OUTDOORS: Weekly fishing report, June 4 (2025)


Compiled by Jim Matthews


1. Diamond Valley Lake moves into the No. 1 spot this weekthanks to the excellent largemouth bass bite. The cloudy weatherhas had the fish all over the surface on topwater baits and thencontinuing to hammer plastics and other baits when going deeperonce the sun comes out. Many anglers have had 30-plus fish days andfish to seven pounds were reported this past week. If the bassdon’t cooperate, the catfish and bluegill bites are also prettymuch wide open.

For an update on this action, check with the marina staff at951-926-7201 or Last Chance Bait and Tackle at 951-658-7410.

  2. A coming full moon means catfish, and the flatheadcatfish action on the lower Colorado River this weekend should beexcellent. Even during the between moon phase this past week, therehave been some very good catches from the canals and main riverbelow Havasu. Most of the canals and backwaters have lots of smallbluegill, so bait is easy to come by for night fishing. You canalso use goldfish. For an update on this bite check with B&BBait in Blythe at 760-921-2248 or Walter’s Camp at760-854-3322.

  3. The bass and bluegill action has been quietly good atLower Otay Reservoir in San Diego County. Some of the bluegill havebeen in the two-pound class and the top bass this past week was anear-11-pounder. Taken on a jerkbait. This bite has really kickedinto gear. This lake is only open Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday.For more information, call 619-465-3474 or to make a boatreservation, call 619-668-3274.


  TROUT: Trout season is all but gone at the urban lakes,but the local mountain waters are starting to turn on with goodaction at Big Bear Lake, Green Valley Lake, Lake Gregory, and LakeHemet. In the Sierra, a lot of places are just fair, but therecontinues to be an excellent bite at Kirman Lake, the East WalkerRiver, South Lake, and Bishop Creek. In the High Desert, Jess Ranchis still a good bet.

  LARGEMOUTH BASS: The largemouth bass bites are in apost-spawn lull many places, but there are still some excellentbites. Top picks are Diamond Valley and Casitas. Casitas lulled alittle, but still good. DVL is awesome with just about anything youthrow. Both are producing great average-sized fish, perhaps in thethree to four-pound range. Other good bets including SantaMargarita on the Central Coast, Castaic, Piru, and Skinner. In SanDiego County, the Barrett remains awesome with over 3,600 bassreported, and Sutherland, Wohlford, El Capitan, Hodges, and bothUpper and Lower Otay are all worth fishing. On the lower ColoradoRiver, the smallmouth bass bite from Parker downstream is very goodin the main river, and the largemouth bite is pretty darn good allin the backwaters and in Lake Havasu.

  STRIPED BASS: There is pretty good striper action at allof the Southern California striper spots with Pyramid, Skinner,Silverwood, and Castaic all cranking out fish, mostly on anchovies.The California aqueduct near Taft is also excellent (and anglersare reminded there is an 18-inch mimimum size here). On theColorado River, Lake Mohave is good on fish to five pounds onanchovies, but most are one to three, and they are now in a deepwater bite.

Havasu also has a fair to good deep-water bite. Willow Beachlulled again. Near Blythe, the action is still fair to good at thediversion dam above town with fish over eight pounds again thisweek.

  PANFISH: The Lake Isabella crappie bite is still going and25-fish limits are still likely, but the bite is fading and thefish are getting smaller.

Casitas remains good for bigger crappie to three pounds, butthis is a live shad-only bite around the marina and it’s slowedover last week. Elsinore continue to slow, but Henshaw came backon, producing crappie to 1 1/2 pounds this past week. The bluegilland redear bites are wide open just about everywhere this week.Diamond Valley and Lake Perris are hot. But just about every waterwith bluegill is really starting to crank. Take the kids bluegillfishing this weekend. Also the tilapia bite at the Salton Sea justwon’t go away. Still good to excellent action. Tilapia are alsobeing planted each week now at Corona Lake.

  CATFISH: The big improvement in the catfish bite has comeon the lower Colorado River where the flathead and channel catfishbite has been getting better each day for a month, with maybe aslight lull this weekend on the Colorado River thanks to the moonphase. The Blythe-Palo Verde region to Yuma is hot for the bigflatheads, and the channels are showing from Mead to Mexico.

Other places of note include Hesperia Lake (which is gettingdouble loads of catfish plants each week), Jean’s Channel Cats,along with Corona Lake and Santa Ana River Lakes, which are bothgetting two plants each week now. Urban water Elizabeth Lake has agood bullhead bite.


  SILVERWOOD: The striper is excellent with a lot of smallerfish from one to three pounds being caught, with some bigger. Thebest bite has been on cut baits, mostly anchovies, fished inChemise or at the spillway. The trout action has been very good inMiller’s Canyon, mostly on Power Bait, small trout jigs, and PowerWorms. There was a DFG plant last week and two weeks ago. Thelargemouth bass bite has been good on Kastmasters and Rapalas. Thecatfish bite is also perking in most coves with the warm weather.Chicken liver, shrimp, and mackerel have all been working forcatfish. The bluegill bite is also good with most of the actionreported at the docks. Information: marina 760-389-2299, state park760-389-2281, Silverwood Country store 760-389-2423.

  BIG BEAR LAKE: None of the tagged trout in the “Fishin’for 50K Trout Derby” were caught during the event this pastweekend, but there were still 710 entries for the event, and theyfound generally trout action with the best bite for trollersworking deeper water or still fishermen fishing 20-plus feet ofwater. Bass action is fair on spinnerbaits and spoons in theshallows, with quite a few smallmouth reported this past week.Crappie are starting to show in the east end. Fishing information:Big Bear Marina 909-866-3218, Big Bear Sporting Goods 909-866-3222orwww.bigbearmarina.com.

  GREGORY LAKE: Fair to good trout action, with some qualityfish report thanks to both DFG and county plants two week ago, anda DFG plant was scheduled for this week. The boat dock and othercounty facilities opened the end of April. Information:909-338-2233.

  GREEN VALLEY LAKE: Very good action with a lot of limitsreported here this past week on Power Bait, nightcrawlers, ThomasBuoyant lures, jigs, and Power Worms. Jim Whitten, Westminster,took a 6.8-pound rainbow on lemon lime twist Power Bait. JimmyBon, Green Valley Lake, caught the big fish of the week, a 9.6Âpound rainbow trout on a pink jig. Plants of 2,000 pounds ofCalaveras rainbow trout will go in this week, the week of June 15and June 29. Each plant will have fish of six pounds and better.There is also a fair catch-and-release bite on largemouth bass.Recorded information: 909-867-2009.

  ARROWBEAR LAKE: DFG trout plants two and four weeksago.

  JENKS LAKE: DFG trout plants two and four weeks ago.Information: Mill Creek Ranger Station at 909-382-2881.


  HESPERIA LAKE: Good to excellent action with a lot oflimits caught early in the morning and late in the eveing.Mackerel, shrimp, inflated nightcrawlers, the marshmallow-meal wormcombo have been the top baits, especially if dipped in Sonny’sCatfish Bait. The lake is planted with 2,200 pounds of cats everyThursday and each plant includes some trophy broodstock fish. Topfish this week included a 17-8 blue cat landed by Jim Alston,Pasadena. Kenny Johnson, Barstow, had a 16-12 cat, while JorgeMarcilino, Hesperia, caught a 16-pound blue. Wayne White Norco,landed a 15-8, and Nate Mullinax, Ontario, caught a 15-pounder. A13-pounder was landed by Shawn Green, Phelan, and Joe Huerta,Fontana, had a 12-8. Arthur Roberts, Rancho Cucamonga, caught a12-4. Some nice sturgeon continue to be caught each week. Tops thisweek was a 15-pounder landed by Scott Paloma, Victorville, and a13-8 was landed by Jay Shirk, Adelanto. Lake hours are 6 a.m. to 5p.m. with the night session from 1 p.m. to 10 p.m. Cost is $15 perangler. Information: 800-521-6332 or 760-244-5951.

  JESS RANCH: Trout action was very good this past week withthe best bite on Power Bait, especially in colors salmon peach,spring green, and rainbow.

Nightcrawlers, and a variety of jigs and lures are also workingfor trout. Most fish are around two pounds with some bigger. Thebass bite is good with anglers reporting success using Senkos ornightcrawlers. Bluegill are biting on mealworms, nightcrawlers, andsmall jigs with many fish near one pound showing.

Catfish are showing on nightcrawlers and mackerel with theaverage fish weighting around two pounds. The lake is open Fridays,Saturdays and Sundays from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m., and it is stocked withtrout each week on Fridays from its own hatchery. The lake willalso be stocking catfish every Thursday all summer long. Lakeinformation: 760-240-1107 orwww.jessranchlakesnews.com.

  MOJAVE NARROWS: No report. There were DFG trout plantedtwo and four weeks ago. County catfish plants are weekly now. Forlake information: 760-245-2226.



  CUCAMONGA-GUASTI: County catfish plants kicked off twoweeks ago and will be planted weekly through the summer.Information: 909-481-4205.

  PRADO: The county is planting catfish each week and thebite has been very good with a lot of five-fish limits posted overthe past week, especially at Lot No. 8 in Basin Two. NataliaCarona, Riverside, had the week’s best cat at 7.6-pounds fishingdough bait and shrimp at the spillway. Ramon Bugarin, Santa Ana,landed a 5-8 cat on shrimp, while Luis Hedrano, Santa Ana, had afour-pounder. Sam Singsay, Santa Ana, had a limit of five cats thatwent 10-4 total, while Julio Bugarin, Santa Ana, had a limit offish up to two pounds each. There is a very good bluegill bite,along with a fair bite on the largemouth bass and carp. Luc Drovin,Santa Ana, had a two-pound largemouth on a four-inch worm.Information: 909-597-4260.

  YUCAIPA: County catfish plants kicked off two weeks agoand the cats will be planted weekly through the summer. Lakeinformation: 909-790-3127.

  GLEN HELEN: County catfish plants kicked off two weeks agoand the cats will be planted weekly through the summer. The bite isvery good with a lot of anglers getting at least two or three fish.Ruth Perkins, San Bernardino, had three cats to three pounds, whileJesus Navarrete, San Bernardino, also landed three fish with histop cat a two pounder. A few carp showing and some bluegill andbass are also being caught. Information: 909-887-7540.

  MOUNT BALDY TROUT POOLS: The heavily stocked pools areopen every Saturday and Sunday. No fishing license is needed.Information: 909-982-4246.

  SECCOMBE LAKE: No DFG plants in over a month. Information:909-384-5233.


  DIAMOND VALLEY: Cloudy weather this week made for greattopwater largemouth bass action, but the fish are showing onplastics and under spins when the sun comes out and they movedeeper. Johnny Sanchez, Yucaipa, caught a 19.5-pound limit fishingnear restroom 2 with a Super Spook. Bob Stevens, Glendale, had thebest report of the week with over 120 released bass. He was fishingwith Roboworms along the dams. Trout action has been slow with thefish moving deep.

The few reports have the trout along the west dam in 40 feet ofwater. Catfish have been good to excellent with a lot of limits forboth shore and boat anglers fishing cut baits for fish to ninepounds. Raymond Greene, Compton, caught 4.23 and 5.87-pound catsfishing with nightcrawlers. The bluegill action is wide open with alot of nice stringers reported on jigs and worms, and some qualitycrappie continue to show. Anel Leuk, Los Angeles, caught a1.84-pound bluegill fishing with nightcrawlers. Bob Stevens,Glendale, caught a 2.57-pound crappie fishing along one of thedams. The launch ramp remains closed due to low water levels. Thereis a petition going around to get a launch ramp extension (checkwith Last Chance B&T). Lake information: 800-590-LAKE, marina951-926-7201, Last Chance Bait and Tackle 951-658-7410 orwww.dvmarina.com.

  PERRIS: The bluegill and redear bite remains wide openwith a lot of 1/2 to 1 1/2-pound fish showing. The marina is good,but the bigger fish are showing in eight to 15 feet of water arounddeeper water structure all around the lake.

Crickets, meal worms, wax worms, or small jigs tipped with abait are the best bets. The bass bite was also very good this pastweek with several nice fish reported. Robert Klocki, Mira Loma,caught a 10-pound bass on a jerkbait near Lot 12. Trout are stillpretty fair after a DFG plant two weeks ago. Good carp action atLots 5 and 6, the east end, Rock Climber’s Cove area. Bob Gaines,Irvine, landed a 26.5-pound carp fly-fishing with an eight-weightrod and a damsel fly nymph tied by his wife Yvonne. He released thefish, his personal best carp on the fly. A few catfish are alsobeing caught, but mostly by accident by bluegill, bass, and troutanglers. Information: marina 951-657-2179, state park951-940-5600.

  SKINNER: The striped bass action remains good to excellentwith lots of smaller fish at the dam and inlet on anchovies. Mostof the fish are under four pounds. Jacob Rogers, Los Angeles,caught 10 striper to four pounds on anchovies at the dam. Thelargemouth bite is good with a lot of fish still whacking darkplastics and nightcrawlers, and there has been some topwater thispast week early and late in the day. Carp are fair on dough baitswith a lot more fish showing shallow. The catfish bite is fair onmackerel and chicken liver. Some bluegill are showing along thesouth shore and at the east end.

Crappie and trout are slow. Information: store 951-926-1505 ormarina 951-926-8515.

  ELSINORE: Catfish and carp are the best bet here rightnow, with pretty good bites on both. There is also a spotty bite onthe older age-class wipers with some fish to six pounds beingcaught. Regular Bill Bray, Elsinore, landed and released fivewipers on Saturday and two more on Sunday with fish to five poundsin his catch. There is an 18-inch minimum size on the wipers.Crappie are tough now with only a few being caught. Small bluegillare good.

Information: Seaport Boat Launch at 951-245-9308, Elsinore WestMarina at 951-678-1300.

  CORONA LAKE: The catfish and tilapia action continues tobe very good.

Catfish action is best on shrimp with garlic Gravy or J.D.’sMackerel fished on the bottom from a boat around the trees on thesoutheast side of the lake or along the east side near the dam.Most of the fish are from 1 1/2 to three pounds. Tilapia are bestin shoreline areas on half a nightcrawler fished on the bottom onunder a bobber. Al Hinton, Los Angeles, caught 15 catfish on shrimpthat weighed in at 26 1/2 pounds. Freddy Jarmillo, Los Angeles, had13 fish that weighed 23 pounds. Biggest catfish reported this weekwere a pair of 7 1/2 pounders. One was landed by Steven Shores,Riverside, fishing mackerel at the dam, while Daniel Brite andKellen Fasan, both San Diego, had seven catfish, including fish at7 1/2 and seven pounds while fishing mackerel at the dam. Sturgeonwill be planted for the weekend of June 20-21, and anglers will nowbe allowed to keep the sturgeon. Catfish are planted twice a week,and tilapia are planted each Tuesday. There is 24-hour fishingevery Friday and Saturday night. Information: 951-277-4489 orwww.fishinglakes.com.

  EVANS LAKE: Slow to fair bass action on plastics and smallreaction baits.

Good bluegill action around shoreline structure, rocks, andtules.

  RANCHO JURUPA: Good catfish action after a plant May 21,with another plant scheduled for Thursday this week. Plants are nowevery other week, and the best bite has been on mackerel. Also theodd bass and carp showing up. Information: 951-684-7032.

  FISHERMAN’S RETREAT: No report. Information:909-795-2411.

  ANGLER’S LAKE: The lake is currently closed.

  REFLECTION LAKE: Good catfish action with nightcrawlersworking well.

Catfish are planted on Thursday every other week. The lake’shours are 8 a.m.

to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, and 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturdayand Sunday.

Information: 951-654-7906 orwww.reflectionlakerv.com.

  JEAN’S CHANNEL CATS: Excellent catfish action on chickenliver, dough baits, and nightcrawlers. Clay Schutt, Quail Valley,landed a 7 1/2-pound catfish while his sons Corey and BrandenÂlanded 13 other catfish. The lake is open Wednesday through Sundayfrom 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., and on all Monday holidays. Information:951-679-6562 or 951-259-2021.


LAKE HEMET: Good trout action after DFG plants two and fourweeks ago. Jim and Vivian Grauty, Riverside, each caught a limit oftrout on nightcrawlers off the peninsula. The largemouth bass,bluegill, carp, and catfish bites have also started picking up.Lake open daily from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. Information: Lake HemetMarket 951-659-2350, campground 951-659-2680.

  FULMOR LAKE: No recent plants. Information:951-659-2117.


SANTA ANA RIVER LAKES: The catfish bite is hot thanks to plantscoming in twice a week. Limits have been common, and the top actionthis past week has been on shrimp fished at Levitz’ Corner. Aseven-pound cat was caught by Eric Apelian, Lakewood, and a10-fish, 26-pound catch was made by Jonathan Ahumada, Bellflower.Stan and Glenda Corona, Orange, had 14 fish that weighed24-pounds.

All three catches were made on shrimp at Levitz’ Corner.Sturgeon will be planted for the weekend of June 20-21, and anglerswill now be allowed to keep the sturgeon. Catfish are planted twicea week. There is 24-hour fishing every Friday and Saturday night.Information: 714-632-7830 or log on atwww.fishinglakes.com.

  ANAHEIM LAKE: Closed. Anaheim Lake only opens when SantaAna River Lakes is closed for cleaning and maintenance.Information: (714) 996-3508 orwww.fishinglakes.com.

  IRVINE LAKE: The bass action was excellent again this pastweek but the average fish size was slightly smaller with most fishin the two to three-pound range. Crankbaits fished along theSantiago Flats was working best this past week. Trout action wasfair to good with trollers seeing the best results.

Power Bait and the Power Mouse combo continue to be productiveas well. The fish are moving deeper with the hot weather and wereoften found at depths of 20 feet or more by mid-day. Catfish actionimproved to good with shrimp, chicken liver, and mackerel fisheddown to 20 feet working best. Crappie action was slow to fair thisweek with the best bite on white Atomic tubes fished nearstructure. Good numbers of bluegill are showing for those usingmeal worms or wax worms in the shallows near the docks. The lake ishosting a “No-Limit” trout event this Saturday and Sunday. Thenormal five fish limit on trout will be suspended for these twodays, and prizes will be awarded for top stringers.

The official kick off of catfish season will be June 12 with aplant of 10,000 pounds slated to go in just before the event. Lakeinformation: 714-649-9111 orwww.irvinelake.net.

  LAGUNA NIGUEL LAKE: Catfish fair to good for 1-8 to fourpounders. Cut baits on the flats have been the hot ticket for thecats. Next plant of 1,000 pounds of cats will be June 15. Bassaction has been fair with fish to three pounds showing on crawlers,cranks, dark-colored plastics and topwater baits early and late inthe day. Excellent bite on small bluegill all around the lake onmeal worms and nightcrawler pieces. Still a few trout showing atthe inlet.

The lake is open 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily. Information:949-362-3885 orwww.lagunaniguellake.com.


  CACHUMA: Trout action remains pretty good for trollers andbait fishermen at the dam working 20 to 30 feet of water. The fishare running up to two pounds, and there was a DFG plant two weeksago. The bass bite, for both smallmouth and largemouth, has beenjust fair to good with a lot of fish showing on plastics andtopwater. There is still a fair crappie bite in the narrows onsmall jigs and cranks, but more of the fish are under a pound thanover now. The bluegill and redear bites are both pretty good.Catfish are also starting to show in the narrows on cut baits. Forquagga mussel and the new boat launching information, log on athttps://www.sbparks.org/DOCS/Cachuma.html.

Fishing information: 805-688-4040.

  CASITAS: Continued good largemouth bass action, but thebite was a little slower this past week. While shad are still a topbait, plastics and nightcrawlers were just as productive this week.Brittney Chisam, Camarillo, landed a 10-12 bass, the week’s best,on a spinnerbait. Andre Fredrichsen, Ojai, landed a nine-pounder ona plastic, and Easton Perez, Oakview, had a seven-pounder on thelive shad. A few cats are showing, but the bite is not hot yet. BobBlocker, Ventura, caught a 17-8 cat on mackerel. Still a fairredear bite with the best bite off the Sunken Island and in StationCanyon on half nightcrawlers or red worms. Still a few big crappieshowing on the live shad around the marina, but that bite also hasbeen tougher. Private boats are being allowed at Casitas, but boatswill be inspected and face a 10-day dry dock requirement because offears of quagga mussel infestation. The lake is open every day,including all holidays from dusk to dawn. Information:805-649-2043.

  CASTAIC: Small schoolie-sized striper from one to fourpounds continue to be caught along the buoy line and Ski Arm. Somebigger striper have been reported near the shore lines in fish arm.The largemouth action is good to excellent with plastics,nightcrawlers, and Senkos all working well. The catfish bite pickedup this past week and many fish in the two to three-pound range areshowing on mackerel, shad, and nightcrawlers. Trout were plantedlast week and two weeks ago, and the lagoon is on the DFG list forthis week. The rainbows have been fair to good. Few bluegill orcrappie reports, but there’s a very good carp bite for anglerstargeting them. Several carp in the 15 to 20-pound range have beenreported. Information: 661-775-6232.

  PIRU: Generally fair to good action overall. The crappiebite is still fair on small jigs tipped with Crappie Nibbles, butthere are fewer of the bigger class fish being caught. Lots in the1/2- to 3/4-pound range. The bluegill and redear are also part ofthis mix with a pretty good bite on these panfish, along with somefish at 3/4-pound or better. Bass are good on plastics,nightcrawlers, and some on reaction baits, including a buddingtopwater bite.

Most are under two pounds, though. Catfish still spotty.Information: marina 805-521-1500, x208.

  PYRAMID: Trout were planted Wednesday this week, and thiscould spur both the trout fishing and the action on biggerstripers. The bite on the smaller stripers has been good with thewater flowing sporadically. When water is flowing into the lake,the bite takes off, but it has been fair to good even when thechannel isn’t moving. Most of the fish are one to four pounds, withoccasional bigger fish, and the best action has been at Yellow Barand in the channel on drifted baits, mostly anchovies, but somefish are showing on cranks and swimbaits. Good bluegill action witha lot of fish shallow now. Also improving catfish action on cutbaits. Information: USFS 661-296-9710, concession 661-257-2790.

  QUAIL LAKE: No reports.

  PUDDINGSTONE: DFG trout and catfish plants two weeks ago.Just fair action on both, but the bluegill bite is very good toexcellent on meal worms, crickets or wax worms fished in four to 15feet of water. Information: 909-599-8411.

  SANTA FE DAM: DFG trout and catfish plants two weeks ago.Fair to good trout action on Power Bait or nightcrawlers, while thecats are best on cut baits. Good bluegill bite on wax worms andnightcrawlers. Some largemouth bass on plastics. Information:626-334-1065.

  ALONDRA PARK LAKE: DFG catfish plant this week.

  BALBOA PARK LAKE: No recent plants.

  BELVEDERE PARK LAKE: DFG catfish plant this week.

  CERRITOS PARK LAKE: DFG catfish plant two weeks ago.

  DOWNEY WILDERNESS PARK: DFG catfish plant two weeksago.

  ECHO PARK LAKE: DFG catfish plant this week.

  EL DORADO PARK LAKE: DFG trout plant last week and a DFGcatfish plant two weeks ago.

  ELIZABETH LAKE: The catfish and bullhead are reallystarting to bite with fair to good action on cut baits with scentfished in eight to 12 feet of water. DFG trout plant last week.

  HANSEN DAM LAKE: DFG catfish plant this week. Information:888-527-2757 or 818-899-3779.

  HOLLENBECK LAKE: DFG catfish plant this weeks.Information: 213-261-0113.

  JOHN FORD PARK LAKE: No recent DFG plants.

  KENNETH HAHN PARK LAKE: DFG catfish plants this week andtwo weeks ago.

  LA MIRADA PARK LAKE: DFG catfish plant two weeks ago.

  LEGG LAKES: DFG trout plant last week and a DFG catfishplant two weeks ago.

  LINCOLN PARK LAKE: DFG catfish plant this week.

  MAGIC JOHNSON LAKE: DFG catfish plant this week.

  PECK ROAD PARK LAKE: DFG catfish plant two weeks ago.Information: 818-448-7317.


  BARRETT: Excellent bass fishing. This past week there were194 anglers checked and they reported catching 3,665 bass, 147bluegill, and four crappie.

Fees to fish here have gone up, making it $20 per angler and $46for motor rentals. Lake information: 619-465-3474 orwww.sandiego.gov/water/recreation/.

Rental boat reservations: 619-668-3274 orssmith@sandiego.gov.

  HODGES: There were 243 anglers checked and they reportedcatching 142 bass, 34 bluegill, 72 crappie, and eight catfish thispast week. The lake is open on a Wednesday, Saturday and Sundayschedule with boat rentals on the weekends only. Lake information:619-465-3474 orwww.sandiego.gov/water/recreation/.Rental boat reservations: 619-668-3274 orssmith@sandiego.gov.

  EL CAPITAN: The 131 anglers checked reported catching 106bass, 57 bluegill, 12 crappie, eight carp, and 10 catfish. The lakeis open Thursday through Monday for fishing. Rental boats areavailable on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. On Sundays rentalsstop at 10 a.m. Lake information: 619-465-3474 orwww.sandiego.gov/water/recreation/.Rental boat reservations: 619-668-3274 orssmith@sandiego.gov.

  LOWER OTAY: Good bass and bluegill action with some otherfish showing as well. There were 249 anglers checked who reportedcatching 320 bass to 10.78 pounds, 513 bluegill to two pounds, andsix catfish. Larry Henson, Ramona, caught a 10.78-pound largemouthon a jerkbait fishing the Harvey Arm. The lake is open on aWednesday, Saturday, and Sunday schedule. Lake information:619-465-3474 orwww.sandiego.gov/water/recreation/.Rental boat reservations: 619-668-3274 orssmith@sandiego.gov.

  UPPER OTAY: Good bass action for walk-in anglers. The 10anglers checked reported landing 24 bass to 3.15 pounds. The lakeis open on a Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday for fishing, sunriseto sunset. The road to Upper Otay is closed to vehicles, butanglers may walk in to fish during lake hours. Lake information:619-465-3474 orwww.sandiego.gov/water/recreation/.Rental boat reservations: 619-668-3274 orssmith@sandiego.gov.

  MURRAY: Slow to fair bass action, but the panfish bite isstarting to heat up. The 146 anglers checked reported catching 50bass, 114 bluegill, 11 trout, and one catfish. The lake is open forfishing and boating seven days a week.

Boat rentals are available Saturday and Sunday only. Lakeinformation: 619-465-3474 orwww.sandiego.gov/water/recreation/.Rental boat reservations: 619-668-3274 orssmith@sandiego.gov.

  MIRAMAR: Mostly slow action with a spotty pick on rainbowtrout, and some bass and bluegill showing. There were 81 anglerschecked and they reported catching 11 rainbow trout, 25 bass, and40 bluegill. The lake is open for fishing seven days a week. Boatrentals are available on Saturday and Sunday only. Lakeinformation: 619-465-3474 orwww.sandiego.gov/water/recreation/.

Rental boat reservations: 619-668-3274 orssmith@sandiego.gov.

  SUTHERLAND: No creel checks are being conducted, but thebite is fair to good for bass and a few cats and panfish areshowing. The lake is open on weekends only, but will not haverental boats available. Water level is very low and boat launch isallowed at your own risk. Lake information: 619-465-3474 orwww.sandiego.gov/water/recreation/.Rental boat reservations: 619-668-3274 orssmith@sandiego.gov.

  WOHLFORD: The trout bite disappeared with warming watertemperatures, but the catfish action is good for smaller fish allaround the lake. Mackerel and chicken liver are the top baits andthe top spots are the buoy line areas. The bass fishing is good,mostly for smaller males in an early morning bite.

Crappie can now be found around submerged willows and areshowing on Finger Jigs and small shiners and the fish are averagingbetter than a pound each.

Bluegill are hitting red worms or meal worms in good numbers.Trout are slow with only a few showing in deep water at the mouthof the canal or along the west buoy line. Carp action has been goodon dough baits. There are four new bass boat-type rentalsavailable. Quagga mussel fears still have a private boating ban.Information: 760-839-4346 orwww.wohlfordlake.com.

  DOANE POND: DFG trout plant four weeks ago.

  DIXON LAKE: The bluegill bite is fair to good in theshallows with some fish topping a pound. Slow trout action with thelast plant of the season four weeks ago. Bass and catfish are bothslow to fair. Pier No. 2 has completed construction and is nowopen. A daily permit is required for entry. The Fishing Pier No. 1remains closed until further notice. Fees have increased; adultsare $7, seniors are $5 and youths are $5. Boats rent for 17, halfboats are $14, motorboats are $35, half motorboats are $30, andbass boat rentals are $46 to $50. Lake information: 760-839-4345 orwww.dixonlake.com.

  POWAY: Fishing for all species was slow again this pastweek, except for bass which remain fair to good, mostly on smallerfish. Trout action slow. The catfish bite is best at the Log Boom.Some bluegill are showing by the second tank on the Log Boom. Lakeinformation: 858-668-4770, tackle shop 858-486-1234.

  JENNINGS: Catfish action was slow with the best bitearound the bird trees and Hermit Cove on nightcrawlers andmackerel, both doused with scent. Catfish will be planted everyother week all summer long. Trout action was generally slow butwith some success reported at the fishing float and Shadow Cove.Best action has been on inflated nightcrawlers doused with scentand fished in the deep waters. Bass are scattered and post-spawn.Plastics are best with some sporadic topwater action. Upcomingevents: Free fishing class on bait fishing for rainbow trout 1 p.m.Sunday hosted by Ranger Hugh Marx. For information call619-443-2510. Lake information: 619-390-1300 orwww.lakejennings.org.

  MORENA: No recent reports. Water temperature 68 degrees.Bass, crappie, bluegill and catfish are fair, trout slowing. Priceof boats and permits has been reduced Monday through Thursday.Permits are $3.50 and boat rentals just $20 for the whole day.Information: 24-hour fishing update line 619-478-5473, rangerstation 619-579-4101.

  CUYAMACA: Continued excellent trout action all over thelake and a DFG plant was slated for this week. Nightcrawlers andPower Bait have been best with Lone Pine, the north shore, and thedike being the hot spots. Trout were planted last week and twoweeks ago. Another trout plant is slated for this week as well. Thelargemouth bass bite is really starting to turn on as the bass aremoving into the shallows on beds and some bigger fish have beenreported. Christian Peters, 13, El Cajon, and Josh Esquibel, 9,Jamul, caught a 9-7 bass on a Senko. Joseph Olive, Alpine, caught afour-pound bass at the dock. There is also a good crappie bite forthose targeting them. Upcoming events: Supervising ranger WillardLepley offers a free fishing class every Saturday at 10 a.m.Private boats are allowed on the lake again, but the boats must besprayed for quagga mussels by a high-pressure heated wash prior toentering the lake. The cost is $10 for the spraying and it lastsfor multiple trips to Cuyamaca as long as the boat is not used inanother reservoir. The decontamination wash down station is for allcraft and items used in the water, including boats, motors, kayak,canoes, float tubes and waders. Information: 760-765-0515 orwww.lakecuyamaca.org.

  HENSHAW: Catfish action has been very good on shrimp,chicken liver, and mackerel. There is also a fair to good crappiebite with some good catches made again this past week. The best betfor crappie has been small jigs with red or white heads. GuyProuezano, Chula Vista, caught 14 crappie to 1.5 pounds. DavidTenney, San Diego, caught six crappie to 1.5 pounds. Information:760-782-3501.

COLORADO RIVER Â Â LAKE MEAD: Stripers fair to good over muchof the lake, with Hemenway, Boulder Bay, Gypsum Wash, the 33 Hole,and dam all producing fish on cut anchovies or live shad. Fewerfish on artificials. Some catfish action reported on anchovies orshrimp. The largemouth bass action is fair off the points.

  WILLOW BEACH: A little slow for the stripers, especiallythe bigger fish, but some three to five pound stripers have shownoff the fishing pier on anchovies. Big stripers still in a lull,but could turn on with full moon.

Trout action remains good after the Friday plants. Smallspinners, salmon eggs, nightcrawlers, and floating baits best forthe rainbows. A few catfish are starting to show in the biggerpools down river. Information: Willow Beach Resort at928-767-4747.

  LAKE MOHAVE: Just fair stripers this past week, mostly onfish from two to five pounds. Most of the fish are still showing indeep water from all areas, with the Cottonwood Cove region, ArizonaBay, Katherine’s Landing, the Power Lines, and the dam areas alldecent spots. Most of the fish are showing in 20-plus feet of waterand most of the bite has been on anchovies. A spotty largemouthbass bite. Catfish are improving and the shoreline areas on cutbaits. Bluegill are also showing in good numbers in most coves andaround structure. Information: Cottonwood Cove at 702-297-1464,Katherine’s Landing at 928-754-3245.

  LAUGHLIN-BULLHEAD AREA: Spotty action right now with onlya few stripers showing in this stretch of the river. Tom Gallant,Bullhead City, caught a 12.09-pounder on a anchovy this past week.A few catfish are also being caught on the same baits striperanglers are using. Even though there hasn’t been a trout plantsince March, there are still a few rainbows to 15 inches showing,mostly on small spinners and nightcrawlers. Information: RiveriaMarina at 928-763-8550.

  NEEDLES AREA: Fair striper action downriver, with the bestbite early in the morning on fish under three pounds. A few catfishshowing. Fair largemouth bass action. Information: Needles Marinaat 760-326-2197.

  TOPOCK AREA: The striped bass bite has been pretty goodearly in the morning from the I-40 bridge down into Topoc Gorge foranglers drifting anchovies or anchoring up in the bigger pools andfishing the bait. Most of the stripers are small, in the one- totwo-pound range. Quite a few catfish to 15 pounds are showing up inthis bite, too. Topoc Marsh has been fair for catfish, spotty forlargemouth bass, but good for bluegill. River margins andbackwaters are also good for the small bluegill. Topoc Marsh can beaccessed by boat at North Dike, Catfish Paradise, and Five-MileLanding. Information: Park Moabi at 760-326-3831 or Phil’s WesternTrader at 928-768-4954.

  HAVASU: The largemouth bass bite has been fair to good foranglers flipping jigs, tubes, Senkos, or plastics worms along thecattails and tules, and there has been a pretty good topwater biteon frogs or buzz baits early and late in the day. Most of thelargemouth are around two pounds. The stripers are scattered andthe action is just fair with the best bite in 40 to 50 feet ofwater south of the island on cut anchovies. Most of the stripersare in the two-pound range, but a few bigger fish continue to show.Some fish are also moving up into the river on the upper end of thelake to spawn. Shad schools are frequently on the surface alongshorelines early in the day, and there’s also some topwater andnear-surface action at dawn on shad-like surface baits, cranks, orswimbaits. Smallmouth bass are fair to good on the main lake’srocky points, including an early morning topwater bite. Redear arein full spawn in most coves and the bite very good. Catfish arefair, mostly showing in deep water. Information: Angler’s Pro Shopat 928-854-2277, Black Meadow Landing at 760-663-3811, or HavasuSprings Resort at 928-667-2205.

  PARKER STRIP: Channel catfish have been very good thispast week and the smallmouth bass in the main river along the riprap are also very good.

Bluegill and redear are both spawning in backwaters and quietwater in the main river and the action is good. Flatheads are alsopretty good on goldfish and shiners.

  BLYTHE: The catfish and bass action is pretty good in themain river, canals, and backwaters, and the striped bass bite isstill fair at the diversion dam north of town with fish to sixpounds. The stripers are best early and late in the day or at nighton Vaca Jigs or live bluegill, goldfish, or tilapia fished in thewhite water just below the dam. The flathead action best on livebluegill or goldfish with fish to 20 pounds each week now. MarkAmmerman, Costa Mesa, had four flatheads at 32, 17, 11, and ninepounds, all on bluegill. The area backwaters and ditches havepretty good for largemouths.

Scott James, Corona, caught a 10-8 largemouth on mackerel atMcIntyre Park, while Joe Adame, Blythe, landed a five-pound bass inthe 10th Avenue Canal. The bluegill action is excellent all alongthe lower river, backwaters, and ditches. Information: B&B Bait760-921-2248.

  PALO VERDE: The flathead and channel catfish bite is verygood with a lot of quality fish being caught, mostly on livegoldfish or bluegill in the area backwaters and ditches. Thelargemouth bass bite slowed a little this past week, but it’s stillfair to good in the river backwaters and main river.

Pretty Water and Cibola Lake are still both top areas.Smallmouth pretty good in the main river along the rip rap. Spottyaction on small stripers in the river with fish to five poundsreported. Information: Walter’s Camp 760-854-3322 Thursday throughMonday.

  PICACHO AREA: Very good largemouth bass action on plasticworms or nightcrawlers. Even some topwater action starting. Thechannel catfish action is good on mackerel, shrimp ornightcrawlers. Fish from one to three pounds, with only a fewbetter ones. The flathead action is also taking off with somequality fish showing on goldfish, shiners, tilapia, andbluegill.

  MARTINEZ LAKE AREA: Largemouth bass action fair to good onplastics cranks, and spinnerbaits, with more and more topwateraction each week now. Channel catfish and flatheads are both good.The crappie bite has lulled, but the bluegill action is very goodin all the backwater lakes and along the tules in the main river.Information: 928-783-9589 Thursday through Monday orwww.martinezlake.com.

  YUMA AREA: Bass action is fair to good in the main riverand river backwaters on minnows and plastics and there’s a morningtopwater bite now.

Both channel catfish and flathead action is good in the mainriver with some quality flatheads showing on live minnows,bluegill, or big crawdads each week.

The Gila Main Canal area in East Yuma continues to good forchannel catfish action with some bass, redear and bluegill.

LOWER DESERT WATERS Â Â SALTON SEA: The tilapia bite is stillgood but off from the blistering pace of the past couple of months.Still not uncommon to have 30-plus fish days all along the eastshoreline (the Highway 111 side) from Bombay Beach to Mecca Beachto Salt Creek and up to the state park headquarters fishing jetty,where most of the fishing pressure is concentrated. Still noreports from the other side of the sea. The fish are running fromhalf-pound up to nearly two pounds, but most remain in the3/4-pound to one-pound range. The action is still on nightcrawlerpieces fished on the bottom. Information: Salton Sea StateRecreation Area ranger station 760-393-3052.

  ALAMO RIVER: Few reports, but the catfish action hasimproved in the past two weeks with quite a few fishing showing onnightcrawlers and cut baits.

   COACHELLA, HIGHLINE CANALS: Few reports, but the catfishaction has improved in the past two weeks with quite a few fishingshowing on nightcrawlers and cut baits. A few stripers, largemouth,and bluegill.


  FINNEY-RAMER: No reports.

  WEIST LAKE: Last No report. Information: 760-352-3308.

  SUNBEAM LAKE: No Report.

  LAKE CAHUILLA: No report. Information: 760-564-4712.

EASTERN SIERRA Â Â GENERAL: For updated road and campinginformation: Interagency Visitor Center 760-876-6222, BishopChamber of Commerce 760-873-8405 orwww.bishopvisitor.com, MonoCounty Tourism 760-924-1743.

  COLEVILLE-TOPAZ REGION: The West Walker River remainstough because of runoff but fishing is still fair for persistentbait anglers. Little Walker River is also high, but still fair forbrookies and rainbows. Kirman Lake is still very good on brookiesto 19 inches, shaped like footballs, and weighing up to fourpounds, and cutthroat trout to 24 inches and in the six- toeight-pound range. Twenty-fish days are not uncommon. Best actionon scud and streamer patterns for float-tubing fly anglers withsmall jigs working for shore-bound lure anglers. Information:Toiyabe Motel at 530-495-2281.

  BRIDGEPORT REGION: East Walker River remains one of thetop spots in the Sierra with with excellent action on 12 to 25-inchbrowns. The best bite has been on midge pupae patterns and caddisnymphs, but there’s also a good streamer bite early and late, andmore and more dry fly action each day (mayfly and caddis). Flowshave been consistently in the 192 to 230 cfs range over the pasttwo weeks, with flows slightly below last week. BridgeportReservoir has been fair to good with the best action mid-day oninflated crawlers and Power Bait, with a few on trolled lures inhot colors. Lots of fish to four pounds.

Also a daily callibaetis hatch for the fly anglers. Twin Lakesare both fair to good on planted rainbows for trollers, baitanglers, or fly-bubble fishermen.

The West Walker River and most of the smaller streams in theregion are still blown out with runoff, high and muddy. TheVirginia Lakes – Big Virginia, Little Virginia, and Trumbel – haveall been good, with the best bite on small jigs and lures, but alsofair action on floating baits or inflated nightcrawlers.Information: Ken’s Sporting Goods 760-932-7707 orwww.kenssport.com.

  LEE VINING REGION: High water in most of the creeks inthis region as runoff is peaking. Lee Vining Creek is still prettygood for bait anglers fishing baby nightcrawlers, chartreuse PowerBait, or salmon eggs. Lure anglers are fishing spinners while flyanglers are fishing weighted nymphs under and indicator. The areasbetween the campgrounds is best. Lower Rush Creek in the specialregulation section has been good on small caddis dries or a two-flyrig. Tioga Lake is just fair with the best bite on the usual baits,gold spoons, or wooly buggers, olive leeches, or hare’s ears forfly anglers. Ellery Lake is good at the inlet for both bait, lure,and fly anglers. Saddlebag Lakes was still opening up, but theaction was expected to be good near the outlet.

Lundy Lake’s water level is coming up very quickly and the biteis good for bait, lure, and fly anglers. Information:www.dipperflyfishing.com.

  JUNE LAKE LOOP: The action has been improving at all ofthe lakes in the June Lake Loop with the cooler weather. Lots offish to 1-8 showing in June, Gull, Silver and Grant, and all wereplanted with Alpers’ trout before Memorial Day and a lot of thosefish are still being caught. Walker and Parker lakes are both fairto good, and most of the trails to higher elevation waters areopen.

Still quite a bit of snow up high, and it was supposed to snowin the Loop on Friday this week and then clear out for the weekend.Information: Ernie’s Tackle at 760-648-7756.

  MAMMOTH AREA: Convict Lake has been fair with limits hardto come by this past week, but some quality fish continue to comein. Alpers’ trout will also be planted this week and next week. Topfish reported was a 4-3 landed by Gabe Torres, Palm Springs, on aTrout Teaser jig at the inlet. Joe Klahorst, Fullerton, had a 3-6,and Chris Jones, Irvine, landed a 2-2 rainbow. The Convict SpringDerby with over $8,000 in prizes kicked off on Monday this week andcontinues through June 15. Entry fee is $15. Crowley Lake has beenmuch tougher over the past week for fly anglers with the fishwidely scattered.

Diligent tubers fishing midges under indicators are stillgetting fish. Bait and lure anglers also facing tougher conditions,but overall fair action.

Several browns up to four pounds were reported this week, butmost rainbows in the two to three-pound class. The upper OwensRiver remains good, but Hot Creek has been tougher because ofrunoff. In the Mammoth Lake, all the lakes are ice-free and fishingfair to good. Good action on planted trout in Rock Creek.

Information: The Troutfitter at 760-934-2517, PerformanceAnglers at 760-924-2181, Convict Lake Resort at 760-934-3800,Crowley Lake Fish Camp at 760-935-4301, Tom’s Place at760-935-4239.

  BISHOP AREA: South Lake received its first DFG plant ofthe season this past week and Alpers’ trout were planted this week.Fishing continued to be excellent despite afternoon thunderstormswith occasionally heavy rain and pea-sized hail. Crawlers floatedwith an orange or red Gulp Egg was the best bait this week withfish to two pounds reported. South Fork Bishop Creek slowed a bitthis week but most folks were able to scratch a few fish on salmoneggs or mini-jigs in Parcher’s Hole, Willow Camp, and Weir Pond.North Lake was outstanding this week with both shore anglers andfloat tubers enjoying a solid bite on fish to three pounds. DFG andAlpers’ plants really got the bite going in a hurry following theholiday weekend. Lake Sabrina has been on the slow side, but it wasalso planted with Alpers’ trout this week. George Kirby, Bishop,caught a four-pound brown trout on a trolled Rapala. Best bite wasat the inlets on nightcrawlers and Power Bait. Bishop Creek CanyonSummer Classic Derby began Monday and it is held on South Lake,Sabrina, North Lake, Intake II, Weir Pond and both forks of BishopCreek. All waters receive tagged fish for the derby which runsthrough the end of the month. Registration is $5 per person, andyou can register at Parchers Resort, South Lake Landing, BishopCreek Lodge, Lake Sabrina, Cardinal Village, Creekside RV Park,Culver’s Sporting Goods, Mac’s Sporting Goods and the BishopChamber of Commerce.

Anglers catching a tagged fish will win prizes worth up to $300.The lower Owens River remains good. Fly anglers are seeing somecaddis and mayfly surface activity, but most of the action issubsurface on midge and baetis nymph patterns fished pretty deeply(like right on the bottom) under strike indicators or streamersswept along the undercuts and tailouts. Pleasant Valley Reservoirhas been very good for lure, jig, bait and fly anglers, especiallyfor float tubers fishing near the inlet. Owens Gorge good for smallbrowns on small dries with some stones coming off now. Information:Sierra Drifters Guide Service 760-935-4250, Culver’s 760-872- 8361,Brock’s 760-872-3581, Â Â BIG PINE TO LONE PINE AREA: Generallyfair action but no recent DFG plants.

Information: 760-876-4444 or go towww.lonepinechamber.org.

WESTERN SIERRA Â Â BAKERSFIELD AREA CARP DERBY: Bob’s Bait ishaving a month-long carp derby with the largest carp weighed induring June winning a $100 cash prize. There is no entry fee. Thiswill be followed by a catfish derby in July and a striper derby inAugust. For information, call Bob’s Bait at 661-833-8657.

  LAKE ISABELLA: The crappie bite is starting to wind down.The fish have backed out of the shallows and are in deeper waternow, but it’s still possible to catch a 25-fish limit on minnows orsmall jigs. There have also been fewer quality fish, with mostcrappie in the half to three-quarter pound range. Most locals saythis bite has another week or so left and then it will be over. Thetrout action is red hot, with a lot of limits reported on spinnerand Power Bait for fish up to two pounds. Best action has been atthe auxiliary dam area.

Catfish are also fair to good, mostly on frozen shad and othercut baits. Bass have been fair to good, with some flurries of hotaction followed by a slow bite. Most fish on minnows, plastics,cranks, and topwater, and some fish over five pounds reported. Goodaction on small bluegill, too. Information: Bob’s Bait661-833-8657.

  KERN RIVER: Runoff subsiding in the upper Kern, and thewild trout action is fair to good with an excellent palm morningdun hatch each evening at 7:30 p.m. The South Fork has beenexcellent and all of the upper elevation tribs are also good on thewild trout for catch-and-release anglers. Anglers are reminded thispart of the river is not being stocked any longer andcatch-and-release fishing is prudent. Lower Kern River has beenspotty with only fair action on small bass. Few trout. Information:Kern River Fly Shop 760-376-2040 (orwww.kernriverflyfishing.com)or James Store 760-376-2424.

  AQUEDUCT NEAR TAFT: Very good striper action on fish 18 to22-inches, but few bigger fish. The best bite is on sand worms andblood worms, but some fish are showing on shad-like cranks and swimbaits early and late in the day. The catfish bite is fair onnightcrawlers and cut baits. Information: Bob’s Bait661-833-8657.

  HART PARK LAKE: The bluegill carp bites remain good toexcellent. The ‘gills are best on wax worms, meal worms, or redworms, whle the carp are best on Powder Bait. Slow to fair bassaction on minnows, nightcrawlers and plastics with the best actionearly and late in the day.

  TRUXTUN LAKE: The carp action remains very good with a lotof fish to six pounds, occasionally bigger, on dough baits andPowder Bait. Bluegill are also excellent with lots of goodstringers have been reported, mostly on wax worms.

Slow to fair bass action on nightcrawlers and plastics, but thebite is good only early and late in the day.

  RIVER WALK PARK: The bluegill bite is very good oncrickets, wax worms, and meal worms. Bass are spotty with the bestaction on plasics, nightcrawlers, and small swim baits early andlate in the day.

  MING LAKE: Very good carp action on fish to 10 pounds.Best action has been on Powder Bait, but most dough baits areworking. Bluegill are very good on wax worms, crickets, meal worms,and red worms. The bass bite is slow to fair on nightcrawlers,minnows, and plastics early and late in the day. The crappie biteis very slow. The lake is closed to boating now into August whilerepairs are made, but the lake remains open to fishing during thistime.

  BRITE LAKE: No report. No DFG trout plants for over amonth.

  BUENA VISTA LAKES: Very good carp and catfish action ondough baits and Powder Bait. The cats are also showing on frozenshad and Sonny’s Dip Bait. The bluegill bite is very good with alot of fish on wax worms and crickets. The bass action has slowedto just fair with the best bite still on minnows and plastics earlyand late in the day. Crappie slow. Information: Bob’s Bait661-833-8657.

  WOOLLOMES LAKE: No reports.

  SUCCESS LAKE: Bass fair, bluegill good, and the crappiebite slow. No DFG trout plants in over a month. Information:559-781-2078.

  KAWEAH LAKE: Fair to good bass bite on live bait andplastics. Bluegill are good. No DFG trout plants in over a month.Information: 559-597-2526.

CENTRAL COAST LAKES Â Â SAN ANTONIO: Few reports, but a fewstripers are showing on topwater early in the day. The largemouthand smallmouth bass action is fair to good with the fish moving outof the shallows and on to outside points. Some topwater early andlate in the day. Slow to fair crappie bite with fish from 3/4 to apound, mostly on crappie jigs in Harris Creek. Fair to good catfishaction on anchovies, mackerel or shrimp. Information:805-472-2818.

  NACIMIENTO: Fishing slowed down again this past week. Thewhite bass have spawned and scattered all over the lake. Waterlevel is dropping and the largemouth and spotted bass are tougherwith falling water levels. Slowing crappie bite in the Heritagearea and Dip Creek. Lots of big carp in the marina for the fewanglers fishing them. Information: 805-238-1056 orwww.nacimientoresort.com.

  SANTA MARGARITA: All the bites slowed down during thebetween moon phase this past week, but there’s still been fairlargemouth bass action on plastics, cranks, with a little eveningand morning topwater action. Dusty Kahler, Atascadero, had bass at8-10 and eight pounds drop-shotting plastics at the dam, while MaryAnn Cashdan, Templeton, landed a five-pounder in the marina on aplastic worm. Charlie Wyrick, Paso Robles, had two bass to 4-11 andtwo cats to six pounds. The catfish action is also still fair, butimproving. The double DFG plant two weeks ago hasn’t let to much ofanything, action-wise. There have only been a few crappie report,and the Bluegill and redear bites have also been fair over the pastweek. The marina store is open Wednesday through Sunday.Information: 805-438-1522.

  LOPEZ: Fair crappie bite on Strawberry Flats reported onred worms and jigs. Bass remain fair to good on swimbaits,plastics, nightcrawlers, and jigs fished on main lake points.Bluegill are good with a lot of fish on red worms, crickets, waxworms and small jigs. A few catfish. Information: 805-489-1006.

TROUT PLANTS Â Â Barring adverse weather, water or roadconditions, the following lakes and streams, listed by county, willbe restocked with catchable-size rainbow trout from the Departmentof Fish and Game hatcheries this week. For updates in SouthernCalifornia and the Eastern Sierra Nevada, you can call the DFGrecording at 562-594-7268, or for updates in the Western Sierra,you can call 559-243-4005, x183. For trout plants statewide, youcan visit the DFG’s web site athttps://www.dfg.ca.gov/fish/Hatcheries/FishPlanting/index.asp.

  LOS ANGELES: Bouquet Canyon Creek, Castaic Lagoon, PyramidLake.

  ORANGE: Trabuco Creek.

  SAN BERNARDINO: Gregory Lake, Lytle Creek (Middle andNorth Forks).

  SAN DIEGO: Cuyamaca Lake.

  VENTURA: Piru Lake.

  INYO: Bishop Creek (Lower), Lone Pine Creek, Owens River(below Tinnemaha), Owens River (Section 2), Pleasant ValleyReservoir and Sabrina Lake.

  MONO: Bridgeport Reservoir, Buckeye Creek, Convict Lake,Deadman Creek, Glass Creek, Grant Lake, Gull Lake, June Lake, ÂLundy Lake, Mill Creek, Owens River (Section 3), Robinson Creek,Silver Lake, Twin Lakes Bridgeport (Upper and Lower), VirginiaCreek, Virginia Lake (Big and Little).

  FRESNO: Big Creek near Huntington, Big Creek near Kings,Dinkey Creek, Kings River below the Pine Flat Reservoir, MonoCreek, Portal Forebay, Rancheria Creek, San Joaquin River below theFriant Dam, South Fork San Joaquin, Tamarack Creek, Tenmile Creek,Ward Lake.

  KERN: Isabella Lake.

  MARERA: Corrine Lake, Fish Creek, Lewis Creek, LowerChiquito Creek, Manzanita Lake, Upper Big Creek, West Fork ChiquitoCreek.

  SAN LUIS OBISPO: Upper Nacimiento River.

  TULARE: Balch Park (eastern and western lakes), BigMeadows Creek, Hedrick Campground Pond, Middle Fork Tule River,North Fork of Middle Fork of Tule River (at Wishop Campground),South Fork of Middle Fork of Tule River (at Camp Nelson and CedarSlopes), Upper Peppermind Creek.

  TUOLUMNE: Beaver Creek, Lyons Canal, Lyons Reservoir,Middle Fork Stanislaus Rive, Middle Fork Tuolumne River, MoccasinCreek, North Fork Stanislaus River, Pinecrest Lake, PowerhouseStream, South Fork Tuolomne River, Stanislaus River (ClarkFork).

CATFISH PLANTS Â Â The following waters, listed by county,will be planted by the Department of Fish and Game with one-poundchannel catfish this week.

  LOS ANGELES: Alondra Park Lake, Belvedere Lake, Echo ParkLake, Kenneth Hahn Lake, Hansen Lake, Hollenbeck Lake, Lincoln ParkLake, Magic Johnson Lake.


OCEAN FISHING REPORT By Terrence Berg and Phil Friedmanwww.976-TUNA.com

 OFFSHORE UPDATE: There continues to be a decent volume ofalbacore, yellowtail, and bonita for the San Diego overnight and 11/2-day fleet, but there has been light fishing pressure in spiteof the decent fishing. This makes it hard to pinpoint the biggestschools of fish. But on Monday, the New Lo An had 12 albacore andgood scores of bonito and yellowtail. The Holiday, on a staffthree-day trip, had 80-plus yellowtail and 90-plus quality bonito.The skippers have bee reporting a lot of puddling albacore whichare not biting well. Typical early-season stuff.

  BARRACUDA UPDATE: The barracuda have been up and down overthe past week and seem to be down a little more as we head into thefull moon this week. The fish typically feed deeper on the full andaren’t on the top as much. The fish are still showing in excellentnumbers off San Diego with thinning numbers the further north yougo. Some decent flurries in the Santa Monica Bay.

  SAN CLEMENTE YELLOWTAIL: The yellowtail action has beenexcellent this past week at San Clemente Island with a lot of 15 to25 pounds showing for anglers on the Ultra and Freedom out of 22ndStreet Landing, the Coronado out of Piepoint Landing, Seahorse outof Dana Wharf, and the Big Game 90 out of Marina Sportfishing. Allthese boats have been getting into these fish. And the Big Game 90reported hooking five threasher sharks early this week, includingone 200-pounder that got landed. Also a few seabass showing in thisClemente bite.

  SANTA BARBARA ISLAND SEABASS: Santa Barbara and Venturalandings were seeing some good flurries of white seabass action atSanta Barbara Island this past week, but the weather change thisweek pushed up some cold water and cooled off this action. Watch itto come back when warmer weather returns.

  CATALINA ISLAND UPDATE: There has been an inconsistentpick on the white seabass all around Catalina Island, but the bitewas better this week than last and most skippers think this bitewill continue to improve. Live squid continues to be available. Ifthe seabass don’t show, the calico bite has been pretty good andlimits – especially on six-packs and private boats – have beencommon.

  CALICO AND SAND BASS UPDATE: The calico and sand bassbites are breaking open all along the coast. The sandies are alittle behind schedule, but they are moving up on the flats for thespawn now, and the calicos are good at the La Jolla Kelp andpaddies all the way up into the Santa Monica Bay and even furthernorth. Even half-day boats are seeing three to five fish per anglerwith limits not uncommon on longer trips either near-shore or atone of the islands.

  INSTRUCTIONAL CHARTERS: The staff of 976-TUNA is hostinginstructional charters throughout the year, offering advice tobeginning or veteran anglers and on-the-water teaching oftechniques for different saltwater species. On June 14, there is atwo-day trip aboard the Grande for $299. There is also a 1 1/2-daytrip on the Prowler leaving June 20. Cost is $225. These trips fillup quickly. To book a spot or find out about other upcoming976-TUNA instructional charters, call 310-328-8426 or go to thewebsite atwww.976-TUNA.com.

LANDING CONTACTS Â Â Southern California: Virg’s Sportfishing,Morro Bay, 805-772-1222; Patriot Sportfishing, Avila Beach,805-595-7200; Sea Landing, Santa Barbara, 805-963-3564; HarborVillage Sportfishing, Ventura, 805-658-1060; Channel IslandsSportfishing, Oxnard, 805-985-8511; Captain Hook’s Sportfishing,Oxnard, 805-382-6233; Port Hueneme Sportfishing has merged withChannel Islands Sportfishing; Malibu Pier Sportfishing,310-328-8426; Marina Del Rey Sportfishing, Marina del Rey,310-822-3625; Redondo Sportfishing, Redondo Beach, 310-372-2111;Rocky Point Fuel Dock (skiff rentals for King Harbor), RedondoBeach, 310-374-9858; 22nd Street Landing, San Pedro, 310-832-8304;L.A.

Harbor Sportfishing, San Pedro, 310-547-9916; Long BeachSportfishing, Long Beach, 562-432-8993; Pierpoint Landing, LongBeach, 562-983-9300; Marina Sportfishing, Long Beach, 562-598-6649;Newport Landing, Newport Beach, 949-675-0550; Davey’s Locker,Newport Beach, 949-673-1434; Dana Wharf Sportfishing, Dana Point,949-496-5794; Helgren’s Sportfishing, Oceanside, 760-722-2133;Fisherman’s Landing, San Diego, 619-221-8500; H&M Landing, SanDiego, 619-222-1144; Seaforth Landing, San Diego, 619-224-3383;Point Loma Sportfishing, San Diego, 619-223-1627; IslandiaSportfishing, San Diego, 619-222-1164.

OUTDOORS: Weekly fishing report, June 4 (2025)
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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

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Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

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Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.