditional (Baird et al.2011; Benhassine et al. 2013), the outcomes upon which it is made conditional (Barrera-Osorioet al. 2011), and treatment exposure (Behrman et al. 2009, 2011; Dammert 2009; Perova and Vakis2012). Some characteristics of beneficiaries that matter are the age of beneficiaries (Maluccio andFlores 2005; Schultz 2004) and their socio-economic status (Galiani and McEwan 2013).


DRAFTincreased students’ test scores (Barrera-Osorio and Filmer 2013; Kremer et al. 2004).

Admittedly, most scholarships and cash transfers were not designed to improve

student achievement. Yet, it seems reasonable to expect that if these programs

increase beneficiaries’ participation in school, they should also learn more.2 One

potential reason why these programs have had limited impact on student achievement

is that the beneficiaries of these programs may lack the “socio-emotional skills” to

succeed in school (e.g., the perseverance to work on a difficult homework problem,

the foresight to start studying early for an exam, or the self-control to resist getting

distracted during lessons).3 If the children and youth that these programs target

lack these skills, increasing their schooling is unlikely to improve their achievement.

Existing research suggests that improving students’ socio-emotional skills could

improve their academic achievement. In a recent review of the evidence, Farrington

et al. (2012) identify five ways in which this could occur: (a) academic behaviors

(e.g., going to class, doing homework, organizing materials) could improve academic

performance; (b) academic perseverance (e.g., grit, tenacity, delayed gratification,

self-discipline, and self-control) could improve academic behaviors, which could in

turn affect academic performance; (c) academic mindsets (e.g., sense of belonging,

growth mindset, self-beliefs about academics) could improve academic perseverance,

thus influencing academic behavior and performance; (d) learning strategies (e.g.,

2This expectation seems less reasonable in low-income countries where disadvantaged studentsalready lag far behind their peers by primary school and have little chance of understanding thematerial taught in school lessons (Muralidharan and Zieleniak 2014; Pritchett and Beatty 2015).Yet, it seems more reasonable in middle-income countries such as the one we study.

3There is a long-standing debate among economists, psychologists, and scholars in other fieldsover the correct label for such skills (Duckworth and Yeager 2015). In this paper, we use the termsocio-emotional skills to refer to “patterns of thought, feelings, and behavior” (Borghans et al. 2008)other than cognitive ability that lead to student success.


DRAFTstudy skills, metacognitive strategies, self-regulated learning, and goal-setting) could

improve academic perseverance, behavior, and performance; and (e) social skills

(e.g., interpersonal skills, empathy, cooperation, assertion, and responsibility) could

improve academic behaviors, which could in turn affect academic performance (see

also reviews by Borghans et al. 2008; Gabrieli et al. 2015).4 The authors conclude that

academic behaviors have the most immediate effect on academic performance, and

that academic behaviors can be improved mostly by influencing students’ academic

mindsets, and developing their metacognitive and self-regulatory skills, rather than

by trying to change students’ tendency to persevere.

Mentoring could potentially improve students’ socio-emotional skills, but there is

almost no rigorous evidence on its merits in developing countries. To our knowledge,

there is only exception. Huan et al. (2014) evaluated the impact of a government

program that designated a music, art, or physical exercise teacher to deliver 32 fully-

scripted, 45-minute school counseling sessions per week to students in grades 7 and

8 in Shaanxi, China in 2012. The intervention sought to help students deal with

“learning anxiety” and stressful relationships with teachers and peers.5 On average,

the intervention reduced learning anxiety and dropout rates after six months, but

the effects faded after a year. The authors argued that this fadeout is largely due

to decreasing student interest in the program. Importantly, however, students at

high-risk of dropping out still saw positive effects after a year.

4Farrington et al. (2012) focus exclusively on academic performance as measured by students’grades in school. However, their framework is useful to think about how socio-emotional skills mayimprove student achievement as measured by standardized tests.

5As the authors discuss, an important source of learning anxiety in this context is the importanceof competitive high school entrance exams.


DRAFTThis study raises a number of questions, including whether mentoring would be

more effective and engaging if it catered to the individual needs of each student, and

whether it could also affect school performance and student achievement. To our

knowledge, ours is the first study to address these questions in a developing country.

3 Experiment

3.1 Context

Schooling in Argentina is compulsory from 4 years of age until the completion of

secondary school. In 12 out the 24 provinces, including the Province of Buenos

Aires, primary school runs from first to sixth grades and secondary school from

seventh to twelfth grades DiNIECE (2013b).6 According to the latest official figures

from 2013, the Argentine school system serves nearly 11 million students, including

1.7 million in pre-school, 4.6 million in primary school, and 3.9 million in secondary

school (DiNIECE 2013a). The school calendar runs from February to December.

Education in Argentina is the shared responsibility of the national and sub-

national (provincial) governments. According to the National Education Law (LEN)

of 2006, the provinces are responsible for the provision of all education services ex-

cept for higher education, and the central government is responsible for financing

higher education and for providing the necessary financial and technical assistance

to the provinces to improve the quality of the system.

Argentina began expanding access to secondary education before most Latin6In the other 12 provinces, primary school runs from first to seventh grades and secondary

school from eighth to twelfth grades.


DRAFTAmerican countries. By the early 1990s, 60% of secondary school age youths were

enrolled on time in Argentina, compared to 45% in the average country in the region.

By the late 2000s, Argentina’s enrollment advantage remained virtually unchanged:

75% of secondary school age youths were enrolled on time, compared to 59% in the

average country in the region (Busso et al. 2013).

However, Argentina’s secondary school graduation lags behind those of other

middle-income countries in Latin America. In 2011, its graduation rate stood at

41%, compared to 64% in Brazil, 84% in Chile, and 44% in Mexico (OECD 2014).

Further, youths from low- and high-income families have very different chances of

graduating from secondary school. In 2011, 39% of secondary school age youths from

the lowest income quintile graduated from school, compared to 81% of their peers in

the highest income quintile (Alfonso et al. 2011).

Many secondary school students in Argentina do not reach national standards.

The latest national student assessment, the Operativo Nacional de Evaluación (ONE)

2013, found that 50% of eighth graders performed at the lowest level in math, 24%

in language, 29% in social studies, and 49% in science (Ganimian 2015).

In fact, the relative performance of Argentina’s secondary school students has

deteriorated. In 2000, Argentine 15-year-olds ranked second among Latin American

countries in reading achievement in the Program for International Student Assess-

ment (PISA), after Mexico. In 2012, Argentina ranked behind Chile, Costa Rica,

Mexico, Brazil, Uruguay, and Colombia, and it only outperformed Peru, which had

scored two grade levels behind Argentina in 2000 (Ganimian 2013).

Student achievement is highly unequal in Argentina. The achievement gap be-


DRAFTtween the lowest- and highest-performing regions of the country in PISA 2012 was as

wide as the one between the lowest- and highest-performing countries in Latin Amer-

ica (Ganimian 2014). Students in the lowest quartile of socio-economic and cultural

status in Argentina are two grade levels behind their peers in the highest quartile,

and they are the fourth-lowest performers when compared to their counterparts in

all other PISA-participating countries (Ganimian 2013).

3.2 Treatment

The Programa Futuros Egresados (PFE) is a scholarship and mentoring program

run by Fundación Cimientos (FC), the largest education non-profit in Argentina. It

is first offered to students when they are in seventh grade and it is meant to last

for six years (i.e., until students graduate from secondary school). It is the longest-

standing and largest scholarship run by a non-profit in the country. It has been in

place for over 15 years, and in 2014 it reached 2,713 students in 16 provinces and the

Autonomous City of Buenos Aires. The PFE has two components: (a) a scholarship

worth ARS 3,600 per year;7 and (b) monthly individual and group mentoring sessions

of about 30 and 60 minutes, respectively.8

3.2.1 Scholarship

The scholarship is disbursed in 10 monthly installments, from February to December

of each year. It is deposited in a bank account in the name of the parents or legal

7USD 414 per year. At the start of the study, USD 1 ≈ ARS 8.69: http://bit.ly/1fwTsW5.8All program participants are also invited to a day-long annual meeting every year.


DRAFTguardians of the beneficiaries. The funds from that account can be withdrawn at

any time and they can be used for any purpose.

3.2.2 Mentoring

The mentoring sessions are 10 individual or group meetings with a mentor, known

as Encargado de Acompañamiento (EA). These sessions are held from March to

December of each year, typically whenever students are not in class (i.e., if they go

to school in the morning, the meetings are held in the afternoon and vice versa).9

They are always held at the schools that the students attend. When they are group

meetings, they include PFE beneficiaries from the same grade and school. The ratio

of individual and group meetings is left up to each EA’s discretion.

Mentoring sessions have three parts: (a) an “icebreaker”, in which the EA seeks

to earn the trust of the students, and the students share their schoolwork, as well as

a number of reports from teachers and school staff required by the program;10 (b) a

“diagnosis”, in which students discuss their experience at school with the EA as well

as their strengths and weaknesses; and (c) an “action plan”, in which students and

the EA agree on specific goals (e.g., studying for an upcoming math exam).

In theory, these sessions are compulsory. If students miss them without justifica-

tion, FC may suspend the scholarship. In practice, scholarship suspensions are rare.

9Whenever it is not possible to meet students after school, they are pulled out of their classroomsto attend these meetings.

10Students are expected to show: (a) their folders, which contain their work on all the subjectsthat they take at school (monthly); (b) their attendance and discipline certificates, which arecompleted by a staff member of the school (every month; this form can be accessed at: http://bit.ly/1MgWRom); (c) a report from the same staff member (bi-annually; accessible at: http://bit.ly/1MgWRom); (d) their school report cards; and (e) a report from one of their teachers(bi-annually; accessible at: http://bit.ly/1DrcbaF).


DRAFTThey occur only after FC contacts the student and his/her parents and determines

that there were no impediments for the student to miss the mentoring session.

EAs typically have a bachelor’s in psychology, pedagogical psychology, social

work, or education, or they have graduated from a teacher-training program. When

EAs join FC, they undergo an induction process and receive a manual. Each year,

they also have two training sessions: a face-to-face and an online session. During the

year, they also draw resources from and exchange ideas at an online platform.

EAs vary widely in the number of students that they mentor. According to FC’s

records, in 2014 each EA mentored between 30 and 58 students. EAs also vary in

their tenure at FC. In 2014, EAs had between one month and ten years of experience

working for FC, and between two months and nine years working in their position.

3.2.3 Theory of change

Table 1 presents the theory of change underlying the PFE. The program seeks to

address what FC perceives as two different problems keeping youths from low-income

families from enrolling, staying, and succeeding in school: (a) the costs of schooling;

and (b) the low socio-emotional skills of disadvantaged students to succeed in school.

[Insert Table 1 here.]

The two components of the PFE are meant to tackle each of these problems: (a)

the scholarship is supposed to relax or lift any cash constraints keeping low-income

parents from sending PFE beneficiaries to school; and (b) the mentoring sessions

are meant to improve students’ socio-emotional skills and their ability to “navigate”


DRAFTschool, and thus improve their school performance and academic skills.11

3.3 Sample

This study was conducted in the Province of Buenos Aires (PBA). The PBA offers

an ideal setting to study policies that could be scaled to the rest of Argentina.

First, it is the largest sub-national school system in the country. In 2012, it had

4,442 secondary schools and nearly 1.5 million students from eight to twelfth grades

(DiNIECE 2013a). Second, PBA students perform similarly to the average student in

the country on national exams. In 2010, 54% of eighth graders in the PBA performed

at the lowest level of the national math test, 26% in language, 30% in social studies,

and 50% in science (Ganimian 2015).

Ten schools from the PBA were invited to participate in the study, based on three

criteria: (a) they had to be public schools serving youths from low-income families;

(b) they had to have previously participated in the PFE; and (c) they could not

have any PFE participants in eighth grade on February 2014. The first criterion

was adopted to focus on the most disadvantaged students. The second criterion was

adopted to ensure that schools had familiarity with the PFE and its data collection

process. The third criterion was adopted to avoid having study participants, who

would be selected by lottery, in the same classroom with regular PFE participants,

who are selected through an admissions process. A representative of FC met with

each school’s principal to explain the main components of the evaluation.

11Importantly, the PFE does not provide any academic support (e.g., remedial lessons). Theexpectation is that the improvement in socio-emotional and school navigation skills will translateinto better performance in school and higher academic achievement.


DRAFTAll 10 schools accepted to participate in the study. Each was located in a different

locality of the PBA: Campana, Ensenada, Gregorio de Laferrere, Guernica, José C.

Paz, Merlo, Quilmes, Santos Lugares, Virrey del Pino, and Zárate.

Students who were eligible to participate in the evaluation were selected as follows.

The number of PFE slots at each school was set by the funds that FC had raised to

offer the scholarships at each site. Two seventh grade sections (i.e., divisiones) were

selected for recruitment at each school using a random number generator.

The students who participated in the lottery were recruited as follows. First, all

students in the randomly selected sections received a note in their communications

notebooks announcing the date and time of an information session for this study.

Then, a team from FC held the information session at each school and wrote down

the names of parents who were interested in participating in the evaluation. Finally,

representatives of FC met with all interested parents and their children to conduct

the baseline data collection described in Section 4. All 408 students who participated

in this baseline survey were entered into an applicant roster.

3.4 Lottery

Students in the lottery roster were assigned to the treatment or control groups as

follows. A lottery was held at each school to assign 204 students to the treatment

group and 204 to the control group. Thus, this was a multi-site (blocked) cluster

randomized trial, in which the point of random assignment was the student (level 2)

within each school (level 1). All lottery winners were offered a spot on the PFE. All

lottery winners who took up the offer signed a contract in which students and their


DRAFTparents committed to complying with the program.12 In exchange, FC committed

to providing the PFE for six years.13

4 Data

Table 2 offers an overview of all the rounds of data collection for this study. It

includes the dates, types of surveys, percent of sample that participated, and the

mode of administration (e.g., school- or home-based).

[Insert Table 2 here.]

4.1 Baseline

We administered two surveys prior to randomization: (a) a student survey; and (b) a

household survey. Both surveys were conducted during the meetings between the FC

representatives and the families in the applicant roster. The student survey asked

students about their demographics and schooling trajectory.14 The household survey

asked the adult accompanying the student (typically, the mother) about the assets

in the household and the housing conditions.15 Table 3 checks that the randomiza-

tion worked as expected, producing comparable treatment and control groups, using

12Students committed to attending school regularly, working hard and behaving well at school,attending the mentoring sessions and annual meetings, and passing their grade. Parents committedto supporting their children in all of these commitments. The acta de compromiso can be accessedat: http://bit.ly/1I9iP6w.

13FC conducts an annual review of all PFE participants to ensure that they meet the program’srequirements. In theory, FC could stop providing the scholarship to students who fail to meet theserequirements. In practice, this occurs very rarely.

14This survey is at: http://bit.ly/1TOZAXB (part 1) and http://bit.ly/1kZCMIw (part 2).15This survey is at: http://bit.ly/1ZfIPq0.


DRAFTselected variables from the student and household surveys.16

[Insert Table 3 here.]

Panel A shows that students in our sample were academically disadvantaged:

almost a third (31%) had repeated a grade and 4% had dropped out of school.

Panel B indicates that these students came from low-income families. They had

limited assets: only 21% of students had a car, 72% had a fridge, and 55% had

a computer. They also had substandard living conditions: only 30% had natural

gas, 83% had running water, and 63% was a homeowner. We find small differences

between experimental groups on a few variables, so in Section 6 we test the robustness

of our impact estimates to the inclusion of these variables.

4.2 Follow-up

We followed students for two years and collected data on their: (a) program partic-

ipation; (b) socio-emotional skills; (c) “school navigation” skills (defined below); (d)

school performance; and (e) academic skills.

4.2.1 Program participation

We collected data on the extent to which students in the treatment group participated

in the PFE during 2014 and 2015. The program was implemented as expected. As

Table A.1 in Appendix A shows, in 2014, these students received eight scholarship

payments, they were invited to participate in nine mentoring sessions, and they

16The balance checks for all other variables are available from the authors upon request.


DRAFTattended eight of them. The average student was offered one introductory mentoring

session, seven regular sessions, and one wrap-up session. On average, students were

offered seven individual sessions and two group sessions. The typical student had

one mentor. A small share of students rescheduled their sessions once or twice. On

average, parents were invited to about six sessions and attended five of them.

The figures for 2015 are similar, with two exceptions. First, there were no intro-

ductory mentoring sessions because this was the second year of the program. Second,

treatment students were more likely to reschedule mentoring sessions.

4.2.2 Socio-emotional skills

We also collected data on students’ socio-emotional skills during 2014 and 2015.17

Both rounds included the same six instruments: (a) a survey of self-beliefs about

academics, which measures students’ self-beliefs about their self-efficacy and per-

formance; (b) the Learning and Study Strategies Inventory (LASSI), which mea-

sures students’ organization and planning skills, as well as their motivation; (c) the

Short Grit Scale (GRIT-S); (d) the Domain-Specific Impulsivity Scale for Children

(DSISC), a survey of students’ self-control; (e) a section of the Wechsler Intelligence

Scale for Children Third Edition (WISC-III) called “LABS”, which measures students’

planning skills; (f) a written assessment of self-control (hereafter “CARAS”).18

Appendix B offers a brief description of each of these instruments. Importantly,

we combined instruments that rely on self-reports and performance tasks, as several

studies have highlighted the perils of relying on either method exclusively (Borghans

17We are planning to conduct a final round of data collection in 2016.18The surveys are at: http://bit.ly/1mQdA8A (part 1) http://bit.ly/1RwL4X4 (part 2).


DRAFTet al. 2008; Duckworth and Yeager 2015; West et al. 2014).

4.2.3 School navigation skills

We collected data on students’ ability to “navigate” specific aspects of schooling

during 2015.19 This includes students’ self-reported: (a) views on the importance of

school; (b) frequency of negative school-related habits (e.g., forgetting to do their

homework); (c) frequency of reaching out to others (e.g., principals, teachers, peers)

to discuss school-related problems; (d) general proactive behavior in school (e.g.,

asking teachers to explain confusing concepts again); (e) proactive behaviors related

to homework (e.g., checking homework answers with peers), tests (e.g., reviewing the

textbook before a test or going to a tutor), failing subjects (e.g., asking teachers for

extra work), skipping class (e.g., asking a peer for missed schoolwork), free periods

(e.g., using them to study); and (f) views on dropping out of school.20

4.2.4 School performance

We collected data on students’ performance in school during 2014.21 This includes

information on students’ final grades in math and language, the number of subjects

that they failed and had to take tests on during December and/or March,22 their

number of absences, whether they failed a grade, whether they dropped out, or

19We are planning another round of data collection in 2016.20This survey is at: http://bit.ly/1OdFnZZ.21Data for 2015 are forthcoming.22In Argentina, when students fail a subject, they need to take an exam to pass it in December.

If they fail this exam, they need to take another exam in March. They can fail up to two subjects inMarch. If they fail more, they can take these exams again once the school year begins. If they stillfail more than two of these subjects by then, they are supposed to repeat the grade. In practice,schools allow students who have failed more than two subjects to progress onto the next grade.


DRAFTwhether they transferred schools.

4.2.5 Academic skills

We also administered assessments of math and language during 2015.23 These tests

assessed what students should know and be able to do according to Argentina’s own

standards. They were based on: (a) the Núcleos de Aprendizaje Prioritario (NAPs),

the contents that the government has prioritized from the national curriculum; and

(b) the publicly-released items from the national assessment described in Section 3.

They were developed by the Centro de Medición de la Universidad Católica de Chile

(MIDE-UC). Appendix C offers a brief description of the design of the tests.

4.3 Attrition

We tracked students’ participation in each round of data collection. Table A.2 checks

that the treatment and control groups were comparable at each round, using selected

variables from the student and household surveys.24

As the table indicates, 13 students (i.e., 3% of the sample) did not participate in

the first round of surveys and assessments of socio-emotional skills, 42 students (i.e.,

10% of the sample) did not participate the second round, and 50 students (12%)

did not participate in the assessment of academic skills. We find small differences

between experimental groups on a few variables, so in Section 6 we test the robustness

of our impact estimates to the inclusion of these variables.

23We are planning to conduct another round of data collection in 2016.24The attrition checks for all other variables are available from the authors upon request. The

surveys of socio-emotional and school navigation skills in 2015 were administered on the same day.


DRAFT5 Empirical Strategy

We estimate the effect of the offer of a spot in the PFE (i.e., the intent-to-treat or

ITT), since only two students who were offered a spot did not take it.

The effect of the offer of a spot in the PFE is given by:

Yij = αj + βTij + γXij + εij (1)

where Yij represents the outcome of interest for student i at school j, Tij is a dummy

indicating whether each student was offered a spot in the PFE, Xij is a vector of

covariates collected at baseline,25 and αj are the school (i.e., randomization block)

fixed effects. All estimations are conducted with standard errors that account for

clustering at the school level. The coefficient of interest in this regression is β; it

indicates the magnitude of the effect of the offer of a spot in the PFE.

6 Results

We report the ITT effects of the program in the first and second years (2014 and

2015). We also report these effects on four sub-groups of students: girls, students

who had previously repeated a grade or dropped out, and low-income students.26

25When we estimate the first-year effects, we include the variables on which experimental groupswere unbalanced at baseline (whether students had dropped out, whether they had a car, a fridge,and natural gas). When we estimate the second-year effects, we include the same variables andthose in which experimental groups were not balanced during the 2015 data collection (students’age, whether they attended school in the morning, and whether they had repeated a grade).

26In our analyses, low-income students are those in the lowest quintile of an index of assets andhousing conditions. This index adds up dummies for students whose families have a car, fridge,computer, cell phone, Internet connection, natural gas, running water, solid floor, and are home-


DRAFT6.1 Year 1 effects (2014)

6.1.1 Socio-emotional skills

Table 4 shows the effects of the program on socio-emotional skills after six months.

The distributions of the raw scores on these skills are shown in Figure A.1. The

scores were standardized with the mean and standard deviation of the full sample.

[Insert Table 4 here.]

The offer of the program had a positive but statistically insignificant effect on

most socio-emotional skills during the first year. There were two exceptions. First, it

increased students’ self-beliefs about self-efficacy by .139 to .17 standard deviations

(SDs). Second, it also seems to have increased students’ perseverance by .172 SDs,

but this effect is statistically insignificant once we include covariates.

The rest of the coefficients are imprecisely estimated; we cannot discard large pos-

itive or negative effects. However, the effects on one of the performance assessments

(LABS) is consistently estimated to be around zero and negative.27

We find no evidence that the program differentially impacted girls or students

who had previously repeated a grade.28 It was however particularly beneficial for

students who had previously dropped out of school and low-income students. As

Table A.3 shows, the program had very large positive impacts on the self-beliefs

about academics, self-beliefs about self-efficacy, and motivation of previous dropouts.

owners. It is standardized using the overall mean and standard deviation in our full sample.27CARAS is also consistently estimated to be around zero and negative, but the way that it

should be coded, negative values are better.28These and all other results mentioned but not shown in this section are available from the

authors upon request.


DRAFTAs Table A.4 indicates, it also had large positive effects on the self-beliefs about

performance, organization and planning skills, grit, and self-control (as measured by

CARAS) of low-income students.29 It seems to have also increased their consistency,

but the coefficient on this estimate is only marginally statistically significant.

6.1.2 School performance

Table 5 shows the effects of the program on school performance after the first year.

Students’ grades were standardized using the mean and standard deviation of the

full sample.

[Insert Table 5 here.]

We can discard large effects of the offer of the program on students’ final grades

in language (larger than .18 SDs) and math (larger than .23 SDs). However, the

program increased the share of students who passed language by 9 to 11 percentage

points and the share who passed math by 7 to 9 percentage points. It also reduced

the share of students who failed the year by 5 to 6 percentage points. It seems to

have also reduced the number of absences by 2 to 3 days, but the effect is statisti-

cally insignificant once we include covariates. The program’s impact on the share

of students who dropped out or transferred schools is imprecisely estimated, but

consistently small and negative.

We find little evidence that the program differentially impacted girls, students

who had previously repeated a grade, or low-income students. Yet, we find that the

program was particularly beneficial for students who had previously dropped out.29As mentioned above, the way that CARAS is coded, a negatively signed effect is positive.


DRAFTAs Table A.5 shows, the program increased the share of these students who passed

language by 57 percentage points and it reduced their absences by 14 days.

6.2 Year 2 effects (2015)

6.2.1 Socio-emotional skills

Table 6 shows the effects of the program on socio-emotional skills after 17 months.

The distributions of the raw scores on these skills are shown in Figure A.2. The

scores were standardized with the mean and standard deviation of the full sample.

[Insert Table 6 here.]

Once again, the offer of the program had a positive but statistically insignificant

effect on most socio-emotional skills during the second year. There was one exception.

It increased students’ motivation by .171 to .177 SDs. It also seems to have increased

students’ self-beliefs about performance by .14 to .159 SDs, but this effect is only

marginally statistically significant. Similarly, the program appears to have increased

the perseverance of these students by .17 SDs, but these effects become statistically

insignificant once we include covariates.

The rest of the coefficients are imprecisely estimated. Again, we cannot discard

large positive or negative effects. The effects on one of the performance assessments

(LABS), however, is once again estimated to be negative.

We find little evidence that the program differentially impacted girls or students

who had previously repeated a grade. Yet, it had a differential impact on students

who had dropped out and low-income students. As Table A.6 shows, it improved


DRAFTthe self beliefs about self-efficacy of prior dropouts, their motivation, grit, and perse-

verance. As Table A.7 indicates, the program had large impacts on the organization

and planning skills and perseverance of low-income students. It also seems to have

increased their grit and self-control (as measured by DSIS), but these effects are only

marginally statistically significant.

6.2.2 School navigation skills

Table 7 shows the effects of the program on academic skills after 17 months. We have

presented these effects in indices of students’ behaviors. The variables in each index

are shown in Appendix D. The distributions of the raw indices are in Figure A.3.

[Insert Table 7 here.]

The program reduced the extent to which students reached out for help with

negative school habits by .17 to .213 SDs. Yet, it positively impacted students’

corrective homework behavior (by .167 to .203 SDs), preventive test behavior (by .142

to .206 SDs), corrective failing behavior (by .201 to .261 SDs), corrective absenteeism

behavior (.214 to .254 SDs), and corrective free period behavior (by .226 to .254 SDs).

It also seems to have increased students preventive homework behavior (by .17 to

.231 SDs) and corrective test behavior (by .163 to .217 SDs), but such effects become

statistically insignificant once we include covariates.

We find little evidence that the program differentially impacted girls or students

who had previously repeated a grade. It was however particularly beneficial for

students who had previously dropped out and low-income students. As Table A.8


DRAFTshows, the program had very large positive impacts on the propensity of previous

dropouts to reach out to others, their proactive school behavior, and their preventive

test behavior. As Table A.9 indicates, it also had smaller negative effects on the

negative school habits low-income students (i.e., it purportedly reduce those habits).

Interestingly, however, it also reduced their corrective homework behavior. In fact,

the coefficients on the interaction between the treatment and the low-income dummy

is negative (although statistically insignificant) for most school navigation indices.

6.2.3 Academic skills

Table 8 shows the effects of the program on academic skills after 12 months. The

distributions of the raw scores on these skills are shown in Figure A.4. Below, these

scores are standardized with the mean and standard deviation of the full sample.

[Insert Table 8 here.]

We can discard small effects in reading (larger than .06 SDs) and moderate effects

in math (larger than .21 SDs). In fact, we find little evidence that the program

differentially impacted any sub-group of students.

7 Discussion

This papers presents the findings from the first two years of a three-year experimental

evaluation of a program that combines scholarships and mentoring for secondary

school students in the Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. The program seeks to


DRAFTdirectly improve students’ participation in school, and to indirectly improve their

performance in school and academic skills by affecting their socio-emotional skills.

We find that the program had the intended effects, but mostly not through its

hypothesized mechanisms. On average, it reduced student absenteeism and grade

failure, but there is no evidence that it reduced drop out rates. It also improved

school performance and school navigation skills, but there is limited evidence that it

improved socio-emotional skills, and no evidence that it improved academic skills.

One way of interpreting these results is that instead of radically changing stu-

dents’ general socio-emotional skills, such as grit and self-control, the program helped

students succeed in school by marginally affecting more specific socio-emotional skills,

such as doing homework in advance and reviewing failed assignments. This interpre-

tation is consistent with the heterogeneous effects that we observe, since the program

was most beneficial for students who are least likely to have developed these habits,

such as students who had previously dropped out of school and students from low-

income families. It is also consistent with the position of some psychologists, who

have argued against conceptualizations of socio-emotional skills that apply to every

context, and in favor of constructs that are more context-specific (see Mischel 1968).

And it is also in agreement with the findings from the empirical literature summa-

rized in Section 2, which indicate that academic behaviors have the most immediate

effect on academic performance (see Farrington et al. 2012).

The results from the upcoming rounds of data collection will help us better un-

derstand how much empirical support there is behind this working hypotheses. In

mid 2016, we will collect data on students’ school performance in 2015, which will


DRAFTallow us to test for heterogenous effects in school performance by school naviga-

tion skills. In late 2016, we will also conduct a third round of data collection on

socio-emotional, school navigation, and academic skills, to understand whether the

program has affected these over the medium-term.



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DRAFTTable 2: Data collection timeline

Month Event Participants Location


February School year startsMay 14-26 Student survey 100% sample School

Household survey 81% sample School (in person)19% sample Phone

Lottery is conductedNov 10-Dec 4 Survey of socio-emotional skills 80% sample SchoolDec 18-Jan 16 17% sample Home


January PFE data for 2014 100% treatmentSchool data for 2014 100% sample

February School year startsJun 22-Jul 6 Survey of academic skills 75% sample SchoolJul 13-Aug 12 13% sample HomeOct 14-Nov 6 Survey of socio-emotional skills 66% sample School

School navigation skillsNov 3-Dec 1 24% sample Home


January PFE data for 2015 100% treatment


DRAFTTable 3: Balancing checks (baseline)

Variable All Control Treatment Diff. N(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Panel A. Student survey

Argentine .951 .951 .951 0 408(.216) (.216) (.216) (.026)

Female .52 .544 .495 -.049 408(.5) (.499) (.501) (.051)

Age 12.435 12.502 12.368 -.131 407(1.062) (1.153) (.961) (.11)

Morning shift .578 .583 .574 -.008 408(.494) (.494) (.496) (.045)

Repeated grade(s) .309 .322 .297 -.024 404(.463) (.468) (.458) (.044)

Dropped out .044 .064 .025 -.039* 408(.206) (.245) (.155) (.02)

Panel B. Household survey

Has car .21 .163 .256 .096*** 405(.408) (.371) (.438) (.026)

Has fridge .72 .677 .764 .087** 404(.449) (.469) (.426) (.028)

Has computer .545 .547 .542 -.002 404(.499) (.499) (.499) (.026)

Has cell phone .913 .891 .936 .045 404(.282) (.313) (.245) (.029)

Has Internet .386 .383 .389 .01 404(.487) (.487) (.489) (.036)

Has natural gas .298 .269 .327 .064* 403(.458) (.444) (.47) (.034)

Has running water .825 .805 .846 .051 401(.38) (.397) (.362) (.047)

Has solid floor .985 .98 .99 .01 398(.122) (.141) (.1) (.007)

Homeowner .627 .605 .648 .043 389(.484) (.49) (.479) (.035)

Notes: (1) The table shows the mean and standard deviations of all studentsin the sample (column 1), control g > roup (column 2), and treatment group(column 3). It also tests for differences across these two groups (column 4) andshows the number of non > -missing observations (column 5). (2) * significant at10%; ** significant at 5%; *** significant at 1%. (3) Standard errors in column4 are clustered at the school level.


DRAFTTable 4: ITT effects on socio-emotional skills (2014)

(1) (2) (3)Control Effect size

Self-beliefs about academics -.021 .04 .022(.969) (.099) (.087)193 395 391

Self-beliefs - Performance .037 -.072 -.075(.938) (.133) (.125)193 395 391

Self-beliefs - Self-efficacy -.088 .17*** .139**(1.016) (.052) (.05)193 395 391

LASSI - Organization and planning -.015 .027 .029(.999) (.101) (.097)193 395 391

LASSI - Motivation -.079 .156 .121(1.02) (.131) (.142)193 395 391

GRIT-S -.039 .076 .053(.966) (.07) (.076)193 395 391

GRIT-S - Consistency .022 -.044 -.051(.999) (.086) (.09)193 395 391

GRIT-S - Perseverance -.088 .172* .141(.947) (.082) (.083)193 395 391

DSIS (self-control) -.052 .098 .12(.986) (.097) (.094)193 395 391

LABS (organization skills) .009 -.014 -.079(.982) (.065) (.068)193 395 391

CARAS - Index of reflexivity .006 -.01 .01(1.121) (.092) (.08)193 394 390

School FE? Y YControls? N Y

Notes: (1) The table shows the mean and standard deviations ofcontrol group students (column 1) and the average ITT effect with(column 2) and without covariates (column 3). (2) * significant at10%; ** significant at 5%; *** significant at 1%. (3) Standard errorsin columns 2 and 3 are clustered at the school level.


DRAFTTable 5: ITT effects on school performance (2014)

(1) (2) (3)Control Effect size

Language - final grade -.032 .058 .039(1.08) (.052) (.059)161 345 343

Math - final grade .047 -.09 -.109(.995) (.143) (.135)153 328 326

Language - passed .721 .111*** .093**(.45) (.034) (.029)204 408 403

Math - passed .696 .09** .071*(.461) (.039) (.035)204 408 403

Absences - 2014 17.212 -2.989* -2.278*(18.926) (1.412) (1.162)

204 408 403Failed .147 -.061** -.047***

(.355) (.024) (.013)204 408 403

Dropped out .025 -.01 -.016(.155) (.012) (.012)204 408 403

Transferred .054 -.025 -.016(.226) (.021) (.019)204 408 403

School FE? Y YControls? N Y

Notes: (1) The table shows the mean and standard devia-tions of control group students (column 1) and the averageITT effect with (column 2) and without covariates (col-umn 3). (2) * significant at 10%; ** significant at 5%; ***significant at 1%. (3) Standard errors in columns 2 and 3are clustered at the school level.


DRAFTTable 6: ITT effects on socio-emotional skills (2015)

(1) (2) (3)Control Effect size

Self-beliefs about academics -.047 .1 .098(.941) (.068) (.068)180 366 362

Self-beliefs - Performance -.069 .14* .159*(.974) (.071) (.076)180 366 362

Self-beliefs - Self-efficacy -.01 .028 .008(.989) (.103) (.093)180 366 362

LASSI - Organization and planning -.013 .028 .025(.94) (.074) (.061)180 366 362

LASSI - Motivation -.084 .171** .177*(.988) (.073) (.084)180 366 362

GRIT-S -.059 .117 .101(1.023) (.09) (.086)180 366 362

GRIT-S - Consistency -.011 .02 .011(1.026) (.095) (.091)180 366 362

GRIT-S - Perseverance -.083 .17* .153(1.029) (.078) (.085)180 366 362

DSIS (self-control) -.076 .142 .144(1.071) (.082) (.082)180 366 362

LABS (organization skills) .057 -.111 -.155(.978) (.107) (.107)180 366 362

CARAS - Index of reflexivity -.025 .044 .102(1.006) (.082) (.083)176 360 356

School FE? Y YControls? N Y

Notes: (1) The table shows the mean and standard deviations ofcontrol group students (column 1) and the average ITT effect with(column 2) and without covariates (column 3). (2) * significantat 10%; ** significant at 5%; *** significant at 1%. (3) Standarderrors in columns 2 and 3 are clustered at the school level.



Table 7: ITT effects on school navigation skills (2015)

(1) (2) (3)Index Control Effect size

Negative school habits .019 -.032 -.038(1.017) (.103) (.102)180 366 362

Reaching out to others .088 -.17* -.213**(1.029) (.077) (.087)180 366 362

Proactive school behavior -.062 .114 .048(.99) (.16) (.14)180 366 362

Preventive homework behavior -.123 .231* .17(.982) (.123) (.105)180 366 362

Corrective homework behavior -.109 .203** .167*(.989) (.08) (.081)180 366 362

Preventive test behavior -.11 .206** .142*(.984) (.069) (.064)180 366 362

Corrective test behavior -.116 .217** .163(1.008) (.082) (.089)180 366 362

Corrective failing behavior -.138 .261** .201**(.989) (.083) (.085)180 366 362

Corrective flunking behavior -.064 .119 .069(.986) (.086) (.091)180 366 362

Preventive absenteeism behavior -.095 .179 .133(1.015) (.098) (.09)180 366 362

Corrective absenteeism behavior -.132 .254** .214**(.997) (.088) (.093)180 366 362

Corrective free period behavior -.133 .254** .226**(.971) (.097) (.099)180 366 362

School FE? Y YControls? N Y

Notes: (1) The table shows the mean and standard deviations ofcontrol group students (column 1) and the average ITT effect with(column 2) and without covariates (column 3). (2) * significantat 10%; ** significant at 5%; *** significant at 1%. (3) Standarderrors in columns 2 and 3 are clustered at the school level.


DRAFTTable 8: ITT effects on academic skills (2015)

(1) (2) (3)Control Effect size

Reading achievement (std.) .072 -.129 -.158(.986) (.084) (.089)177 358 356

Math achievement (std.) .005 .009 -.046(1.075) (.092) (.092)177 358 356

School FE? Y YControls? N Y

Notes: (1) The table shows the mean and standard devia-tions of control group students (column 1) and the averageITT effect with (column 2) and without covariates (column3). (2) * significant at 10%; ** significant at 5%; *** sig-nificant at 1%. (3) Standard errors in columns 2 and 3 areclustered at the school level.


DRAFTAppendix A

Figure A.1: Distributions of socio-emotional skills (2014)


DRAFTFigure A.2: Distributions of socio-emotional skills (2015)


DRAFTFigure A.3: Distributions of school navigation skills (2015)


DRAFTFigure A.4: Distributions of academic skills (2015)


DRAFTTable A.1: Treatment dosage (2014 and 2015)

2014 2015Variable Treatment N Treatment N

(1) (2) (3) (4)

PFE scholarships received 7.51 204 7.817 191(3.023) (3.347)

Intended mentoring sessions 9.093 204 8.77 191(1.025) (2.902)

Actual sessions 7.819 204 7.487 191(1.782) (3.291)

Introductory sessions 1.152 204 0 191(.588) (0)

Monthly sessions 6.98 204 6.812 191(1.178) (2.669)

Wrap-up sessions .961 204 .838 191(.195) (.37)

Individual sessions 7.245 204 8.152 191(1.912) (2.723)

Group sessions 1.848 204 .618 191(1.503) (.707)

No. of mentors 1.191 204 1.099 191(.394) (.3)

Rescheduled once .216 204 .466 191(.509) (.905)

Rescheduled twice .025 204 .094 191(.155) (.343)

Rescheduled more than twice 0 204 .005 191(0) (.072)

Parent/guardian invited 5.858 204 7.157 191(2.295) (2.56)

Parent/guardian attended 5.49 204 4.738 191(2.412) (2.758)

Notes: (1) The table shows the mean and standard deviations of stu-dents in the treatment group (columns 1 and 3) and the number ofnon-missing observations (columns 2 and 4).



Table A.2: Attrition checks

Attritors Non-attritors Difference-Control Treatment Control Treatment in-Difference

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Panel A. Survey of socio-emotional skills (2014)

Argentine .909 0 .953 .96 -.916***(.302) (0) (.211) (.196) (.091)

Female .364 .5 .554 .495 .214(.505) (.707) (.498) (.501) (.162)

Age 13.091 13.5 12.469 12.356 .465(1.221) (.707) (1.144) (.958) (.411)

Morning shift .455 .5 .591 .574 .037(.522) (.707) (.493) (.496) (.119)

Repeated grade(s) .4 1 .318 .29 .573***(.516) (0) (.467) (.455) (.128)

Dropped out .273 0 .052 .025 -.335*(.467) (0) (.222) (.156) (.171)

N 11 2 193 202 408

Panel B. Surveys of socio-emotional and school navigation skills (2015)

Argentine .917 .889 .956 .957 -.025(.282) (.323) (.207) (.203) (.096)

Female .167 .444 .594 .5 .36**(.381) (.511) (.492) (.501) (.127)

Age 13 12.667 12.439 12.339 -.291(1.314) (1.085) (1.119) (.946) (.372)

Morning shift .375 .5 .611 .581 .071(.495) (.514) (.489) (.495) (.141)

Repeated grade(s) .391 .5 .313 .277 .121(.499) (.514) (.465) (.449) (.196)

Dropped out .167 .056 .05 .022 -.106(.381) (.236) (.219) (.145) (.118)

N 24 18 180 186 408

Panel C. Assessment of academic skills (2015)

Argentine .963 .913 .949 .956 -.052(.192) (.288) (.22) (.206) (.107)

Female .519 .435 .548 .503 -.002(.509) (.507) (.499) (.501) (.154)

Age 13.333 12.913 12.375 12.298 -.298(1.24) (1.24) (1.088) (.9) (.345)

Morning shift .481 .478 .599 .586 .054(.509) (.511) (.492) (.494) (.146)

Repeated grade(s) .615 .478 .278 .274 -.122(.496) (.511) (.449) (.447) (.231)

Dropped out .222 .043 .04 .022 -.17(.424) (.209) (.195) (.147) (.11)

N 27 23 177 181 408

Notes: (1) The table shows the mean and standard deviations of attritors andnon-attritors by experimental group (columns 1-4). It also tests for the difference-in-difference in these outcomes (column 5). (2) * significant at 10%; ** significantat 5%; *** significant at 1%. (3) Standard errors in column 5 are clustered at theschool level.


DRAFTTable A.3: ITT effects on socio-emotional skills by drop out (2014)

(1) (2) (3) (4)PFE Drop. x Drop. N

Self-beliefs about academics .103 -4.133*** 5.316* 395(.841) (.755) (2.88)

Self-beliefs - Performance -.452 -1.812 -.319 395(.805) (1.255) (2.526)

Self-beliefs - Self-efficacy .555** -2.321*** 5.635*** 395(.228) (.548) (1.121)

LASSI - Organization and planning .161 -.978 -1.84 395(.578) (2.434) (4.063)

LASSI - Motivation .366 .023 1.821** 395(.358) (.402) (.608)

GRIT-S .431 .029 -2.159 395(.393) (1.818) (2.352)

GRIT-S - Consistency -.123 -.574 -1.395 395(.305) (1.485) (1.777)

GRIT-S - Perseverance .554* .602 -.764 395(.269) (.366) (.808)

DSIS (self-control) .652 -1.247 -2.243 395(.671) (1.551) (2.191)

LABS (organization skills) -.036 -1.389 -2.421 395(.242) (2.188) (2.002)

CARAS - Index of reflexivity .001 .039 -.109 394(.024) (.077) (.117)

School FE? YControls? N

Notes: (1) The table shows the differential effect of the program by drop out(column 3). (2) * significant at 10%; ** significant at 5%; *** significant at1%. (3) Standard errors are clustered at the school level.


DRAFTTable A.4: ITT effects on socio-emotional skills by low SES (2014)

(1) (2) (3) (4)PFE Poor x Poor N

Self-beliefs about academics -.487 -.037 2.925 395(.796) (1.242) (1.606)

Self-beliefs - Performance -1.362* -.663 3.113*** 395(.668) (.503) (.925)

Self-beliefs - Self-efficacy .875* .626 -.188 395(.403) (.812) (1.099)

LASSI - Organization and planning -.682 -.248 2.815** 395(.607) (.839) (.953)

LASSI - Motivation .128 -.421 .843 395(.25) (.51) (.68)

GRIT-S -.262 -.38 2.118** 395(.314) (.677) (.855)

GRIT-S - Consistency -.48 -.463 1.021* 395(.357) (.408) (.547)

GRIT-S - Perseverance .217 .083 1.097 395(.313) (.438) (.677)

DSIS (self-control) .513 1.041 .792 395(.795) (.943) (1.152)

LABS (organization skills) -.139 -.829 -.024 395(.214) (.545) (.986)

CARAS - Index of reflexivity .031 .071* -.091** 394(.025) (.035) (.034)

School FE? YControls? N

Notes: (1) The table shows the differential effect of the program by low SES(column 3). (2) * significant at 10%; ** significant at 5%; *** significant at1%. (3) Standard errors are clustered at the school level.


DRAFTTable A.5: ITT effects on school performance by drop out (2014)

(1) (2) (3) (4)PFE Drop. x Drop. N

Language - final grade .057 -.231 -.026 345(.051) (.338) (.567)

Math - final grade -.098 -.624* .295 328(.142) (.319) (.488)

Language - passed .084** -.334** .566*** 408(.028) (.133) (.149)

Math - passed .063 -.423** .451 408(.035) (.139) (.292)

Absences - 2014 -2.204* 11.342*** -13.728** 408(1.095) (3.412) (5.632)

Failed -.048*** .222 -.187 408(.014) (.187) (.129)

Dropped out -.011 -.021* .015 408(.013) (.01) (.015)

Transferred -.008 .259 -.28 408(.017) (.152) (.158)

School FE? YControls? N

Notes: (1) The table shows the differential effect of the programby drop out (column 3). (2) * significant at 10%; ** significant at5%; *** significant at 1%. (3) Standard errors are clustered at theschool level.


DRAFTTable A.6: ITT effects on socio-emotional skills by drop out (2015)

(1) (2) (3) (4)PFE Drop. x Drop. N

Self-beliefs about academics .743 .176 4.29 366(.553) (1.287) (2.524)

Self-beliefs - Performance .718* .585 -.823 366(.383) (1.552) (2.258)

Self-beliefs - Self-efficacy .026 -.409 5.114*** 366(.526) (.589) (1.206)

LASSI - Organization and planning .031 -3.269 1.876 366(.379) (2.6) (4.049)

LASSI - Motivation .376* -.317 2.935*** 366(.188) (.679) (.895)

GRIT-S .493 -.836 3.391*** 366(.411) (2.358) (.665)

GRIT-S - Consistency .015 -1.133 .939 366(.306) (1.518) (.804)

GRIT-S - Perseverance .479* .297 2.452*** 366(.218) (.895) (.528)

DSIS (self-control) .862 -2.093 1.376 366(.632) (3.076) (5.292)

LABS (organization skills) -.476 -2.29 -2.15 366(.409) (1.985) (2.761)

CARAS - Index of reflexivity .031 .162 -.259 360(.042) (.181) (.278)

School FE? YControls? N

Notes: (1) The table shows the differential effect of the program by dropout (column 3). (2) * significant at 10%; ** significant at 5%; *** significantat 1%. (3) Standard errors are clustered at the school level.


DRAFTTable A.7: ITT effects on socio-emotional skills by low SES (2015)

(1) (2) (3) (4)PFE Poor x Poor N

Self-beliefs about academics .406 .223 1.642 366(.942) (1.221) (2.683)

Self-beliefs - Performance .296 .344 1.54 366(.594) (.536) (1.05)

Self-beliefs - Self-efficacy .11 -.121 .103 366(.644) (1.032) (1.994)

LASSI - Organization and planning -.803* -.428 3.301*** 366(.42) (.68) (.94)

LASSI - Motivation .319 .181 .546 366(.224) (.446) (.691)

GRIT-S -.108 -.59 2.291* 366(.387) (.638) (1.059)

GRIT-S - Consistency -.11 -.054 .61 366(.288) (.302) (.405)

GRIT-S - Perseverance .002 -.536 1.681** 366(.252) (.451) (.726)

DSIS (self-control) .119 -.534 2.777* 366(.66) (.989) (1.453)

LABS (organization skills) -.878* -.986 1.101 366(.427) (.63) (1.124)

CARAS - Index of reflexivity .015 .125 .074 360(.026) (.094) (.147)

School FE? YControls? N

Notes: (1) The table shows the differential effect of the program by low SES(column 3). (2) * significant at 10%; ** significant at 5%; *** significantat 1%. (3) Standard errors are clustered at the school level.


DRAFTTable A.8: ITT effects on school navigation skills by drop out (2015)

(1) (2) (3) (4)PFE Drop. x Drop. N

Negative school habits -.025 -.053 -.38 366(.102) (.148) (.413)

Reaching out to others -.232** -.874 1.78*** 366(.078) (.489) (.443)

Proactive school behavior .064 -.89** 1.193*** 366(.157) (.29) (.358)

Preventive homework behavior .187 -.767* 1.072 366(.11) (.379) (.646)

Corrective homework behavior .165* -.793** .785 366(.085) (.348) (.657)

Preventive test behavior .165** -.81** .872** 366(.072) (.344) (.337)

Corrective test behavior .187** -.74* .484 366(.082) (.375) (.672)

Corrective failing behavior .236** -.545 .465 366(.082) (.333) (.813)

Corrective flunking behavior .094 -.601* .424 366(.082) (.27) (.69)

Preventive absenteeism behavior .13 -1.096*** .926 366(.102) (.24) (.653)

Corrective absenteeism behavior .216* -.939*** .614 366(.098) (.26) (.573)

Corrective free period behavior .208* -.749* 1.199 366(.101) (.334) (.682)

School FE? YControls? N

Notes: (1) The table shows the differential effect of the program by dropout (column 3). (2) * significant at 10%; ** significant at 5%; *** significantat 1%. (3) Standard errors are clustered at the school level.


DRAFTTable A.9: ITT effects on school navigation skills by low SES (2015)

(1) (2) (3) (4)PFE Poor x Poor N

Negative school habits .094 .115 -.411** 366(.102) (.149) (.136)

Reaching out to others -.119 .12 -.136 366(.078) (.147) (.165)

Proactive school behavior .132 -.039 -.083 366(.15) (.169) (.184)

Preventive homework behavior .131 -.26 .258 366(.135) (.158) (.156)

Corrective homework behavior .295** .085 -.299** 366(.098) (.116) (.116)

Preventive test behavior .248** .092 -.115 366(.108) (.086) (.171)

Corrective test behavior .263** -.078 -.197 366(.091) (.098) (.145)

Corrective failing behavior .309*** -.07 -.203 366(.095) (.122) (.247)

Corrective flunking behavior .133 -.064 -.076 366(.123) (.164) (.198)

Preventive absenteeism behavior .15 .006 .106 366(.123) (.069) (.218)

Corrective absenteeism behavior .314** .048 -.198 366(.106) (.1) (.219)

Corrective free period behavior .204 -.038 .165 366(.128) (.184) (.322)

School FE? YControls? N

Notes: (1) The table shows the differential effect of the program bylow SES (column 3). (2) * significant at 10%; ** significant at 5%; ***significant at 1%. (3) Standard errors are clustered at the school level.


DRAFTAppendix B

B.1 Self-Beliefs about Academics

The survey of self-beliefs about academics asks students to report the extent to which

they agree with 14 statements about themselves using a scale that ranges from 1

(“totally disagree”) to 5 (“totally agree”). A confirmatory factor analysis indicates

that it measures two distinct types of self-beliefs: those about performance (e.g., “I

think I will get good grades this year”) and about self-efficacy (e.g., “I am capable of

doing school assignments well, even if they are difficult”). The survey was developed

by a team of Argentine psychologists at the University of Buenos Aires (UBA), and

it had already administered to secondary school students in the PBA (Schmidt et al.

2008). Additionally, FC had also administered it to a panel of PFE participants on

a previous study (Pais et al. 2013).

B.2 Learning and Study Strategies Inventory

The Learning and Study Strategies Inventory (LASSI) asks students to report the

extent to which how frequently they find themselves in 10 different situations, from

1 (“Never”) to 5 (“Always”). According to a factor analysis, seven of these situations

measure students’ organization and planning skills (e.g., “I have trouble putting

together a study plan and sticking to it”) and three measure their motivation (e.g.,

“I try hard to get good grades, even in subjects that I do not like”). This inventory

was developed by psychologists at the University of Texas at Austin (Weinstein and

Palmer 1988) and it was later adjusted for and administered to Argentine teenagers


DRAFTand adults by psychologists at the UBA (Fernandez Liporace and Casullo 2009). It

had also been administered to PFE participants (Pais et al. 2013).

B.3 Short Grit Scale

The Short Grit Scale (GRIT-S) consists of eight questions that ask students how

frequently they find themselves in a given situation, from 1 (“Almost never”) to 5

(“At least once a day”). According to prior factor analyses, four items in this survey

measure students’ consistency (e.g., “I forget some of the things I need for school”)

and three measure students’ perseverance (e.g., “I interrupt others while they are

speaking”). It was developed by psychologist Angela Duckworth at the University of

Pennsylvania (UPenn) (Duckworth and Quinn 2009). To our knowledge, this is the

first time that this survey has been administered in Argentina.

B.4 Domain-Specific Impulsivity Scale for Children

The Domain-Specific Impulsivity Scale for Children (DSISC) describes eight traits

or situations to students (e.g., “I am very diligent” or “I have been obsessed with an

idea or project for a short period of time, but I later lost interest”) and asks them

to indicate whether these descriptions match them, from 1 (“Not at all like me”) to

5 (“Very much like me”). It was developed by a team of psychologists at UPenn

(Tsukayama et al. 2013) and it has previously been administered in Argentina (Pais




The LABS assessment asks students to make their way out of 10 increasingly difficult

labyrinths without lifting their pencil. Each student’s score is determined based on

the number of mistakes he or she made (i.e., “dead ends” in the labyrinth that they

encountered while trying to solve it) as well as the number of labyrinths he or she

solved. This assessment was developed by psychologist David Wechsler (Wechsler

1994), and it has previously been administered in Argentina (Arán-Filipetti 2012;

Arán-Filipetti and López 2013; Arán-Filipetti and Richaud de Minzi 2011; Cayssials

2003; Martos Mula et al. 2013; Soprano 2003).


The CARAS assessment shows students many sets of three smileys and asks them to

cross out the smiley that is not like the others. For each student, the metric of interest

is the “reflexivity index”: the number of net correct answers (correct minus incorrect

answers) over the number of incorrect answers. This assessment was developed by

an American and a Spanish psychologists (Thurstone and Yela 2001) and it has

previously been administered in Argentina (Arán-Filipetti 2012; Arán-Filipetti and

López 2013; Arán-Filipetti and Richaud de Minzi 2011).


DRAFTAppendix C

C.1 Reading test

The reading test assessed students’ capacity to extract information from, interpret,

and reflect on texts. It asked students to: locate information in the text, understand

the relationship between two parts of a text, identify the main idea of a text, or

interpret the meaning of words from context. It featured different types of texts: a

historical passage, a descriptive passage, a poem, two movie reviews, and an excerpt

from a fiction book. It included 30 multiple choice questions: nine questions of low

difficulty, 12 questions of medium difficulty, and nine questions of high difficulty. The

specifications table is available from the authors upon request.

C.2 Math test

The math test assessed students’ capacity to identify mathematical concepts, under-

stand and utilize symbolic math, perform calculations using various strategies, and

solve mathematical and applied problems. It featured a different topics, including:

number properties, equations, probability, measurement, trigonometry, and statis-

tics. It included 30 multiple choice questions: eight questions of low difficulty, 12

questions of medium difficulty, and 10 questions of high difficulty. The specifications

table is available from the authors upon request.


DRAFTAppendix D

D.1 Negative school habits

This index indicates how frequently students have: (a) incorrectly noted the date of

an exam; (b) incorrectly noted the duedate of a homework assignment; (c) forgot to

do their homework; (d) forgot to study for an exam; (e) forgot a folder for a subject;

(f) been told off for speaking during class; (g) fought with a peer at school; (h) been

mocked by a peer; (i) been hit by a peer; (j) misunderstood something taught in

class; (k) failed a test; (l) failed a term; (m) failed a subject. The score for each item

ranges from 1 (“Never”) to 5 (“Everyday”). The score for the index ranges from 13

to 65.

D.2 Reaching out to others

This index indicates whether students have reached out to others about any of the

problems in the “Negative school habits” index. The options include: (a) the prin-

cipal; (b) teachers; (c) the preceptor (disciplinarian); (d) peers; (e) psicopedagogo

(school counselor); (f) secretaries; (g) alumni. The score for each item ranges from

0 (if a student did not reach out to anyone about a problem) to 7 (if the student

reached out to everyone in this list about the problem). The score for the index

ranges from 0 to 91.


DRAFTD.3 Proactive school behavior

This index indicates whether students did any of the following when they did not

understand something in class: (a) asked their teacher to explain a topic again; (b)

asked someone in their family to explain it; (c) asked help from a peer; (d) consulted

a book/Internet on the topic; (e) sought a private tutor; or (f) sought after-school

support. The score for each item is a dummy that equals 0 if the student did not do

something and 1 if he/she did. The score for the index ranges from 0 to 6.

D.4 Preventive homework behavior

This index measures how frequently students have taken certain steps before turning

in their homework, including: (a) starting to do it more than one day before it was

due; (b) getting together with a classmate to do it; (c) asking the teacher clarifying

questions about it; (d) asking the teacher about the resources that could be used to

do it (e.g., textbooks, calculators); (e) checking with the teacher if answers were “on

the right track” before turning it in; (f) checking with the teacher if a given answer

was correct; or (g) checking answers with a classmate. The score for each item is a

dummy that equals 0 if the student did not do something and 1 if he/she did. The

score for the index ranges from 0 to 7.

D.5 Corrective homework behavior

This index measures how frequently students have taken certain steps after receiving

their graded homework, including: (a) asking the teacher why some answers were


DRAFTincorrect; (b) asking the teacher to explain a topic again; (c) asking the teacher to

give more credit for correct answers; (d) asking a relative to explain a related topic;

(e) checking answers with a classmate; (f) attending a session with an academic

tutor; or (g) attending after-school lessons. The score for each item is a dummy that

equals 0 if the student did not do something and 1 if he/she did. The score for the

index ranges from 0 to 7.

D.6 Preventive test behavior

This index measures how frequently students have taken certain steps before taking

a test, including: (a) starting to study more than one day in advance; (b) getting to-

gether with a classmate to study; (c) asking a relative for help studying; (d) checking

the folder to see which topics will be included in the test; (e) checking a textbook

to see which topics will be included in the test; (f) asking the teacher about difficult

topics; (g) attending a session with an academic tutor; or (h) attending after-school

lessons. The score for each item is a dummy that equals 0 if the student did not do

something and 1 if he/she did. The score for the index ranges from 0 to 8.

D.7 Corrective test behavior

This index measures how frequently students have taken certain steps after receiving

their graded test, including: (a) asking the teacher why some answers were incorrect;

(b) asking the teacher to explain a topic again; (c) asking the teacher to give more

credit for correct answers; (d) asking the teacher for opportunities to make up a low

grade; (e) asking a relative to explain a related topic; (f) asking a classmate for help


DRAFT(e.g., looking at their folder); (g) attending a session with an academic tutor; or (h)

attending after-school lessons. The score for each item is a dummy that equals 0 if

the student did not do something and 1 if he/she did. The score for the index ranges

from 0 to 8.

D.8 Corrective failing behavior

This index measures how frequently students have taken certain steps after failing a

subject on a given term, including: (a) asking the teacher to explain a topic again;

(b) asking the teacher to consider granting a pass based on performance on specific

lessons or projects; (c) asking the teacher for opportunities to make up the low

grade; (d) asking a relative to explain a related topic; (e) asking a classmate for help

(e.g., looking at their folder); (f) attending a session with an academic tutor; or (g)

attending after-school lessons. The score for each item is a dummy that equals 0 if

the student did not do something and 1 if he/she did. The score for the index ranges

from 0 to 8.

D.9 Corrective flunking behavior

This index measures how frequently students have taken certain steps after failing a

subject on a given year, including: (a) asking the teacher to explain a topic again;

(b) asking the teacher to consider granting a pass based on performance on specific

lessons or projects; (c) asking the teacher for opportunities to make up the low grade;

(d) asking a relative to explain a related topic; (e) asking the teacher which topics

will be covered in the December/March exam; (f) asking the teacher which types


DRAFTof questions will be included in the December/March exam; (g) asking the teacher

which teachers will be present in the December/March exam; (h) asking the teacher

for the date of the December/March exam; (i) attending a session with an academic

tutor; or (j) attending after-school lessons. The score for each item is a dummy that

equals 0 if the student did not do something and 1 if he/she did. The score for the

index ranges from 0 to 11.

D.10 Preventive absenteeism behavior

This index measures how frequently students have taken certain steps after missing

a schoolday but before returning to school, including: (a) asking a classmate what

was covered in class; (b) catching up on reading done in class; (c) asking a classmate

for the homework assigned in class; or (d) asking a classmate for his/her folder to

copy what was done in class. The score for each item is a dummy that equals 0 if

the student did not do something and 1 if he/she did. The score for the index ranges

from 0 to 4.

D.11 Corrective absenteeism behavior

This index measures how frequently students have taken certain steps after missing

a schoolday once they returned to school, including: (a) asking a classmate what was

covered in class; (b) asking the teacher what was covered in class; (c) catching up on

reading done in class; (d) asking a classmate for the homework assigned in class; or

(e) asking a classmate for his/her folder to copy what was done in class. The score

for each item is a dummy that equals 0 if the student did not do something and 1 if


DRAFThe/she did. The score for the index ranges from 0 to 5.

D.12 Corrective free period behavior

This index measures how frequently students have taken certain steps the last time

they had a free period in school, including: (a) doing homework; (b) studying for

a test; (c) read for a class; (d) talked to a friend (reverse-coded); or (e) went home

(reverse-coded). The score for each item is a dummy that equals 0 if the student did

not do something and 1 if he/she did. The score for the index ranges from 0 to 5.


(PDF) Hard Cash and Soft Skills: Experimental Evidence on Combining - PDFSLIDE.NET (2025)
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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

Birthday: 1996-05-19

Address: Apt. 114 873 White Lodge, Libbyfurt, CA 93006

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Hobby: Blacksmithing, Urban exploration, Sudoku, Slacklining, Creative writing, Community, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Merrill Bechtelar CPA, I am a clean, agreeable, glorious, magnificent, witty, enchanting, comfortable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.