WindClan Galewood - Page 175 (2024)


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WindClan Galewood - Page 175 (9)June 23rd, 2024, 06:56 PM

AolaniWindClan Galewood - Page 175 (11)

Scuttling in the basem*nt

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WindClan Galewood - Page 175 (16)Re: WindClan Galewood


yippee meeting... wow, he had done nothing since he had joined the clan. He needed to do the training, like really bad, he missed a battle with the probably evil water cats. He;d go bother someone eventually since he hadn't seen his mentor in a bit. Was that normal? Was he not looking good enough? DId Swiftfire live outside camp? He had only ever seen the ath he took to get into camp and the Death Rabbit Burrow™ that tried to eat him.

Wait were they going to kick him out if he didn't do enough things. Twilightstar said it like it was a big deal about the battle. No no he didn't wanna be alone again! Well he needed training really fast like right now. his panic was visible. Why did he leave? Maybe Amulet would start being normal again if he came back! But no he needed to stay loyal to Windclan. Wait two people died? Oh god, he forgot people could do that! What if he made friends and they died? No, that had happened one too many times. Oh and there was someone who attacked someone. He didn't know if it was bad but by the sounds of it, Silverfur sucked.


WindClan Galewood - Page 175 (17)
"Tomatoes are in the same family as some of the world's deadliest poisons. That just goes to show how rebellious tomatoes are."
"What about how the apple can fall far from the tree?"
"No, sometimes the tomato falls from the plant."

Ɛ> Toyhouse <3



WindClan Galewood - Page 175 (19)June 24th, 2024, 12:42 AM

Alchemist KitsuneWindClan Galewood - Page 175 (21)

Crunchy Leaves

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WindClan Galewood - Page 175 (28)Re: WindClan Galewood

WindClan Galewood - Page 175 (29)
| Dapplebreeze |
68 Moons - WindClan Fury Lieutenant

Agatha Kitty - Active | Silver Tongue - Active | Beefed Up [Tier 3] - Inactive

Her attention welcomed - or as welcomed as Batglare ever made it - Dapplebreeze felt herself relax as she felt the brush of his own tail, an agreeable motion as far as she was concerned. Normally it was the maternal molly who found herself fussing over others, her affection almost always more physical than verbal despite how she considered herself a social butterfly. Perhaps it had been her time as a queen, moments spent grooming, nuzzling, and pampering her little ones. Maybe it was the genuineness behind actions that could be lost in words that she so craved. Being told you were welcomed, wanted around was all well and good... but a small act that was done almost thoughtlessly always did cement it so much more. She knew her grandson took after her in his preference for how he demonstrated his endearments as well... although perhaps in his case there was more shyness behind his choices than with her.

Regardless of what it was, she cared little about it now. She merely enjoyed the company in the moment. Enough loss in life, enough moons gone by were more cats had come and gone than she felt she should have glimpsed in the seasons she'd had walking these moors had given her a deeper appreciation of the present. Especially when it came from a feline so normally misunderstood as callous and uncaring by the... shyer or perhaps more self centered within the clan. Content as she was, she noticed Twilightstar had chosen to open the meeting with wondrous news. More kits to become apprentices for the clan. And in what she hoped were peaceful moons. No better time to concentrate efforts in preparing for battle, especially with these younger paws. Anyone who believed RiverClan would return a better clan was sorely mistaken in her eyes. The fish eaters had proven their worth far too many times to believe this time would be any different.

It seemed as well that despite the good news of new apprentices, there was much to be said to sour the celebratory mood of the occasion. Three of the clan. Dead. In what should have been a one sided, easily won conquest. Dapplebreeze could feel her ears burn, and her demure smile slowly turned to a grimace. She had stayed behind for what she assumed was the right reasons. The medicine cat herself was not going along... and something about that had simply not sat well with her. Not to mention the fact that someone had to make sure her pregnant daughter did not make the mistake of tossing herself into battle. Silverpelt knew she was stubborn enough for that.

And yet now it would seem the fury would have done better work had she accompanied her clan. Taken vengeance for the wrongs that had been so callously done to them over the moons. What had happened?! How had so many stayed behind? She hadn't seen guards loitering about the camp. Cats concerned that the others might not make it home. No. They had simply... not cared? No. Not her clan. WindClan was better than that, surely? And yet judging from the leader's words, she wouldn't be surprised if the lilac's mind was teetering in the precipice that inevitably led to the same conclusion.

These news alone had been quite disastrous to the former queen, azure hues narrowing dangerously as she felt both the shame of having stayed behind - had she not mistakenly remained in camp, could she have saved her clanmates - as well as the ire of how horrendously her clan had reacted to this battle. To this victory that had been served to them as fresh kill for a nursing queen. But even then... that was not enough. No. There was a traitor in their midst as well, and Dapplebreeze could feel her shoulders tense as Twilightstar let them know that Silverfur had dared to lay a claw on a clanmate. She had never spoken to the molly personally, but she knew her, of course. The spotted she-cat knew every clanmate. And she knew this particular one was a troublemaker.

Even with this knowledge, however, she would have never guessed the silver warrior would go from pedantic, kit like tantrums, rude and deplorable but generally harmless behavior to soiling her claws with the blood of her own clan. How was she still a part of the clan? Why had the leader brought her back to them? Surely there could be no excuse to attack a clanmate, no matter what the situation? Well... perhaps in self defense, but it was clear that was not the case here. An opinion that the massive tom besides her seemed to share with her.

It was unlike Dapplebreeze to go against the leader's orders or choices verbally, not unless she was speaking in private or there was a forum to vocalize one's opinions on certain matters. Things that affected the clan as a whole. This was easily discarded as she found the warrior of the hour, laying down without a care in the world among the rest. Gorging herself on fish like a common RiverClanner, reaping the rewards as if she had not attacked a clanmate earlier that day. The lack of guilt clear in her expression - if anything, the lieutenant could swear the traitor looked annoyed at having been called out, a hiss the only response she mustered at the leader's words - left little to be desired, however, and the patched she-cat harrumphed judgmentally, an ear twitching as she calmed the part of her that wanted nothing more than to shred this vermin's ears for daring to be so arrogant even in the face of their leader's benevolent, far too merciful choice to even keep her among their ranks.

"Agreed," she responded in a frosted voice as she removed her gaze from the warrior, opting to instead look forward to the precious kits being apprentice instead... for now.





Lightningstorm is WindClan's current medicine cat.
She has a semi-open den policy.

WindClan Galewood - Page 175 (30)

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WindClan Galewood - Page 175 (32)June 24th, 2024, 08:50 AM

ghost.WindClan Galewood - Page 175 (34)

it's not a phase

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My Mood: WindClan Galewood - Page 175 (36)

WindClan Galewood - Page 175 (37)Re: WindClan Galewood

Vixenkit stepped up, excited. (lazy post im eepy)


WindClan Galewood - Page 175 (38)
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WindClan Galewood - Page 175 (40)June 25th, 2024, 03:35 AM

CloudlessEveWindClan Galewood - Page 175 (41)


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WindClan Galewood - Page 175 (43)Re: WindClan Galewood

WindClan Galewood - Page 175 (44)
8 Moons
Purrks: Flock Together T2

Whilst Honeypaw was slightly late to the meeting, she had heard the future apprentices' names being called and about Twilightstar being upset about the lack of WindClan warriors who had fought in the battle. I wish I could have joined the fight. I would've really showed them! She knew she'd only been an apprentice a little over a moon, but she still wanted to see her first battle. I bet RiverClan won't ever mess with us again!

Honeypaw hesitated when she heard about the warriors' deaths. The only other time she'd heard about a WindClan death was before she was even apprenticed! She wondered what death felt like. Seems scary... She waited for Vixenkit and Lilykit to come up for their ceremony. New denmates were always fun!

Characters: Honeypaw(WC): Honeypaw bio Rosekit(RC): Rosekit bio


WindClan Galewood - Page 175 (46)June 25th, 2024, 02:47 PM

MoonravenWindClan Galewood - Page 175 (48)

Engaged to Ian

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WindClan Galewood - Page 175 (54)Re: WindClan Galewood

High Rank Announcement [#hrannouncement]

Just Vixenkit. Twilightstar glanced around for the other, but unwilling to waste more time on this, she fixed her sight on the one who had arrived on time.

"Vixenkit, from this day until you receive your warrior name, you'll be known as Vixenpaw." The scarred she-cat stared at Crowtooth for a long moment in thought. Vixenpaw had expressed wanting to train as a tunneler. Twilightstar didn't usually let her cats have more than two apprentices at once, but she'd have to make expectations for those looking for tunneling training. Crowtooth already had his fury duties, on top of his regular duties, and patrols.

"Dustbunny will be your mentor." She told the apprentice after a long thought. Once Vinepaw and Rabbitpaw finished their training, WindClan would have some spare tunnelers to help train future ones. For now, the two WindClanners had to deal with the extra workload.

"Willowpaw, you're being reassigned to Perchwind." The number of reassignments has lessened which was great. Now only if she could get more warriors.

"Just so you all know our alliance with ShadowClan has been broken with RiverClan's exile. I want cats to be vigilant around the ShadowClan border for the next moon, and no one to go around the Whispering Wetlands alone. Dawnstar's informed me that she's having trouble with some of her clanmates, and one of them murdered Kestrelsoar at the border." The she-cat's tone took on a hostile edge as she spoke.

"Dawnstar said she'd find the one who did it, but I'm not keen on trusting the word of a fox. With RiverClan dealt with, and somewhat of a ceasefire with ShadowClan and ThunderClan, I was hoping we might get a few moons of peace, but if these killings continued we will be turning our claws on ShadowClan again. Hopefully, we can avoid that, but do not let your guard down around that border until I ensure Dawnstar's held her word." Twilightstar warned them all.

The leader was not looking forward to throwing her clan into a fight, especially with ShadowClan, but if she lost any more cats there would be hell to pay.

"Meeting Dismissed."


WindClan Galewood - Page 175 (55)


Twilightstar is the current leader of WindClan has an open den policy.
WindClan Resources || WindClan Kit Curriculum Finder ||WindClan (Extra) Apprentice Training

Last edited by Moonraven; June 25th, 2024 at 03:54 PM.


WindClan Galewood - Page 175 (57)June 25th, 2024, 02:54 PM

IDIOTICBEAN101WindClan Galewood - Page 175 (59)

The silliest of sillies<3

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WindClan Galewood - Page 175 (62)Re: WindClan Galewood

WindClan Galewood - Page 175 (63)


“Vixenpaw! Vixenpaw!” Leopardpaw cheered for the new apprentice.
That was what she was supposed to do, anyway.

Twilightstar’s next words surprised her a bit.

Okay, so, no more alliance with ShadowClan.
But, even though ShadowClan just helped them, they already killed one of their cats?

Wow, the other clans really need to get it together.


Witheredstar is the current leader of SunClan, she has an open den policy!
Join SunClan!

Rapid Recovery


Silver Tongue


Chill of Death



WindClan Galewood - Page 175 (65)June 25th, 2024, 02:57 PM

TallstarWindClan Galewood - Page 175 (67)


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WindClan Galewood - Page 175 (71)Re: WindClan Galewood

Vinepaw smiled a new apprentice and a tumbler one at that maybe they could train together they did share mentors after all he listened to the rest of announcements and soon padded over to Vixenpaw to greet him “Hello..I’m Vinepaw I’m a tunnler apprentice aswell we share a mentorhe said softly




WindClan Galewood - Page 175 (72)

Vinepaw wishes you well

Specklepaw is the current medicine cat apprentice for Frostclan
Hyenaslash is the current medicine cat for Sunclan he has an open den policy

Art made by RamenThePidgeon

Last edited by Tallstar; June 25th, 2024 at 02:59 PM.


WindClan Galewood - Page 175 (74)June 25th, 2024, 05:47 PM

SeonghwaBerryWindClan Galewood - Page 175 (76)

여상님 생일 축하해요!

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WindClan Galewood - Page 175 (82)Re: WindClan Galewood

Watertail watched.

Orangepaw blinked

Pumpkinkit cheered!

WindClan Galewood - Page 175 (83)
"If this moment is our wave. Dont' be afraid, face it with more strength"
- Atee*z, WAVE


WindClan Galewood - Page 175 (85)June 25th, 2024, 11:52 PM

EstelleWindClan Galewood - Page 175 (87)

Still staring nervously

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WindClan Galewood - Page 175 (94)Re: WindClan Galewood

What a surprise, ShadowClan was being troublesome again. Silverrose couldn't be upset about the alliance being over, only about the promise she couldn't imagine the ShadowClan leader keeping. Her tail flicked, displeased with the news of these murders - although peace was always better, she wouldn't mind teaching ShadowClan the lesson they deserved... All in due time, of course, she couldn't find herself being vengeful. With the meeting over, it was time for the warrior to retreat.


WindClan Galewood - Page 175 (95)
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WindClan Galewood - Page 175 (97)June 26th, 2024, 07:47 AM

BlazimationsWindClan Galewood - Page 175 (99)

VM me Toothlessed ♤

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WindClan Galewood - Page 175 (103)Re: WindClan Galewood

WindClan Galewood - Page 175 (104)

Oooo, an apprentice! Lucky!! Aubs stared longingly as he was announced an apprentice with a tunneler being his mentor. Wowee! A three legged tunneler! Owlkit's wide green eyes somehow widened more as she watched. Wait. Waitwaitwaitwaitwait. A tom. Named... Vixen. This catastrophic mental discovery nearly knocked the mottled cinnamon tortoiseshell off her paws. Vixen. A female fox. Vixenpaw. A male apprentice. Owlkit could barely suppress another batch of contagious giggles and snorts. How mean! She didn't want to laugh, but it was just so funny she was struggling. Finally, his apprentice ceremony ended and Owlkit could breathe again without laughing. She had avoided cheering his name as to not disruptingthe ceremony with a chortling laugh. Which was sad, since she wanted to cheer the LOUDEST but she couldn't DO that if she was laughing. Oh! Shadowclan was led by a fox? What? Oh, it was an insult. But that insult wouldn't work on Vixenpaw since he was named after a fox. And if Shadowclan was led by a molly, does that make Dawnstar a vixen? Does that make Vixenpaw and Dawnstar The Fox related? It was all very very confusing and Owlkit struggled to comprehend this.

But alas, the meeting was now over. The big-pawed tumbleweed Kit then rolled out the same way she entered. Speeding like a blur. But she then got curious about how far she could roll and began rolling instead. Curiosity kills the ca5, but somehow Aubs is still in one piece.

Owlkit becomes a tumbleweed transformer in this post WindClan Galewood - Page 175 (105)


WindClan Galewood - Page 175 (106)
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Freakin out I'm how many hours away!"

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