The Springfield Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

N. THE SPHINGFIELD UNION: SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 9. 1919 Only Readers Who Mean Business Will Read the Wants and Offers Here Today -R EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT FINANCIAL INSTRUCTION Help Wanted- -Women 32 Help Wanted- -Men 33 Salesmen and Agents Business Opportunities 38 Musical, Dancing, Dramatic 14 NOT SEA middle-aged, -Competent, fu- I salesmen or hug- ROOMING HOUSE 01 27 rooms, central VIOLIN- instruction. 23 I woman, unattached, one especially adapt- miliar with the vast and door business ineR8 melt to act 89 local representatives location.

all rented, heat, bot wa- St. Tel. River 1A ed to caring for references ru- and one who (AU assist In buying and of Commonwealth Club; requests for in- ter: also ulu uf 12 fine residenquiret. 241 North St. Pi deral m.inaging ot 8 relail coucern.

forination from prominent people will be tial locality, heat, always rent- P'rivate Schools and Instruction 43 HOUSED or woman for gen- lox J20, U'nion a references furnished, must together be with submitted: introductions: generous cel; both vi B. these b. can Greene, bu 261 bought Main at Nt. MALL'S BARBER SCHOOLS. 814 Washoral work: good home.

W. need few bright, will- commission and bonus on sale of shares. Tel. Walnut 1610. or River 4200-1.

ingtoil Boston, Competent girl for gener- shin of forceful judging others representatives; from past those experi- Cap Write to Suite S02, Commonwealth Hotel wanted board, rullroad ticket furuished by al Work. R. returns are abundant, after a Construction Corporation, 18'L. 41st pine. W.

to cut big lot or white Co-operative get particiulars. for general work. 819 ence: short period of study advancement ay- NAw York. Zaheck. Ludlow, Mags.

-Given experienced tearber South Alain At sured should you Incasure up within 3 SALESMEN wanted. 10 live salesmen to surge, SPLENDID well rooming furnished house rooms: proposition. to backward pupils: grades 1-VI inclu- LOL AN for light work, NO montha, Addreas lox 4T. ('nion office. sell vacuum cleaners.

Apply tion for particulars and sue A. sive. 109. ideal loc- Max laundry or heat, cooking. li.

high-grade, to handle our bridge St. ant StraIns Square, Mon- Taylor, 271 Main Room 301. Tel. D. TilE MACHUFFIE SCHOOL- and Woman wanted, line in N.

to the jobbing and large day 8, m. at 8 o'clock. Dir. Brown. 15.

boarding school one for year girls; intensive country house- day North Mail fourth door, to tail trade; have -class present merchandise; daily sell our special SPOT CASI for stores, merchandise fix- craft course, with diploma; second Airs. must school plan; hair Heagy. tions, lava An attractive advertising, service recognized by every tures, any where, any time. J. Carter, opens Feb.

17: principals at school daily. work; no washing: who can cook; want to connect with responsible parties rivan. Landdeld Kupfer, 727 N. Dear- STORE -Neat and grocery sture, firstHOUSEWORK Wanted. girl for house- the merchant; ummlezion proposition basis: for merchant: 110 competition; 51 par cent.

Massasoit Springueld, Mass. 182 Central City. we commission: territory sales managership references. Tel. Wanted, River 4109.

only thataro NOW doing business and horn. Chicago, will class RAIL rash business, $1500 to $1800 week; LIVE STOCK woman for gener- have established trade. Write. to The on account of other business. Elliott.

ork. Union St. Tel. family R. of 6213-J.

2. Mrs. American Match Company, Worcester, onced, city or -Inexperienced traveling: write or for list eXpert- of Box 789, Union office. Dogs, l'ets 47 Mass. openings and full particulars, Address STORE- -Wanted, A xeneral country store ORE -Young girl to assist with SALESMEN--I want to' interview two Natl.

Salesmen's Tr. Dept. in a railroad town. P'. 0.

Box 14, Granville BELGIANS- Fine lot low price, or housework. 37 Veroleat Long- men who can make good in a gules or- Chicago, Ill. Center, Mass. would trade for laying hous. Miner, meadow.

ganization where ordinary results mean cigar and fruit store at Commonwealth Ave. HOUSEWORK -Experienced girl for A gen- 06000 to $10,000 per year; they must be lev STICK Plantation SALESMEN company wanted; stock, Necheg con- Val- 135 Bridge Nt. For sale female canary birds. 330 eral work: required. Apply real men of character, force and carnest- servatively estimated to pay 100 per have to invest in AL business: in Tel.

WV. 2171. Jirs. A. I'.

llowes, Mrs. M. Belmont Ave. ness, who ran prove fitness for associa- cent. dividends; safe and answering kindly state nature of busi- Park W'.

a Peli for hours' worK A tion with business of high quality and bling chances: particulars on request. Box 784. Union Office. DOSTON TERRIERS- for sale, perday: brand new hosiery proposition that absolute integrity; to the man I need an Howth Williams, Beaumont. Tex.

FINANCIAL- wish to meet Anancial lect in every way. Stanl canela, 83 brats them all; fur terms mud tree Immediate income ig assured and prompt STOCK SALESMEN -Financial house has man who Would like to help form Grove Ft. it you mean busineas. Guaran- certain: this is a genuine managerial offer of position real 15 opening for diva $1000 per month stock company or invest $150,000 itt the fluest CANARIES--For sale, canaries, singers advancement to teed Hosiery 213 Cottou Day. opportunity and should appeal to this salesmen to follow up live leads which pulp wood limit in New Foundland.

00 and females. 17 Sherman at. 0144-J. ton, bust salesmen in Springfield. Call at Itoout cost 118 from $10 to $15 apiece in small miles square with over 2,000.000 oorde CATS- Studs for service; cats to board.

00 general Third National Bank between towns: strong selling issue; have active of pulp wood, on the seushore with River 1071. River 4904-W. 10 1. and 12 1001. indorsem*nt of many prominent men: 45 power of 28.000 h.

many a thousand water- COLLIE PUPS--Male, 909 Chestriver. the limit withi MOTHER HELPER- -Girl. 16 or 17. to at once. 519 Main to 30 continually: when excellent salesman references starts, more rA.

fret of construction lumber: best location nut cor. Jenks, brightwood. chidren, Box good Union Office, Indian Orchard. quired. Ad.iress Sales Manager, 2902 Chi- for Kuropean or local export: pulp can for sale, weeky old.

Inhome rather high SORTERS wauted in tobacco warchouse, rago Chicago, 111. ho manufartured there and ship raw only. quire Mrs. Cummings, 72 Washburn St. So, needed for us on auto knitters; sorters, sizers, lierg, experienced.

King, WAR BOOKS- authentic, 402 North Main City. Raucourt. Aut. FOXHOUND PUT -Back and tall, PEACE WORK at war pay: knit urgently If interested write Mr. 3.

portence full particulars, State Line, thrilling. official illustrations, maps, UNION months old; 11 started and promising. stamp. 241, Auto Kultter $41 tAilor. Inquire 303 charts, diagraint, big book, big paid; profits, cred- every convenience, best location in city, D.

I. Eaton, Wilbraham. ST attractive room. Jefferson Buffalo, V. Y.

Belmont Ave. also life of Noosevelt: freight only minutes' walk -from Court Square, BULL Truly, A. lady with abil- tailor: aleady; best pay. it riven: WA give boat bank reference; married couple; will let to one two 1: C. vigorvu4 young ity to charge of reception room, 94 Oakland St Tel.

Walnut 147 outfit free. C. Barnum Chicago, respectable gentlemen, $3 br dug: sire of ginall dark brindit: puppies; steady position. Prel Dunne, 759 Blaln TREE -Don't be idle; sell 106 No. double.

Tol. River 0630-J. single, Lee 31v. 11. C.

Crain, 33 and shrubs; begin now fur apring WAR BOOKS-Half-million; most U. S. LATENT Tor Hale: indispensable de- Holyoke. HOUSEMORA -Woman for general work. devote part or Nursery full time; Rochester, supplies lion by Gen.

March, unique patriotic In- vice for every home. Box 100, Union Of- 1 POPPIES- Palmer, Freuch Mass. poodle, Tel. 6-M. males.

To wia piete and authentic war book, introducgood pay. call any t'me after a p. m. H. free.

Y. Guaranty Bert for soldier's photograph and mili- lice. Farm, Bryant. Orange St. record: thousands of books ready WILL LEASE space in the leading hair SPECIAL sale Saturday 10011 114 zeatake laundry hotte.

-In all branches of the for shipment: also Roosevelt dressing parlors in aL Connecticut city, lands, gray and black and giants; best 11 this our Inion Of. man. Lox 96S. I'nion Office. book: riven: special outfit free.

terms; It. J. paid; Baldwin 000: well will rent 1 booth drawing for enchi population branch. Section; will book it few does. Springfield trade, steady Work guaranteed for right credit giant, the large.

WOMAN--anted. 3 or middle aged automobile sales- Rockefeller Cleveland. 0. Box 779. Union Office.

Rabbitry, 123 Marion St. of nont business ability man: pone who cannot show best ref- WOULD like 10 hear from man or raland 10 mercant.o form partnership with in returned light soldier attractive of prences And earn $250 a month, or bet- Situations Wanted -Women 36 FOR 10aker: SALI-Grocery, Tooining cigar houses; store, restaurant; money bit stud cat. Tel. 1-T. langmeadow.

Good family and good record: person with ter. neert apply. Box 177. Union Office. A ACCOUNTANT having extra time wishes mix.

plant: or exchange. Colon. 244 Main. RABBITS--For sale rabbits and hares, vitice experienco preferred. and who 4:31 YOUNG man with high school education work or small sets.

Box 101, $1.60 3 up. West Nite Rabbitry. R. nut in 1 ot cash. For Con- for good office position: must be willing Union office.

Investments, Stocks, Bonds 39 l. Chair, 29 Sprague West Springfidential address P. O. Box to learn business from start: only lite AMERIN LADY, competent, wants ROND8- Cash paid for Liberty Bonds. field.

wire need apply. lox I'nion OMice. work by the day. 17 Lillian St. Room 40.

216 Worthington St. RABBI good rabbita aur Sale, $1v. GIRD Wanted. about April 1, girl for YOUNG MAN wanted; gowi live young want- BONDS and War Savings Stamps- Call co James St. or 'Tel.

River be general work in ne booickorpor sparer And office: stoner- must man laving to learn Tech School electrical preferred: business, fine one ed by competent girl: temporary: ex- Day 293 cash Bridge for them. Hours, A. 9 m. to Morton Horses, Cattle, Vehicles CLERICAL and typewriting position 18 TADDer an able to furnish best mi ret- chance fur right man. Apply by letter 626 BONDS -AU issues of Liberty Bonds BAY horse, weight 1200, age Would perienced.

Wal. -W. a. p. 10.

A person having had less than to Box 44. U'nion Office. or all around War Saving Stamps bought for make -round farm horse, will sell COOK--Pastry cook. and Nears' rience need applications apply: salary con- DISCHARGED SOLDIERS--Can give a Blain 308. Staudard Bond Room 202, 289 Main low price.

14 Broad St. carl. 10 sturt, $20 a all few men an immediate connection in busi- DAY WORK -Washing and cleaning by fidential. Lock Box 007. Grannioid Mass.

carrying puss*bilitiea of good yearly the das. Walgh, 130 Union St. OpAD evenings. BAY HORSE Lur sale, weighs 1250. 10 ness LIBERTY BONDS- Bought for cash, uld, also good driving horse, WOMAN to assist with hows work.

going income: tollowing essen- by young colored Friend Jewelry 307 Weighs 1060, will sell cheap, 40 Mooreland home nights: no washing. Jox 102, Culon tial: must be widely acquainted in some girl 11 tearoom which does not require Main st. runs off Carew 8t. Mill. OTica.

Combunity within 00 miles of Springleld, Sunday work River LIBERTY and sold. 14 1 PK in Mast Tel. Springfield, River. dress. college men preferred; must have DIES MAKING by the day.

N. E. Brown, and lampden sta. Tel River Curuer 1152. good worker, bay horse, lubu, good must be well educated and of good ad- Room 302, Kelsey Building.

Main BLACK horse, a years old, 11v0 souml. 744 W. manufarturing plant, liking and respect of your home com- 529 State At. Iliver worker. $50: pony mare, safe for chiluren, For appointment, write R.

C. 1., Will go out by the day: PACKAGE MACHINERY second $40. See them, 20 Fremont At. WOMEN- for True submit your examination best Box 40. Inion Office.

price reasonable. Call Wol. Union Office, CATTLE for sale, dry, holsteins, ready stock, several shares wanted, Box And advice, not valuable booklet explaining CHAUFFEURS may register for positions for widower, no objection $1000 with 111 gond Koing busi- Lu come in any time, 1'. J'ersson, East our original methods for composing mu- at our free employment department, also to a child. 523 Main Room 308.

garage, machine business, real e4- sic. copvrighting and facilitating tree repairmen. TV A have calls continually for HOUSEKEEPING position by capable tate OT guy legitimate business; ref- for sale deW anileh cow. Dewey sent fren. Knickerbocker Stu- chaufours and repairmen and place American widow, reliable: prefer w1d- prences.

Box 73. Office. West Springfield. liver 091-W. dine Son Gaiety Rig Now Tori.

711 11 Tanorte without Auto any School, charge 94-96 or Broadway, obligation. oWer: references exchanged. BOx 122. sale, good and giving NOMEN -White photo-plays, Springfield: 3 Suffolk Holyoke. Union Office, Money to Loan 10 rich or will trade for pige.

A. paid anyone for suitable ideas: experi- for widower by Ameri- BANK MONEY to loan on busluess and Depot Longmeadow. ence unnecessary: complete outline free. Y. C.


can willow. Nox 74. Union Ofice. investment property; also for single and FARM HORSES--For sale, all around, Write Producers 173. St.

Lonis. Exp. nickel foreman. HOUSEKEEPER for rooming house or in houses. IT.

Cooley, Third 2 are Canadian low down chunks; they are Help Wanted Men 33 Cabinet maker on furniture work. small Office, family of 3 or 3. Box 19. Union FIRST National Hank Ridg, River 1673. has used right to if all taken kinds at of once.

hard Call work: Harm, will rear Fell plater as ASSEMBLERS-4 nonunion machine as- toolmaker wood on pattern dies. maker. in widower's family Or plenty of money to loan on first party inort- 15 Wilcox tiny. Third Na''onal O. lathe country operator, bar work.

of on 10: farm, best by woman references. of 30 Box years. ST. with Union girl first letter. Address Box 31.

Union duinpcart. mowing anachine and rake. semblers: wanted. Apply, at Room AL chat in hotel. FaRos Up 10 $5000: give full particulars this month, yearlings, At wanted for local vaude- men with farming experience.

Office. OTice. Chas. Granger, Jfass, rille show. Box gl.

office. Man a8 Hoorman, garage. HOUSEWORK by competent girl by the LIBERTY mortgugey, stock. MORE--Wanted to match up with sound HARDER wanted: steady position. 433 optician on bench work.

dav. Box $9, Union Office. equities cashed. 14 larrison Roorn 6. black 6 years old horse Weighing 1 1304 State St.

orderly and 4 attendants ENTRANCe. LAUNDRY work to take home: best ref- MONEY on watches 'and diamonda; pounds. J. Gustafson, Fooding BOY be: ween 16 And experi- PULL LIST HILLMAN ST. Box 612.

Union Office. monds for sula at broker's prices. 436 Tel. River 7143-k. ence unneressary: $5 per r.

ek. board Help -Men or Women 31 LAUNDRY -Small washings to do, neat, Main St. W. H. Jordan.

River Black mare, weighs about 1100 Call after 6 Kunwi Ad reliable. Box 124. Union Office. you want to buy, build or pounds: gond worker and driving. Call BUSHELMAN steady j.

b. TI. COUPLE housework, woman for Cook butler And and chamber- general To take home, first -class borrow on real estate or good collateral, Nouth Meadow End St. Bridge. Agawam, third house from Laramey.

Palmer. Mass. maid, in small family. Country, laundress. 1.

F. Spears, Hubbard Are. call River 4016. CANDY -Export on rota ern location. I'.

Box 1008, Spring- NURSE -To assist in sickness. from 6 tu Wanted- To Borrow in every way, 2 Weighs wagons. 1200. 1 sleigh, 105.. single sound 110 aporialiy man need apply: mood HAI- held.

Muss. 8 hours a dav, or all night. Tol W. 2404-1. 300 10 $600 wanted luan of, give harness, blankets and contenta of barn; exrelient working conditions.

Bux TEA 'HERS at my expense may compare care of children must sell. 1, S. Stahl, 45 Grove St. 767, Union Office. their chances with those I oNer.

Ameri- competent lady: city Hox Nor bonus and I'nion first cliss security. Address R. on finishing CANVASSER- chandelier. 11 bods. this city.

autumo- re cAn Teachers' Agency, Myrick Bldg. 127. Union $5000 pl. will give 590 bonus. HORSES--For sale, 12 horses.

S. E. Perv, biles. by new moth $10 dally without I helper, WANTED more young outside than woman inside and work. gracral on NURSE- Practical.

desires position in wan- A. Pierce. 21 St. Huntington, Mass. capital or exputi.

11: Frito Gunn etal farin. or married man and wife, with or office. atorium or private family. Box 971, Union ness, HORSES--1 cordwood pair wagon. draft horses, Hirer 0269, double or cull CANVASSER -Want d.

bright young ton. without DOX 969, fannly; 7 miles ofice. front Easthamp- of invalida or maternity 196 Stain Went take Springdold. notice; sale, PI INSTRUCTION to take ord. for rticle needed Walnut 1973-W.

489 State Ht. Correspondence Courses HORSES- -Farmers fur in every 10 Salesmen and Agents 33 aramnstresa 30 Government horses. 20; in pairs weighnev. Box 113. ladies' garments, cloaks, etc.

Box 21. Bremen, monthly, ing from 2:00 to 2600 and single AGENTS riy triumphant, world's war I'nion office. experience sary: must atudy easy, from 1030 to 1400 ages from to CARPENTER WA a few days. Bo: illustrated; also Roosevelt Pictorial instruction. Hallway Associa- 10 years: all are sound and right out of 96.

Loion Omic demand big profits, GOOD LAUNDRY- electricity; take tioa, Box 946. Union Onice. hard Government use: come and 300 CARPENTERS nonun.on carpenters. outti: free. National Publishers (establish- waShings 11 Hubbard 1st TOTERNMENT railway mall cork exam- theme it you want any kind of A horse, Apply Third National Band 4 Lakeside Chicago.

Harris. tuation (males and females) March 15: AM We bare them to suit every man'a Bide. AGENT who his regular trade custoniers darning and tending: ex- we also stand back of CHAUFFEURS to work with rigging crew to take 14 food product to house Rox 120. Onion ORice. full completo preparation only $10 all guarantees.

147 Summer 5 Itinor by our expert. former examand drive tru: only sir t1y sober man wry P. O. Pox 1074. WANTED--Steady work of any kind.

Rosy Iner: enroll today or write for free utes walk from depot, or take Worthneed apple. Rigging llar- AGENTS- per tlay paid one 74 Ferry Si. ticulara. "R30," Patterson Civil Service ineton St. car and get off al Autumn rison Ave.

santative In each town tor kind of work School. N. Y. 1 HORSES--Thursday morning, Feb. 6.

will CHAUFFEURS--A license gets you 3 job and tale orlara for concentrat- or 12 Government have 17 head of horses to sell: they are Wanted, by ELf. l'ynchon for driving leg- ed Navoring in tubes; nosition. hour day. Iolyoke St. month.

right off 5 Job, good ages and in nice 5099 arj lawS. 17. Barr Lowell permanent tions, men- vacations, Women. $80 to condition; ranging weight from 1140 -epalrine Chicago. Wanted -Men 37 paid short hours, pleasant and 1200 to 1300: wish to sell at once: about 59 of stat.

previous hitie article, something 11A4 family, will do other work. Joseph Robi- write Immediately for list positions DOW owner at barn to show tham. 25 StockCLERK--Man for laht a work. cent. profit, wonderf wants position in private work.

common education sufficient: 10 at $73 a head. rest $100: foreman or experience and give references. P. O. Ho carry right in pocket: write at eheau, 199 Endeld Thompsonville, 146-M obtainable.

Franklin N. Y. Institute, Dept bridge near Main. 1 street below 1121, Spr.ref fur 107 free ran.ple. Alber: Cincinnati.

Mills, Gen'l 0. Conn. positions; instruction for MANURE- stable manure. Frank Rochester. CLERICS--Railway wanted.

18 CHEF -Position by experienced all round examinations, salary $1400 to $2000: Briggs, West Suffield, Conn. Tel. 54-12. to start. 35 pronation of to $2000: $1104 Springleld quirk-celling You household seen our full line His- of chef.

lintel or restaurant, in elty or particulars free. American Civil Sery- OINO -30 just amination: March For further infor. World War apecialties? March out of town. R. R.

301 Main St. ice School, Washington, 1. hert we coubl And, range in weight from arrived, the very mation, try too by tien. CLERK OT manager in grocery store by 1200 to 1700, some extra fancy farm Nervi Sobool, Main 8:. TIt- 1.

Roosevelt by Pr, Lewis: come Dan nt experience. 6. Webster. 104 examinations, Springfold, March than pairs; we you can have show seen you in more any good stable horses in Or Springfield Givii ady for delivery: orders filled for GOVERNMENT will hold Railway Mali Fri Dining and 014 tall: it over. Mfg.

Spring St. Tel. River 7873-M. 16, $92 month, experience unnecessary: Conn. Valley, it you haven't seen a horse 00: Worth ago St.

Worthington St. COLLE wanted by man inen 18 or over desiring clerkships write good enough to suit you come and look rl, at best salter, California for part of time. Box 90. Union Office. for free particulars, J.

IA Leonard, (for. this lot over; all sold on written guaralwork condit' and good TY: going like now hut cakes, hustlers DRAFTSMAN- -Estimator, inspertor. care tier Civil Service Examiner), 1152 Kenois tee. 0. 43 Fort Cumpany, Fino Irola, Los fice real wurk.

estate, lox Union Office. whole, half or quarter: get our catalog. nf accountant or general of- Washington. MACHINISTS And shop inen, big city garbage fail Gilbert, 40 Homer St, zine to work in FIREMAN Position an first-class freman, open for those who understand drawings Nurseryman and Florist. when applying stat.

history a War World's for War, Human- 600 of references, Walnut 2404-1. of money: manhinery, know steel blueplint work, plans; earn learn more A double and single. Apply pected, experience. and nA. pares, with 100 magnificent JOB PRESSMAN with 23 years' experi- hom*o in your spare time by net, easy at 101 Lyman St.

Address ('hict netriy c*nta $1: pic- enca wants position. Box 101, Union Office, Corporation. Now Jou SODIA JOB to hew ting or to cut lumber at method; trial lesson and blue print NOW Chester Dory, 127 white, good breeding. InENGINEER--Wanted, endi- the book the people $20 want: per orders day; filled sell once. Box I'nion vitice.

Chicago Chicago. Ill. making over zend today. Chicago Technical College, quire Arawam. neer; mugt understand refrigerat on an promptly: credit if desired; freight pald: and male boston, 10 furnish best of reference.

Dura 4., also "Life of Roosevelt." enne LUMBER IGN AND WOMEN- Springield railway months old. trimmed ears. tight screw Office. both free to workers. tipo.

ty. estimator. Box 120, Union clerk examination Mareit 16, $1100, tall. dark seal brindle, of white death of markings: class, setter up on free particulars. Amerivan Institute, must Walnut Roll on account owner.

Northern Clowa Philauelphia. or Chi- Gridley machines, Anglo spindle ure- Dent. R-31, Rochester. N. Y.

Digs; over state 21. experience unincumbered. if any. Address interested in great address nonrest office. ferred, or in automobile factory: refer- AY- -Wanted, a luan succeeds in 19 rage, not buy a jersey 87v.

Union Office BOORS- sellers. "Life of ences. Docash, 125 Greene City, the work ha likes: if you would like A re- COW have the best milk at one half body volt," History of memorial the World edition, and big "Complet- Care Jiddle. sponsibi- to rallwa; travel and position, advance, one that starting the. price.

A. M. Walker. Monson. Mass.

also A varnish Ni. Dunn bealz3, beautifully Illustrated: millions 45; Position wanted, or at ablea $110 you nonth and no age FOR SALE- of Worthy Boy, the no to 44 Patton families waiting for these books: assistant superintendent. general or de- write for booklet 14. Standard heat headed boston terrier in Western Mare, 820 to $50 per day CAN be made. you dartment foreman; 13 years' experience limit.

Husiness Training Ingtitute, Buffalo, N. Y. and winner every time GAGE get eirod; outfits And freight both paid, credit it de- with married men Bor and 46, Union manufacturing: Office. American, RAILWAY MAIL clerk examinations, shown; Prince. Worthy Worthy Nor je the Cash sire Boy.

Worthy Worthy Jig and fixture serrice men only, baNI for cents, Geo. G. Clows pre- WORK ut auy kind, prefer ga- March 15, InteR and A particulars Star, and numerous others: all are bite of books sent Apply Conn. ale Labor Bureau, Philadelphia, Pa. Rex S6, Union Office.

frec. American Civil Nervice School, ribbon winners. Worthy Kennels, rear 81 Court Huts Washington, Jilliot Springfield, wanted. GISHOLT Apply at OPERATORS-4 Room nonunion Third men Na- buretor for Ford cars, almple, not a car- years' experience. Box 693.

Union office. RAILWAY S. CARBURETOR SALESMEN -New looking for position; 10 tonal Dank Hide ing part. Installed in 30 minutes, guar- TRANSPORTATION MAN--Experienced. dreds railway mail eterka, men-women.

wants hun- Poultry and Supplies -19 JANITOR anterd to doable your mileage and start open for position March qualified to $1100 year; Springfiel examinationa BREEDING STOCK--For sale. 1 rice W. mont. Apply 15 Congress 21 floor. priming: 15-day free trial; our St.

Louis take charge of or assistant. Al- immediately. Franklin Institute, Dupt. red Tooster. 107 Willlamn St.

for apt. block, to or tong- itt Zero weather without heating or Miss Afarch is: sample questions write 1, co*ckerel; nice co*ckerel; MAN wanted: we have permanent position niRn sold 1400 in months: Salt Lake Box 951, Union 362 M. Rochester, N. Y. dress Office.

TRICK DRIVER--Strong, with someone hatching J. IT. Bulman, Greenfield. and BUFF for man near hie own home at good pay. City man made $1200 one week.

Write Ir interested. write l'eguod Nurse L'. J. Carburetor 506 W. Jackson willing to pay gond waxes for Arst-class Local Instruction Classes .13 Conn.

Chicago. services. Box 121, Union Office. -A Bookkeeper to DENS for sale. k.

If. 43 1: to 36: experience unneces. KIRRE BROOMS cutwear 5 corn WORK of any kind wanted by yOung Auditor," with 100 par cent. Increase, Moseley West MAN--AgO wary: travel; make secret investigations, guaranteed one rear: agente Wanted: man with Ford delivery. Box Union cause ha studied; join now the CHICKEN COOP Tel.

for 15 nons. w'ell reports; expenses. American MAInpiA $1.25, postpaid, Keystone Vibra Office. Improvement dIrele under the leadership reasonable. River Foreign Agency, 422 St.

Louis. Broom 618 Duquesne Way 37, YOUNG MAN having years' experi- of a teacher -accountant. Box 17. Union B. R.

conkerela. $3 cach, fino birds. ral farm work: bure. Pa. ence as to veterinary surgeon, Offee.

Tel. 1-7. Nast Rood wagta, milk, garden. tenement and something new, Won- and 2 suminers on stock farm, wants sim- AUTOMOBILE INSTA the r. i.

rody for sale. River duel furnished. An modern tools. Hall derful pearl painting: of Honor'; llar position or would do teaming. Write automobile business; start today: we have 3739-31.

Tavern Shelburne Marg. nothing else like it: sells everywhere; Lox 19v. Union office. positions waiting: I given white dots. 167 MAN to sell trees, villes.

male 32 14 an hour. Culver Art wants position in ga- evenings and Sundays; all late model cars Allen St. Brown Brothers. Rocheater, N. rage: prences; strictly has chauffeur's temperate: license, Tol.

after used, large license up-to-date and repair position; shop: special we white starville. refMEN-Wanted. for lumber camps ROOSEVELT MEMORTAL. book, illustrat- 6 p. 311,.

River 5498-1. course guarantee $10; call or write for particulars. dot. (all 101 Longhill St. N.

Tr. and tr cont wages, Including ed, books world having war enormous history, sale: pictorial: thage Auto School, 25 Harrison co*ckERELS -Rose comb barred rock for beard: all expena in advance. We ship doing biggest business; get with our agents livest FINANCIAL Room Second Floor, sale. J. Bates.

15 York St. Tel. River every day from The Internatinnal Em- house: terma; outfits free. 1s. AUTO REPAIRING -New clays in auto- 1648-J.

ployment fo Main City. Phillips Publishing Chicago, 111., Business Opportunities 38 inobite repairing will start In our 31 co*ckERELS for sale or trate. vanconta of Vow York Philadelphia, Atlanta. Water, Garage Monday from ropairnien Are Gilbert, 40 Homer business house will be in Springfield next Leaver, Butte, Mont. Ad- CANDY FACTORY EQUIPMENT fur sale.

in big demand; driving 011 S-cylinder man and dorist. Tel. River 7859-W. week for purpose of a branch roarast office. Box U'nion office.

Cadillac: and license. Hinith manager: salesmanship ability and $3000 Bros. 521 State St. For sule, PEES for hatching. white cash necessary: give details of peat SALESMAN or agent in every town or COUNTRY STORES and mdse.

bought: let wrandota, Tel. H. 4963-M. perionce in reply, wbich wIll be hold city in Berkshire. Franklin, Tampshire 118 inaky an offer for your bneiness: we AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL -Day and even- DEN CABBAGE for sale.

1. W. t'artter, in strict your ansWer qual- and brand new Hainpden article of counties highest to demonstrate 721' buy and sell Sit. anything. Spod.

Jobbing ing our repair instruction course in is driving. must on thorough J'ackards; 4,11 972 Riverlale West Springfield. you, appointment will made in sumers and a pualtive to con- different models, and covers 1 De. INCUBATOR for sale, 01. Trusty incuvalue for Interview.

Address Lockbox advortiscuient Arnold automatic raver: damper STATION- In center of city; rind of 1 year, coming lit at your Con- hater. and Simplex nat sprouter. money many 19. 290 Wast 420 St. Now Yori: another column; apply Immediately, good proposition.

13, Union office. Veniencc; our evening lectures by orts Lawrence, 110 Bridge West Springwoodwork Mig. P. 0. lox $61, Spring- GROCERY STORE wanted.

minall; city or are alone worth the price of this course; field. Phone 6425. millwrights. Apply Roam 802. Third Na- fold.

Mars. Box Union fit yourself to vet and hold a good job; RHODE ISLAND REDS For sale. largo. tional Bank old house HAIRDRESSING BUSINESS- Locuted on send for booklet: single lessons $2. La- handsome rhode feland rel hand.

Bor Union Office. strated perienced uig oil ability salesman to secure who hAR accounts demon- by equipment: $730. The Ilanlun 310 charge tor registra- D. 1. Springfield.

Masa. Orchard wanted, for vacancies fu city an Alain St, well established trade, modern porte Auto School, 94-96 Broadway. co*ckerels for breeding. Pierce Cook. OPTICIAN-10 actionist and mechanical parsonal call.

mail. or from advertising Stain St. tion at our free employment office: men WHITE LEGHORNS- -co*ckerels and hatchoptician of state experience, ret- leads. ply by letter Lu Bux 2258, 10g- helped financially and other. wanted to learn the automobile business, ing 61 Sargeant St.

River 7181-M. and rv. Burdick Optical ton, MA Call llampden Toul and work. in our Big Garage for Store. Pittefell.

Vass. SALESM AN wanted. man of neat appear- Dwight 8t. weeks and learn 0T rout mud- Wanted -Live Stock 30 ORDER Experienced. Quality to book orders for our guaranteed $400: 14-room Packard, Cadillac and Ford Ambulance: CALVES and beer rattle, highest prices driving lessons on l'jore-Arrow, Lunch.

232 Dwight At. products that ATe in demand. no invest- lodging house, $000; others. W. 11.

we guarantee license and position: before paid. Cohen, 40 Morgan. River G544-M. PATTERN nonunion wood- territory Pullecting open in or delivering; Massachusetts, enme gond Francis. Bridge Hit.

taking Course call and inspect our and ponttry: highest enah anont, work pa'tern makers wanted. Apply at free to those who produce references outfit LODGING HOUSE-16 rooms, full, central; school and find out for yourself that wo price given. Tel. R. 4426-1.

James SingRoom 'Third National Bank Bldr. character: part tine applicants con- A9 $500: Own r. box 38. Union office. have the best-equipped Auto School in no.

0, 51. MARA, PAINTERS- Wanted, first automn- sidered. Heath Nurseries, Manchester, MOVING PICTURE THEATER -Seating Now lingland. Smith Bros. Auto School, HORSE wanted; must weigh 1300 and lin bi'e St.

painters. C. 1. Savage. 61 Frank- Conn.

capacity 200. now running: reason for 521 State St. sound. Box T'nion PHOTO-ENGRAVING FINISHER AI repregent RANT IN U8 in wanted, exclusive territory, 1112 11 sell- 10 must sell at once reasonable price. given to obtain a Apringfield En- 30, PUPS or write wanted.

3 tieorge fox terriers. Eberlein. 69 Tel. Main gelling, owner is buying larger theater. ENGINEER and fireman: instructions ability and experience: steady work and Ine TOSCA.

commig- Write Union hampton, gineering School, 41 Sharon St. Hatfield. Make. rood pay for the right man. Apply to dions weekly.

Brown Brothers Company, or Tel. Chic. 353-X. Employment Manager, Phelps Pub. Continental Nurseries, Rochester.

N. PATENT of "'The Golden Rod Patent Musical. Dancing. Dramatic S12. Mi rick Bide.

has wonderful curing power, DANCING- Learn dance at the Cooley MERCHANDISE union Juan to sales In got the best nursery a preventative of no RD24SALESMEN -We've take charro pressroom: An 2 lI $3 to $12 proposition day, agency Naw England, earn modic pains: used externally for sores. vate ballroom: lessons classes $1, or $5 starting for 6 Monday; lessons. Call pri- Articles for Sale 51 Inion hinderv: ONire cond shop conditions, Box 957. write for particulars today. got in on the cuts, for don't further answer by particulars.

letter, call Miss, La Mont, Cooley ASH CANS -Sheet steal Ach CANA, regulaequinment free: spring rush. Burr Nurseries, Manches- Portin. personally 244 Worcester Indian Orchard. Mrs. DANCING- May Quilty, classes.

pri- tion 8170 26x18 inches in diameter. F. S. RADIAT, DRILL operators. nonunion ter.

Conn. vate lessons. 121 State St. Tel. WV.

Costello, 1341 North St. Tel. Iliver 4997. men Apply Room Third SALESMEN -Wanted sales- I Dance Studio, 175 ASII CANS- Sheet steel ash TIN, $1, deBARM. National Bank men: experience unnecessary: liberal com- RETREADING old tires new: -startling guaranteed discov- by State Markarian private les- livered.

Maw. Phelan. 162 Eastern REPRESENTATIVES- Wanted to handle missions paid Weekly: complete outfit old ery, established Arm for additional 6000 sans $1. Tel. River 1815-R.

Ave. Tel. Hirer 1697. products and parkings of AU- free: brains and ambition highly engen- aniles at halt the price of new tires: not DANCING--Learn to dance at the Conley CARPENTER'S TOOLS for sale. A.

J. is. perior exclusively quality ult or side liberal Tine: commission beet has. tial: products Nursery guaranteed. Apply today rubber retread; something new and ballroom: classes starting Monday; pri- Dolan, 23 Salem St.

Alton DV. Hot hester. N. different: puncture AIl blowout proof: vate lessona $1 or $5 for lessons. Call ine for some one acquainted with power $10,000,000 used entire practi- Ming Mont.

(holey lIntel. FISH BAIT--AI plants and Address foll now producing large and new throughout in America: men Europe: with ability Jordan's. 16 Terrance At. Tel. River 1927.

tails to: Asbestos, Rooin 910, 26 Curt- completed comnany. 24 producing wells, established having cally wanted to establish one or class for beginners GUNS--For sale. 2. 12-gage shotguns, landt New York City. one year and 110 making treading stations in your territory: only every Tues.

evening: advanced class Reminglon automatic and 1 Stevens douOVer investors, disburse- should do big business from Thursday evenings: private leasons ments to needy a high-class Lions day hour. Memorial State St. Ft. 7587. ble.

28 Amaron St. SALESMAN references -A high-grado four salesman in this locality: company owns doors are open: no experience INCUBATOR- Cyphers 88, 150-chick HuckInan: office. required. Rox 48. Union 165,000 acres leases in Kentucky and Ten- capital reguired $1500 to $3000.

Mechan- FAIRFIELD'S Singing Orchestra and Band, ere new, cheap, or will trade for nesseD and large acreage in the famous Machine Tool Works, 229 W. for any occasion: particulara, R. 6674-21. double-barrel shotgun. Mrs.

Howard. SALESMAN- Wanted. a man of neat ap- Central West Texas it 18 fields, including drilling: Rurk- Now York city. will PIANO--Teacher few of more piano And harmony State Line. Longmpadow, traveling snirgman and col- burnett.

where now man- ROOMING HOUSE -First class. In llart- A pupils at 60c per ICH for sale, delivered at the cars In ladlector. and 7 must furnish bond: call between axeinent high-class oil and business men ford. 10 roma. clearing from $100 hour.

Tel. Walnut loy. IT. I.asalle. ur all day Sunday.

J. ot established reputation: an opportunity to :190 per month over expenses: will -Robert Field. teacher of Greenbaum, Cooley Totel. for the right man to help seil treasury sell chean to setilo estate. fox piano.

TE St. Tel. Walnut LEA Goldstick. sole leather and 53 with. unusual bonus and Union Office.

PIANO Ending: wholesale and retail. CAREFULLY- IT RITTEN correctly earn from $300 to $2000 per month. Write, ROOMING HOUSE-10 method. -Amy U. Accompanist.

Wood Bagg. Leachetinky Sharon St. Tel. Walnut 240. indexed, and arrauged in A order cot or wire at onco to Sales Manager, O.

Box 107, Union Office. rooms; price $300. Tel. River 0502-14 Lecture recitals. LUNCH CART For sale.

lunch the bert remulta, Box 427, Lexington Fo. l' cheap. Inquire 276 Hanco*ck ad door. 2 MERCHANDISE Articles for Sale 31 MOTOR BOATS for sale, IS and 22 feet; also 1-cylind-r. h.

Detroit anaring motor, clutch and leverso gear, all in Koud runaition. Boat Liv Elm city. Tel. States Rubber Co. Springfield Branch, WorthingSt.

Tel. kiver SALS BOOKS--AI kindp. all sizes; anything used with carbon paper, We make. American Sales Book Company. Walnut 149-M.

liver 1183-l. leather and alive findings, wholesale and retall. Samuel Katz, successor to Spid. Leather 211 Main St, SHOE shive findings. Philip E.

Zich, 77 Bridge St. FINDINGS--Leather shoe findingy, Philip Zich, 77 Bridge St. secondhand, enameled iron sink with back, 1n1 good condition. also other secondhand plumbing natures. John W.

Barrett, 3 Conley PI TABLES--We have for sale several tables ranging in length from feet. to 14 foot. anti also 1 cutting table; these tables should he of special interest to anyone hauding cloth manufacturing garmenta. Nee Mr. Niles, Hampden County Chapter, Ainerican Red Cross, 143 State St.

WINDOW SHADES- Window contractors, retailera, 60 Sharon St. Walnut 15:9. Business Equipment 32 COUNTERS- For Moor cages, wall counter exceptional typo. writer and safe. Store 43 Park St.

R. 6819. anahoxany Mat top, sanitary legs, good condition: $10 quartered oak office table, nearly new, $26; wellmade roll top desk and swivel chair; 1:. and M. electric fan: prices reasonable, 43 Dwight near State.

Walnut 1-35. ENVELOPES 119 before buying. Jobbing 121 St, OFFICE TABLE--Substantial quartered oak and almost new, 6-foot, 50-inch maand J-20 H. A. (, electric motors: cliphogany top desk, a sanitary legs; per belt lacing machine: prices reasonable, 43 Dwight near State.

Wal. quick service for attorney and notaries. RUBBER STAMPS- Seals, stencils, St. 1025. 1 I.

Smtih 367 Worthington SAFE for sale. Inquire C. M. Culver, 40 Field West Springfeld. TYPEWRITERS rented: all 1 makes bought and sold: Corona agency.

Typewriter Exchange, Inc. River 4831. Worthington Nt. TYPEWRITERS -Rebuilt and secondhand typewriters sold and rented: all makes 1n stock. Sachett's Exchange, G28.

10 Broadway, City. Tel. River 3483. TYPEWRITER DESKS- We have a few good used desks for sale: those are gunuine hargains. Office Supply Worthington St.

Building Materials 5.1 CORNICES -llampden Cornice Works. shert work, tinsmiths. 26 Tarlor St. Tel. River 5063.

Sash and Glass glaas of every description. 240 Chestnut St. Walnut 3. 28 Belle Ave. METAL Artistic.

permanent. Installed by Hi. (. Wellman. 417.

Helmont Ave. Tel. River Farm and Dairy Products 53 SKIMMED MILK for sale. Chas. A.

Nash, 120 Oakland Ft. and Feed 56 CORN STOCKS for sale. River 7142-0. HAY for your horse: get our A No. timothy hay, Ilay de Grain 284 Chestnut St.

R. for sale MA for store or fireplace. River 1054-1. WOOD for store, furnace or fireplace: $11 cord, delivered. l'hone East Longmeadow 23-3 WOOD--For sale, chestnut $13 cord.

hardwood $17 a cord. all sawed. A. Inbrie. Hirer 6725-M.

MOOD for sale, chestnut or hard wood. ani delivered: also kindling wood. 'Tet. River 5198 or. River MOOD We deliver at short notica dry kindling wond ready for use, M.

West Bor- 223 Liberty St. mixture chestnut, delivered sawed: sate moneY. now. Tel. Rivar Walter Tonfair.

WOOD--Mixed wood. 4-font Jen the delivered: savel 1: desired. Tel. Good Things to Lat LAGER--Ere your own: 1. cont a glass.

Finest you ever tastel. made at Koine. the AA Delicious, satisfying, and invigorating; all sparkle lager ho*r brewed. Not to be compared with usual so-called "near ho*rs Just Ket Paragon Malt Ilope Matract and follow the simple directions Hare better, purer, wholesomer than you ever bought in saloons, Fine clear color: rich, creamy foum. Removal of food restrictions again permits using this extract.

as directed without violating law. Extract Itself contains no alcohol and can be sent to any "dry" section. "Would rather hare one bottle of this beer than a dozen from a liquor writes one user. One package makes gallons genuine malt and hop brew, the kind that really the spot." Paragon Malt-Ilops Extract, only $1.20. prepaid.


CHICAGO. ILL. DELICATE de Iandel and best delicatessen store in city. 7 Stockbridge Grat holow State HULLED CORN -Hominy, pork sausage, fresh eggs, direct front the farm. Weekly city delivery; a I or 'phone, and team will vail.

Twin Blaple Farin, Meadow wain. Tel. 1:. W. D.

Cross Son. MIlK out cream. wholesale retail, delivered dally to ell parts of the city. Ave. River Household Goads 59 ANTIQUE with River BABY CARRIAGE- Good ny new.

Call 314 Mass. BoX COUCH -Woven wire apring, Iron frame. 62 Bancroft upper bell. BUFFET and chairs, practically new. Clinton.

8 Huntington CARPETS--Wanted. your old carpets to into rugs. Springueld Rug CHINA 17 Taylor St. Tel. liver 743.

CLOSET -Mahogany. mirror back, cla r- feet. $60: bric-a-brac cabinet, sterling rilver tollet set, 16 prices: old English River 0049. rug, baby carriage; call 8 3 1-9 p. m.

8 4 Sylvan St. DINING SET- Complete, $33. Tel. Walnut 131-M. VERNITCRE-For 6-room apartment.

Tel, River A -I'rivate sale of household River 2400-S. 37 Warriner fourth floor. rooms and viand. 16 Jenks St. Alexander, FURNITURE -Furnish Complete vi modern 4-rnoin Bat, River 7389 FURNITURE of 4 rooms, almost new.

Address Hiox g0, Union office. Dought and moll also repair1ng. Furniture River 2511, TOS North Main St. FURNITURE- Rig sale at 27 Walnut also stoves, crockery and cooking utenails. Son.

Tel. River 2134. -Tapestry parlor 5 pieces: bedroom set. pieces: diningrooni tabie and sideboard. all black walnut.

priced low: oak dining chairs: handsome butternut chest: pictures: Standard sewing machine. Tine condition. $27. linox, Worthington St. River FURNITURE--DO you know the value of the goods you wish to sell: our service.

giving Non the valuation tor such goods, in free: before colling. will tell you what price you should for. and if you do not care to Fell to 111A secondhant man use our "selling this service is well worth your Attention. Phone Walnut 2817. Percy 1.

Wallace, formerly with Meckins, l'ackard Wheat. loons 620-622. 39 Worthington 19 Brondway. KITCHEN STOVE--Parlor stove, gas tables range, beds, blankete. writing desk.

and cheap. Call after 7 p. In. only. Pendleton Ave.

LIBRARY And mission with leather seat. liver 7118-M. MAHOGANY CLAW table legs: square piano: other furniture. Saturdays, 05 lakeside Ave. long pier glasses.

good as new: one oak bookcase. 71 BligH Nit. NEARLY now parlor stove (little beauty). oak dining table, $6: shelf clock (an oldtimor). $5: with Inirror, $19.

25 High Mittineakue. Tel. 1. 4293-W. RANGE- For sale, Champion combination coal and EAs range, nearly new: call between and p.

week days. Apt. 8, 820 State Street. RANGE- -Magee Clinton range, 2 carpets: an good AR new. Call K.

Bennett. 427 Orange St. The United Oriental Rug 119 Liberty frat -class uphoistering done hy competent workmen: lowest prices, catimates furnished: carpet cleaning and nOw ruzs made from old carpets, Telephone River 4409. Eatablished 190G. CAREFUL censorship of these want makos it safe for you to answer any ad printed bere tad MERCHANDISE Household Goods For sule, rugs, factory price.

all save hinds: the no din relit Call. write Tel. or salesmen to pay: John L. Garside, Agent, 170 Pearl Conn. MACHINE for sale; bargains in used l'eb.

and 10; you will need tu stop lIvely; secondhand machines for week 1 0 must have more room and price them for quick sale; tuproved Singer, Vindlex. $16; Standard, Burdick, $11; New Ideal, makes $13; box repaired: needles, machine, oil and supplies. Whits sewing up; all Machine 31 Harrison Ave. SEWING rents. Harrison repairs, White Sewing Machine 31 Ave.

River 4549. STORE FIXTURES--I Dayton scale, lec1 trie Fairbank's light, 1 platform scale, meat bench American slicing machine, counters, and for sale very low: will a lot of tools, everything in sell good any shape part of it. J'. 0. 130x City.

TABLE. diningroom table, Grove Chicopee Falls, ACCOM CLEANERS- Mectric vacuum sold, exchanged, rented, repaired: lac headquarters and the Geyser Electric Washer. The for the Electrei SweeperLeon HI. Treadwell Room 425. Third Nat.

Bank Bide. Tel. Wal. 1972. -Glenwood, $14: also few nieces of good furniture.

Tel. River WILL EXCHANGE 4-poster bed for a nice pair of Velour portieres. Box 33, Union Office. Jewelry and Watches 60 DIAMONDS, WATCHES AND JEWELRY -Nor a square deul see DI. J.

Kittredge, DIAMONDS, watches, jewelry and clothing: payments: Liberty be bonds acFriend Jewelry 307 Main St. WATCHES- for correct time call A. Lapido, American and Swiss A. Watchmaker, Jeweler: Swiss watches and I'rench clocks (L speclalty: factory finish on every job; clocks called for and delivered. 289 Minin opp PostRoom 306.

Tel. Walnut CHES-biamonds and jewelry; be- my low low rent State st. J. Chase, 002 Stain St. gives you low prices: just Machinery and Tools 61.

BEAMS-00 1 for sale, 43 from 9'AIT. large down: also channel angles. columns. 00 assortment other sizes tong rails, 1400 44. ft.

neRVY steel door grating. 1 new high pressure tank, tank 15'. 2 tanks 1 on f1 hand or (new). furnished; also drop hammer. 5- others ton fdry.

ladle. stack: lot plate, etc. Abraham Tel. River ENGINES electric lichting machinery. plants, water BaconTaylin 53 llillman St.

River 136. MACHINERY -John W. Russell gears of all kinda made 10 order. 47 Taylor St. Tel.

River 1334, MACHINERY -For vale, 4 3-Yaot also 7-inch hangera face for split and shaft; cheap if taken puiley, steel pulleys. at once. Ericka g. A82 Liberty St. MILL.

River Lloyd 106. 19-21 Worthington St. Tel. chine, brand new. $10, IT.

II. Michon, 270 MOTOR (Westinghouse) for sewing Franklin: STEAM BOILER for sale at 3 reasonable figure; upright, with pump and Inquire piping comriote, condition. J. A. MacGovern, 119 Spring Thompconville, conn.

Musical instruments 62 drums, bugles, band instruments. in fact, MANJOS-Guitars. mandolins. violins, the largest stock fu Western Mars. Gibba Piano 71 Main days, MANDOLINS--Guitars, tenor banjo, TIaukuleles, cornets, violins, drums, xylophones and all musical inFt.

Music 115 State St. River 0091. ORGAN PEDALS d-tachable. for a piano; good a Dew. Box.

40. Union PIANO--IrivAte party desires to Sell Becker. Bros. upright piano; will beautiful sell cheap for call any time. Il.

B. Mahogany and tone: White. 11 Brookline Ave. must be roll at oner. Birmie Ave, PIANO- Curight.

in excellent condition; "all mornings or evenings. -Lulwig mahogany upright, lhe $140 Gibbs Piano Co. 71 Muln St. PIANO Bros. $126.

upright. fine L'iano then, bander.o case. 71 Main St. P'IANO- Good upright at real sacrifice Tor raph. Particulars Tel.

R. 6074-M. Emerson mahogany upright. $150, cost $400: fine condition. Gibbs Piano TE Main St.

PIANO -Upright, for sale, with cabinet. Box 106, U'nion Office. Usedl grand. just refinished by the makors. Just the grand for the serious musician.

L. Pierre. 000-309 Bridge St. upright. fine tone, great bargain.

Gibbs Piano 71 Alain condition. River ST. 37 Warriner 41h flour. PIANO- sale, will my beautiful $430 Byrne upright grant like new, for $150. River PIANO--For sale, used upright piano, Chickering Suns make.

in very nite condition: $190; easy payments if required, M. P. 480 Main Springfield. PIANO- -For gale. 63-note player piano, in a beautiful mahogany case.

of a thorwughly high-grade. with 35 music rolls, for $290. M. P. Conway, 450 Slain Springfeld.

PHONOGRAPHS -I. Crow, the excla'sive phonograph store. 93 Broadway. Tel. Walnut 1741.

$500 player- YER-TIANO-J'arty riano to Hell moving for away steel left tubing. rah gany notes, used months Gibbs l'lann 11 Main St. PIANOS--The unusual demand for good used pianos or players makes it difficult for us to relain such goods on. our Moors beyond the day. received: we now offer a very few trades of excellent quality in both upright and players: someone else inay be equally interested 1n thin advertisem.

nt. $. wo advise that you conie in or telenhone for particular 3. l'ierce C03-303 Bridge St. The Store of Reliability.

PIANO BARGAINS- bury Evans utright. $73. Trowbridge upright, $100; Sohmer uprigin. $ISO; liallet Davis. $130: Gilbert.

$115: player used slightly to 3000: $1 per week. l'iano f1 Mali St. PIANOS--N. W. Brown upright, grand.

player Brunswick phonograph. 170 Bridee St. Riv 7403. Mano new and aged Tousical Main St. River USED PIANO -We hare 13 good user pianos of famous Inaken at very retsonablo prices, all warrantal.

You mako no mistake trading at Steinert's, 424 Main Sit. VIOLIN viulin splendid tone, will pacrifice for 130. 993-R. WASHBURN GUITAR in trument, In Al condition. will :11 call evenings.

Ta Whittier St. Tel. TV. GIBBS PIANO Alain 32 yuara 0110 location: you will save $109 or more Dry calling: now and used pianos: days, Chickering upright piano, mine condition, $1.5. Gibba Piano 71 Maiu St.

EXCHANGE exchang4 IT 5 6- $600 piano, used 3 months. fur Ford with starter. or good roadstar. I'nton Office. Wearing Apparel 63 apparel.

millinery. furs, footwear. weekly: ladieg' nearing Outfitting Elm St. (over millinery). TROUSERS -For men only: mill end trona.

ring Inade to measure for $7.50. value $12: call or sand postal for corner Bridge Norris 027 Main upstairs. Tel. River 963. Lukagh.

tata aunde to repairing EL 298 Worthindton Nt. HA hats, odds and $1 Van The Hatter, St. POX and oll Truin the for Govern- again I have porchased ment hundreds of them: also ruincoata, which I will the pullie: come and convince yourselr. 151 Sharon St. SUITS-: ladies.

neW, size 34. Tel. I FOR We lave 3 limited have number! of worsted suitings you can to your order for while they last; they are regular values, Norris Tailors. 327 Blain Wanted- To Buy 665 BABY CARRIAGE wanted, state price. Box 72.

Union office. CLOTHES--Old clothes and shoes bought, highest cash prices paid. Call or 11. Shapiro, Bridga St. -I buy and sell old clothes and best prices for anything you wish to danone of.

N. 142 Bridge St. CLOTHES -We poaltively will pay the highest prices for your old clothes and Box 23, Cnion Office. CLOTHING- Wanted. arcondhand men's clothing.

Samuel Rose, Main St. Tel. River are diamond merchante, always having large demand for dinmonda of all sizer, therefore can pay you fair price In cash for your diamond. M. Kittiedge, 422 Main St.

good condition, Box 130, TOP muzt bA cheap Union Office MERCHANDISE Wanted -To Buy paid, steves and autiques. niture $13 Main St. Walnut used rugs, anything. Call, Tel. R.

4188. S. N. Benoit, 074 Wanted, household ture, also antique; We pay double buyers: call UN before disposing. England Furniture 583 Matin.

spot cash all kinds of furniture, rugs, Cull or Tel. Walnut 2120. Reliable furs 503 Main M. of all also antiques and feather beds: tile most attractive of any tho city: before disposing call ton 103 Main Greenwool. FURNITURE- matter what you want it cleau and dependable: articles you want are not in room, perhaps we know the home such goods van be secured; if the best in used home furnishings, Walnut tal7, ur call Percy B.

l'uruiture Shop, formnurly with l'ackard Wheat. Rooms Worthington 10 Broadway. Wanted, 20 gauge in perfect dition. BOx Union Office. paid for old horses mals killed by accident.

Ntrawberry Farm. Fiorence, Tel. Northampton JEWELRY bought; highest prices for old jewelry, gold. platinum, and diamonds: your old trinkets turned into cash at their full Greenwald $, 276 Main upp. St.

buy the pricey for uf any description Jobbing 1:1 Essex At. OLD BOOKS--Carpets and antique tents of house and flats bought. dress Box 119, Union Office, call. OLD GOLD, ailver and platinum: your old trinkets and UTI cash at Kittredge's, 422 Main OLD SHOES- Wanted to buy shoes and clothes: also turniture: prices pail. B.

484 Mill St. PAPER CUTTER--Paper cutter, condition, suitable for amali manufacturer; price See Mr. Union Office. RAGS- Wanted to huy rags and I pay 20 per pound for raga, 100 for papers. P.

O. Dox RAGS, rapers, metals, rubber, ondhand furniture and carpets. 'lark. 31 Governor St. Tel.

R. SHOW CASE to art on counter. T. rence. 110 Old Bridge West feld.

river 0423. NODA FOUNTAIN -IF hav. call me at River VULCANIZING machine, tire secondhand, in Condition. Fur furnities write Malt furt. oth.

Nor 1714. paid for stoves, Furnis, Wt dealers j', 11S. you want. if 11: Samniyou desire phon Wall. Meekn 020-422.

or Hill 1204-J sir. can 18 raito Tas lor SpAd. COIL.d. Du. Pr it' bring 41, then But.

St. A hig.lest W. in goon printer. or Bowman. par 401.

city. also lt. R. Let for and tube Address BOT 776. U'nion ROOMS AND BOARD Rooms 67 with Board BELMONT 117 rn.

weil furDished: breakfasts if 1. Room and for gentleman in private family. I. ST -Board and room. privileges.

Winchester Kg. Wal. NEWBURY ST room cottage. nit ern. with garden; adults.

STRING ST 75- To let. furnished Tom hard if 1. 76 Spring City. SPRING ST 82-Double and single rosins. with good board, also table board.

Starried couple or gents. STATE AND let, pleasan front room for 2. private family: board desired. Tel. River STATE 8T let, very attract: ter, room steal with set heat.

bowl. bath; with continuous board. lot 13 R. GANGS'E JAMBS AVE board, car Jin. 1- with board: anar ried D.

Rooms Without Board 68 AL AVE 133-Furnished rooms Kond Tel. Walnut AMARON ST 44 -Corner Walbraham 1:.1 lurta electricity. IL. BELIE ST 19-Furnished front Poon. dream, near wiltraham and Hickory BELMONT AVE Front room.

furnishNY furnished room- br dav: week and up Stratford -To let, room, in Brit. tp family, furnished. Airs, Bates. NTEI ST-Room furnished or furnished, steam. kitchen Ir desired.

River FOREST PARK SECTION--Largo front room with alcove, unfurnished, conventences; use of kitchen, DOx 95, Union PARK Furnished room, for nurse or busineas women. 1. FOREST PARA tractive room tA reined person. $1: miuutes' wall: to business section. 2627-M.

14H ST- Maple, also single room, ladles or gentle It. m. 1412-MI. JOHN ST -Sinall romn, licated; $1.00. rn.

W. 1011. LOCTAT ST rooms. or for with piano if Call at Roberta'. MATTOON Pr 30-Single and double stoain heated.

Tel. River FOR SALE or rent. contents of 4 furnish steam heat Rm. 25, 527 Main St. STAIN ST ON -Newly furnished.

heated ronins: $3 week: TV. MAIN ST 6-3-- Ant. 6. 1 good unfurnisi. room.

steam hent-1. MARION 8T 137-Suite of r. Dian and wife or 2 ST of roor to 1 or 2 business men: walking of Court. Suuare Riv.r attor NORTH -TO 1-1. North End.

p. ant furnished for W'. NORTH MAIN AT sunny front roomn in 11: with private family. 20 tour. NO MAIN 241--Greenwich Motel.

10.1 newly furnished rootn4 both, Ar in quite: everything Inodorn Armory ranitory: Square Healy" Trust. Tel. Wal, per And LADS. NO MAIN ST 339- To let. Jar and $3 PEARL furnished heat and in 7 01 Tel.

1104-1 PEARL ST a small Mr. -heatel from 111 table for hr. man. Tot. ST furnished with 1-lichenet.

IT. and rap to rent ily would tu rent pleasant room, 1. garage, mon Tel, Riv. 1677 or 1 ST steam. Joctri: no other Large light m.

host. bath. -11 SPRING ST Largo airy robin. alcove: room. SPRING ST 30.

One large st. alli ST --Front ..1:: 1 or top four. TO Ar The Lincoln, tral rontne r'; and permamnt. $3 per week STATE ST 143 Nicely suitable for for 2. STATE AT Furnished rooti to Gor.

Mapto and State, Biter PrATE ST -Opposite Benton furnished to rent 1: TAi 1: Ti4- front room to- date apartment, for or two will my apartment with right 11 Sunday. 1. W. Taylor, near 11 cheater No. STABBING ST 7 a ginall and large room.

with hoard. TEMPLE Nr room. gentleman: central. River 31. UNION ST Pleasant root.

all Armory. WORTHINGTON ST 001 Furnishes rooms, modern. ROOMS of all kinds: real eatate and bu propositions. M. J.

liyder 241 Main St. River 2667. Roomy for liousekeeping 6599 ANDREW ST furnished housekgepweek: also single room HELMONT AVE L. 2 furnisle! at ver week. AVI: let.

2 furnished rooms at $6 per weak. let. "Belmont" a modern furnished 2. 3 ant 4 robins. crockery.

cooling uten-to. furnished for from $4 to 210 week. A. E. Buckler.

234 Belmont Ava. Tel. River 2930. BLISS ST -Nicely furnished lisat housekeeping roum. BRADFORD AT 74- To let.

light hous kenning 14 Bradford BRIDGE ST 9. -Furnished lizht housekeeping FOOmA, also single rooms. 002 tinuous si heat and hot war 1. part of city. Bridge St.

4863-M 4 1'.

The Springfield Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Author information

Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.