The Times from Streator, Illinois (2024)

I STREATOR, ILLINOIS, DAILY TIMES-PRESS. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 22. 1942. Page 10 Project Report Given at Dwight Womans Club Meeting MINONK NEWS Fellowship Dinner Served in Evangelical Church Lostant merly of Dwight, is also a member of the contingent.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rieck and sons, A1 and Gene, spent the week-end with Pvt. Clarence Rieck, who is stationed with the Signal Corps at Camp Crowder, Mo. PROPOSED T.B.

SANITORIDM TAX LEVY EXPLAINED WENONA SCHOOL SISTERS GIVEN ANNUAL PARTY Many Attend Affair; Rons Receive Groceries anil Her Gifts, their close companionship. Mr. and Mrs. T. E.

Gardner of Newton, parents of M. E. Gardner, and their daughter-in-law, Mrs. Mar-jorie Gardner and son, Edward, of Robinson, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs.

M. E. Gardner and family. The Two Square club met Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. John Cassens.

Miss Ann Liston and Mrs. William Grassman held honor scores. Mrs. Floyd Morey was a guest. Mjsses Lois DeFries and Priscilla Danforth, graduates of Mmonk high in 42 accepted employment with the Farm Mutual Bloomington.

They make the trip each day with Mrs. Shirley of Rutland who is also employed In Bloomington. Mrs. Danforth, who was confined to her bed three days after she fell from a step ladder last Friday, is able to be up again. She received a deep gash in her left elbow which required several stitches.

Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Gray accompanied by Mr.

Grays sister, Mrs. John Stubblefield of Normal motored to Dixon Wednesday with i Miss Louise Marshall who remained there. The trip was made by way of Princeton where they called on their niece, Mrs. Merlon Dremann and Mrs. Stubblefield returned to Normal Wednesday evening.

Mrs. Otto Kuehl and daughter, Mrs. John Hoffman, were called to Peoria early Tuesday morning following an auto accident in which Mr. Kuehl was critically injured, and taken to Proctor hospital. Five ribs and an ankle were fractured land his left hip dislocated.

MINONK CLUB -GIVEN REVIEW MRS. A. SUTTON TALKS ON LIFE OF WINSTON CHURCHILL AT MEET. MINONK. The Mmonk Wohians Club met Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs.

R. E. Gray with Mrs. Pearl Kelly assistant hostess. There were 27 members present and three guests.

Miss Esther Simater, Mrs. August Schneider and Mrs. W. A. Parks, of Akron, Ohio.

Mrs. Simater read a paper on the life of Winston Churchill, followed with a review of his book, "Blood, Sweat and Tears, given by Mrs. Alonzo Sutton. The major portion of the took deals with the first world war. Mrs.

N. E. Gordon was elected secretary, taking the place of Mr. S. L.

Buchanan, who resigned. The meeting, November 3, will be with Mrs. Hattie Simater. Pfc. Harold Grassman concluded a fifteen day furlough with his parents, Mr.

and Mrs. William Grass-man, Tuesday, going from hrfe to Galesburg where he met his army pal, Pfc. Mike Schass of Milwaukee, Wis. They made the return trip to San Francisco together. The two young men are known in camp as the Gold Dust twins, because of and granddaughter, Miss Barbara Lambourn, were Sunday guests of the latters parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Howard Lambourn, in Ottawa. James Wherry and Mr. Pearle Small, of Henry, were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs.

Clarence Ray. The senior class of the Magnolia high school will present the three-act comedy, Aunty's Money, In the gymnasium Friday evening, November 13. MANY VISIT IN STEWART HOME AT LONG POINT Guests oTRoEert Stewart, Sr, and daughter Daisy Sunaay were: Mr. and Mrs. Roy Long and son, Mrs.

and Mrs. Mae Cox, of Urbana; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stevens and son, of Sterling; Mr. and Mrs.

Elmer Armstrong, Mrs. Walter Farley and son, Stewart Armstrong and son, and Benjamin Armstrong, student at the University of Illinois, of Ottawa. Mr. Stewart is looking forward to a visit with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.

White, of South Dakota, who expect to arrive here the last of the week. Miss Muriel Grant and friend, of man girls. The remaining hour was spent playing pmg pong. Miss Helen Lmdley is- the advisor and instructor. Rev.

and Mrs. Cedric Powell and three sons spent several days visiting relatives at Tlainville. The latters mother, Mrs. Laura Steward, returned home with them. Mrs.

Mary Crawford of Williams-ville Is visiting her father Tom Cleary and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Reynolds entertained guests at dinner on Sunday including the latters parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Tom Hall and daughter, Lorraine, Darrel Holcomb, Pri-cilla Oberocker, and Mr. and Mrs. Jess Messersmith of Streator and Mr. and Mrs. John Rosworth of Washburn.

Pricilla Oberocker is spending the week here in the Reynolds home. Those attending the open house for Edward Bangs at the Mmonk Rest Haven on Sunday were Ijis niece, Mrs. Amos Ryan and husband, Mrs. Catherine Dugan, Mrs. Mary Bangs and son, Edward, and Jane Kidd, a niece, Dorothy Pletch, and husband and daughters, Marilyn and Helen and Mr.

and Mrs. George Bell, Mrs. Ryan and Mrs Pletch took decorated cakes to their qncle. The occasion was his89th birthday. Helen and Marilyn Fletch also entertained on tne afternoons program with vocal duets.

Mr. Bangs is the brother of the late Mark Bangs and late Sarah Bangs-Merritt and has a large acquamt-nce Lostant end vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. William Gray and Mrs Zoma Pettit visited Mrs, Prud-ie Tarbill in Rutland on Sunday The former couple lived in Rutland at one time and also visited other friends including Mrs.

Vivian and son. Ralph Henning is W'orking at the Anthony Body factory Streator, beginning Tuesday, Eddie Carter of Springfield spent tne week end here. lie Is employed the Elmwood plant Mrs. Charlotte Sandberg and daughter, Diane. left on Tuesday for Pocatello, Idaho, where she will visit her husband, who is stationed in that city.

Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Ryan and daughter, Dorothy, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Russell Tomlinson and daughter, Margaret Ann, of Streator attended a family dinner in the home of Eddie Ransom near Put-nbm, Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Donham of Chicago visited the formers aunt Mrs. Harry Anderson over the week-end Mrs Edna Butterfield entertained the Triple Four Bridge club Monday night. Other guests were Mrs.

Lulu Vollenweider of Tonica. Helen Lindley, Edith Tuttle, Alice Harten-bower and Mrs. Merle Evans. Mrs Maxine Swanson, Mrs. Rosemond Dorsey and Alice Hartenbower won prizes.

Lunch was served. Mrs. Zoma Pettit was surprised on Monday when Harry Tarbill, Mr. and Mrs Will Hartman and Mrs. Henry Hartman all of Storm Lake, Iowa, arrived for a visit.

Mrs Pettit and her brother-in-law, Harry Tarbill spent Wednesday in Rutland and Toluca visiting Mr. Tar-bills relatives. Miss Virginia Brenn had as guests on Friday evening, Mildred and Mitchell Boswich and Ann Miscevlc, LOSTANT The annual fellowship dinner was held ii the Evangelical church on Sunday with a large crowd of past and present members in attendance. Rev. William E.

Grote district superintendent spoke at the morning and afternoon services. The quarterly -conference was held at the close of the afternoon session. Miss Joanne Grivy who spent three weeks in Geneseo with her mothers relatives returned home Sunday. Pvt Ivan Swanson, home from N. Carolina, Doris Swanson, Lucille Schultz and Peggie Lathrop accompanied her home Sunday and were entertained the Grivy home.

Mr. and Mrs. William Griffith and Mr. and Mrs. Orville Gray motored to Tampico on Sunday, looking after farm interests.

Several from Lostant are planning to attend the Illinois Conference of the Womens' Society of Christian Service to be held in Danville, Oct. 23. Thomas Cleary and" son, William and the formers sister. Miss Mary Cleary who have lived the vicinity of Lostant all their lives, rented a farm near Sunbury and will move from the Lyons farm here very shortly. Mr.

and Mrs. Paul Graves discontinued the operation of filling station. Mr. Graves accepted employment at the defense plant in Wilmington, Mrs. Frances OBermillers daughter? Frances, spent the week-end here.

Miss Laura Whitney of McNabb and Mr. and Mrs. Otto Brunkow and daughters, Dorothy and June of Madison, spent the weekend with Mrs Pauline Whitney and her father William Patterson. The "Does Hatchery business has passed into history. Mr.

Does sold his equipment to a party from Franklin Grove and trucks were sent here this week to ship ttie same. Elmer Florence Myef-s and Edith Tuttle attended ho: coming Nor nal during, the wee end. Mr. and Mrs. James Gray gave a dinner in their home on Sunday in honor of their grandson and wife, Mr.

and Mrs. Ralph Moody of Gary, Ind Mr. and -Mrs. Charles Reynofds were all day guests of their daughter, Mrs. Carl Simonton, and family in Magnolia 'and enjoyed meeting their granddaughter, Mrs.

Edward Brady and husband of Beloit, Win. Otis Spear, who was ill for a left period died and was buried in Oaker, Indiana. His two brothers, Hughie and Dewey Spear, of this vicinity attended the services. Mrs Glen Richard and two children visited with her parents in Bowling Green, Kentucky. Lostants shoe repair shop has been moved out of Mrs.

Emma McKenzies building and is now located in the Harths small annex building. Mrs. Charlotte Sanberg was hostess to the Bid or Bye Bridge Club on Saturday evening. Mrs. Mabel Webqr and Mrs.

Rosamond Dorsey received prizes. Lunch was served. The G. A. girls of the Lostant high school elected Geraldine Far rar, president, Emma Jo Snyder, vice president, and Elaine Lechner, secretary and treasurer.

The point system was explained to the fresh- with her parents, Mr. and Mr. C. Simonton. Mr.

and Mr. Charles Reynolds, of Lostant, were also Sunday guests. Mr. and Mrs. James Dean and family have moved to Ottawa to be near his work at the shipyards in Seneca.

Mrs. A. J. Sivell returned to Salem with her daughter, Mrs. Robert Rightmyer and husband for a visit Dr.

and Mrs. George Schneider, La Salle, were Sunday guests at the home of her brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. William Miller. Attend Funeral.

Hugh Spear, daughter Ruby, sons Crede and Dale, Mrs. Verda Atmp, Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Spear and daughter Marjorie, of Magnolia, Mr. and Mrs.

Ray Spear and daughter, Jeanne, of Toluca, motored to Wolcott Ind, to attend the funeral of Otis Spear, who died there Friday. The decedent was a brother of Hugh and Dewey Spear. Mr. and Mrs. H.

B. Spear, of Monroe, Ind, who had spent the past week here with their sons and families, returned to Wolcott with the local people. Paul Brown, of Moline, spent the week-end with his mother and sister, Mrs. Hazel Brown and Phyllis. Kenneth Hopkins and Miss Sally Jo Satterfield, of Chicago, spent the eek-end at the home of the latters mother, Mrs.

Thelma Satterfield. Mrs. Hopkins and mother, Mrs. Edith Defenbaugh, returned home with them. Mrs.

Edith Defenbaugh returned home from East St. Louis Saturday night She was called there two weeks ago by the sudden death of her only sister, Miss Winnifred Alexander. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Billups have bought the Harvey Miller property on the southwest comer of town, and are redecorating It before moving into it Mary Lou, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. John Sammons, is ill with whooping cough. Carl Nelson and Wilmer Larson spent the week-end In Champaign with the latters cousin, Wesley reterson, Mrs. Sophie Lee entertained at dinner Sunday, Mrs. Mary Rowe.

Qsawatarnie, Kansas, and Mr. and Mrs. W. Cameron. Miss Velma Call spent last week in Cazenovia with her mother, Mrs Mary Call.

Harold Hall, of Monee, was a recent Visitor of his grandmother. Mrs. Mary Morris Here On Furlough. Pfc. Clarence Donoho, of Tamp Battle, Newborn, N.

C. arrived home Sunday night to Spend fourteen days with his wife and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Donoho. Mrs.

Clifford Hartman and daugh. ter, Donna Kay, of Sublette, spent several days recently with her motor, Mrs. Jennie McKirgan. Mr. and Mrs.

John Cameron entertained at dinner Monday, Mrs. Mary Rowe, Osawatomie, Kansas, and Mr. and Mrs. D. Cameron Pvt Myers Serkes, Camp Robinson, and Mrs.

Serkes, De Pue, were calling on friends here recently. John A. McKirgan spent the week-end in Sublette with Dr and Mrs Clifford Hartman, Mr. and Mrs. George Bickerman entertained at a 6 oclock (jrnner Sunday: Mr.

and Mrs. Aldeq, Brown, Peoria; Miss Frances Gruber, Deer Park; Miss Helen Schlosser, James Bickerman and daughter, Donna Jean, Ernest and Janice Bickerman. Return Mrs. Mary Rowe returned to her home at Osawatomie, Kansas, Mon--day night after a few weeks visit with her nephew and wife, Mr nd Mrs. W.

D. Cameron. Mrs Frank Anderson, Arthur Peterson and son, Chicago, Mr and Mrs. Evan Carlson, Mr. Nelson, Moline, were Sunday visitor of Mrs.

Minnie Johnson at the home of Miss Bertha Westerlund. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lambourn Bloomington, were guests over the week-end of the formers parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Curtis Grant Mrs. Robert Benckendorf Mrs. Elsie Lentman are both confined to their beds with illness. Mrs. June Brown has been visiting with relatives Peoria the past week.

Red Cross "workers are making slips for refugees at the Red Cross room each Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Mary Jeanette Zeilman and Mrs. Davis, high school instructors at Easton, spent the week-end with the formers parents, Mr and Mrs. Glenn Zeilman.

Mr. and Mrs. Mi M. Lane, Mr. and Mrs.

Frank Goldsmith and Mrs. Lucy Allen visited in McNabb Sunday. Miss Ruby Lane attended the football game at Normal Satur-day. Mrs. Shirley Stewart and Vinson, who teach in the Lexington high school, Mr.

and Mrs. Elmer Blue and daughter, Joyce, of Cornell, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Stewart. Frances Zeilman, who has been employed at the Owens-Illinois Glass factory in Streator, submitted to an appendix operation at St Mary hospital 'Tuesday evening.

SUPPER SERVED GUESTS IN HOME OF MISS VORE Rutland Woman Entertains for Friends From Lcstant. RUTLAND. Miss Gladys Vore, Mrs. M. D.

Allen, Mrs. EsteUa Willoughby, Miss Josephine Schaefer and her mother, Mrs. Minnie Schaefer, and Mis Amy Gnvy of Lostant enjoyed a potluck supper at the home of Miss Vore Monday evening. The occasion was the birthday of Miss Grivy, who was a guest Monday and Tuesday of the Schaefers. Mr.

and Mrs. Frank De Rubeis, Miss Alice Schmillen, of Chicago, were week-end guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. II. J.

Schmillen. Other Sunday guests were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Helm and children of Streator. Mr.

and Mrs. William Gray and Mrs. Zoma Pettit of Lostant visited Mrs. Prudence Tarbill, Mrs, Ruby Harris, Mrs, Maud Vivian. Miss Ruth Oldenburg of Chicago came Tuesday evening to spend several weeks with her parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Frank Oldenburg. Mrs. William Walgenback of Kempton is spending this week with her niece, Mrs. Carl Lundgren.

Miss Mary Martm of Wenona was a guest Tuesday afternoon of Mrs. Ann Barclay. Mrs. M. D.

Allen entertained the Bridge club Tuesday afternoon with Mrs Wpyne King and Mrs Erncs-tine Martin as guests. Delicious refreshments were served. Mrs. John Ames will be hostess in two weeks. Guests Friday evening of last week at the home of Mr.

and Mrs M. D. Allen were Mrs. Minnie Skeen of Orange, Calif, Mr. and Mrs.

M. D. Webber of Wenona and Mrs. Estella Willoughby. Mr.

and Mrs. Arthur Peterson of Peoria, who are spending the week, with Mr. and Mrs. Malkus Malmfelt, spent Tuesday evening with Mr. and Mrs.

Robert Crone. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. P.

Jackson were Mr. and Mrs. Wayne King of Varna and Mr. and Mrs. Carl May and daughter Eleanor.

Miss Agnes Kraiso entertained the Happy Hour club Tuesday evening. Prizes were won by Maxine Steinke and Mrs. William Crumrine. The hostess served refreshments. Mr.

and Mrs. Merle Sullivan entertained honor of this first wedding anniversary with a family dinner in their home in Mmonk. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Oldenburg, sons Robert and Arthur, daughters Lucille and Lillian of Rutland, Mr.

and Mrs Carl Olden-burg and children of Long Point, Mr. and Mrs. William Uphoff and children, Mrs. Martha Oldenburg and daughter Joanne, Mr. and Mrs.

Oscar Sullivan, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sullivan of Mmonk, Miss Inez Clause of Bloorpington. Mr. and Mrs.

Howard Sullivan and children of Sunnyfield. Gueats Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Struble were and Mrs. William Wood and children of East Peoria.

Miss Alice Uphoff and Mrs. Richard Weiland of Peoria, Mrs. Arthur Jones of Herscher and Pvt Chester Jones from Camp Shelby, Miss and Mr and Mrs. Elmer Uphoff and children were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mis.

Harry Uphoff. Mrs Clarence Richman and daughter, Doris Ann of Washington, Mrs. William Weber and granddaughter, Charlene, of Peru, and Mrs Emma Martm of La Rose spent Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Ida Lutton and Mrs. Harry Kaye.

Mrs. Lutton continues quite poorly The visitors also called on Mrs. Ruby Harris and Mrs. Prudence Tarbill. Monday evening visitors of Mr.

and Mrs. Philip Struble were her sister, Marian Tendick and Miss Marjorie McCue, Miss Helen Behrens and Miss Mary Salmon, all teachers in the El Paso schools. H. B. MEETING HELD IN DANA LESSON ON "NUTRITION, YARD-STICK" GIVEN BY MISS JESSIE CAMPBELL.

DANA Mrs. Mabel Finck and Mrs. Mane Moritz were hostesses to the Happy Hour Home Bureau at the formers home recently. Miss Jessie Campbell, Livingston county adviser, gave the lesson on Nutrition Yaidstlck. Mrs.

Margaret Post was in charge of the recreation hour. The hostes'es served delicious refreshments. Harold Richards, student at the University of Illinois, spent the week-end here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs Fay Richards. Miss Marjone Roth, who is employed In the 'weekend with her parents, Mr.

and Mrs Roy Roth. A large crowd attended the sale Jr -I JTD Mrs, Albert Flaminio Presenls Lesson On American Primitive Painting. DWIGHT. The Womans Club met Tuesday evening at the public library, with Mrs. T.

R. Lewis pies' ding. Mrs Max J. Miller, program chairman, gave a report on the projects which the club is sponsoring. She stated that ten members were among the 46 women of Dwight who enrolled in the firt aid class being sponsored by the club each Monday evening at the U.

S. Veterans Facility. with Dr. W. E.

Kendall, managing officer of the hospital, as instructor Mrs. Earl N. Hager, a member of the club, will serve as secretary of this first aid group. Mrs. Miller also gave a report on the first card party sponsored by the club to earn money to buy defense bonds.

The party was held Saturday afternoon at the library and a total of $12.50 was cleared. Mrs. Joseph Geis was co-chairman with Mrs. Miller. Mrs.

Peter Sondergaard displayed a wool comforter and a wool afghan made by the Pontiac Navy Mothers Club and asked the members to help in making comforters and afghans. Mrs Miller stated that Mrs. Albert W. Erickson, chairman in charge of Red Cross sewing, will be at the club room in the library the second and fourth Tuesday afternoons of each month from 2 30 to 4 o'clock to distribute and receive Red Cross Material. Mrs.

Peter SondergaarcL will also be there Tuesday afternoon, October 27, Navy Day, to receive materials and assistance in starting comforters for the boys the navy. Harold J. West, supervisor for Dw-ight township, was introduced by Mrs. Lewis and spoke briefly, explaining the proposed additional tuberculosis sanitarium tax levy which will be voted on Tuesday, Nov. 3, for the Livingston county sanitarium.

Mr West stated it would give the county more operating lee-way if the levy were approved and that annual sales of Christmas seals and bonds would probably be discontinued if the additional levy is approved. Miss Genevieve Haggerty gave an interesting report of the 47th annual state convention of the Illinois Federated Womens Clubs held in Chicago in May. Mrs. Max J. Miller and Miss Haggerty represented the Dwight club.

The program for the evening was under the direction of the art department, with Mrs Albert Flaminio and Mrs Otto Mickelson as co-chairman. Mrs. Mickelson introduced Mrs. Flaminio, who gave a fine program on "American Primitive Painting. The next meeting will be Tuesday afternoon, Nov.

3, at 2 oclock when the literature department, with Mrs. Andrew J. McGee and Mrs. Harold Kelly as co-chairman, will present Miss Lois Harris, who will review the book Dnvin Woman" by Elizabeth Chevalier. Marriage Announced.

Mr 3nd Mrs. Martin Simantel of Dwight announce the marriage of their daughter. Miss Dons Simantel, to Pvt Raymond Laverne Vogen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Knute Vogen of Gardner, who is stationed at Swift Camp, Houston, Tex.

The ceremony took place Sunday, Oct. 4, at Houston, Rev. H. Schowe, pastor of the Evangelical Lutheran church, officiating Mrs. Vogen is residing in Elgin, Texas, a few miles from Camp Swift, for the present She resigned her position at the Elwood Ordnance plant in September and went to Texas Junior Women.

The Junior Wfomans Club met Monday evening at the home of Mrs Vernon Von Qualen, ith Miss Mary Smith presiding over the business session The membership committee reported that two new, members will be added to the club roster, Mrs. John Smith and Mrs. Donald Bounty. The club is sponsoring a benefit movie, Great Man's Lady, October 28 and 29 at the Black stone theatre In the absence of Mrs George Smith, who was to given a talk and demonstration on The Making of Fancy Sandwiches," a social hour was enjoyed. The next meeting will be held Monday evening, Nov.

2, at the home of Miss Virginia Kepplmger. Mrs Albert Flaminio of Dwight will talk on American Primitive Painting. Service Flag. The Young Woman's Guild of the Congregational church met recently at the home of Mrs Paul Schore with Mrs Clarence Smith, Mrs Basil Ambler and Mrs. Clarence Wright assisting hostesses.

Miss Elizabeth Haynes presided over the business session during which the guild voted to purchase a service flag honoring the boys from the Congregational church now in the armed forces A social hour was enjoyed, and refreshments were served. Thirty-four men from Livingston county will leave Pontiac Thursday, October 29, for the induction center at Peoria. Those from Dwight included in the group are Jamey Full cr Dunrt, Clinton J. Ahem, Jr Floyd R. Micheals, Francis J.

Worby Oliver C. Haag of Momence, for TJHXTJTFTF1 slujclsucui. WENONA. The annual card party and shower held for the Sisters proved a Successful venture. Seven tables of euchre, three of bridge, three of pinochle and four of buijco were in progress, with prizes being awarded to Mrs.

William Schinzel, George Kenney, Mrs. J. W. McGrath, Francis Melody, Mrs. Thomas J.

Brennan, James Butcher, Barbara Volz and John Manley. The Sisters are very grateful for the spendid assortment of groceries and-other gifts given them by the parishioners. Mrs. George Melody was general chairman of the party and was assisted by a capable committee. Mrs.

Warman and granddaughter, June Joan Melody, spent the past week-end with the former's daughter, Mrs. Lucille Campbell, and family in Dwight Mrs. Rose Butterfield of Chicago spent Sunday night with her mother, Mrs. A. Warman.

The former was enroute home, having spent the week-end in Pekm with friends. Leave For South, Mr. and Mrs R. L. Ball and son, Kendall, left Wednesday morning for Centerville, Miss, where they will visit another son, Staff Sgt.

George Ball. The latter was located in the western states until two weeks ago when he with other officers were sent to Mississippi to start a new camp, Camp Van Dorn. The Balls expect to be gone ten days or two weeks and will visit at New Orleans, La and Biloxi, Miss while gone. Mrs. Karene Spalding, who is spending the Winter at the home of Mrs.

Carrie Kemp, accompanied them as far as Memphis, Tenn, to visit her son and will return with them. Mrs. Nick Mertes, Mr. and Mrs W. H.

Downey and Pvt. Leonard Mertes spent Tuesday at the Howard Downey home La Salle. Is Registered Nurse. Miss Margaret Mertes has received word that she passed her state board examination with a very high grade and is now a registered nurse. She completed her training at St.

Josephs hospital in Bloomington in August and took her state board examination in September. At present she is caring for Miss Annie Miller at her home near Wenona. Birthday Party. Mrs. L.

L. Bufkm entertained a group of little folks Monday afternoon when the second birthday of her daughter, Connie, was observed. Games were played, after which pictures were taken and a tasty lunch was served. It included a birthday cake, baked by Connies grandmother, Mrs. Emil Johnson.

The honored guest was presented, gifts from her little In Officer's Training. Mr. and Mrs. George Esterdahl received word that their son, Worth, who has been stationed Massachusetts, went to Aberdeen, Md Wednesday of last week to begin his officers training course. His new address is: Ofs.

Cand. Worth H. Esterdahl, Co. Ord Ofs. Cand.

School, Aberdeen Pioving Grounds, Maryland. Leonard Mertes of Fort Devens, Miss, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Mertes, from Sunday un til Tuesday. His address at the eastern camp Is: Pvt Leonard Mertes, 875th Ord.

H. M. Fort Devens, Mass. Honored At Dinner. Wayne.

Sullivan, who left today for the induction center at Scott Field, has been a dinner guest at the home of several relatives dur ing the past week. With his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Vern Sullivan, and brother, Pat, he was a Monday noon dinner guest at the Ralph Man-ley home near Benson; Monday eve rung, at the William Sullivan home Tuesday, at the Frank Hill home; and Wednesday, at the Leo Sullivan home. The highest volcanic peak in the world isSahama-, in Bolivia.

It Is 21,000 feet high. of househould goods and home of the late Mrs. Minnie Klendworth. Dewey Klendworth purchased the home at auction for $730. Hale Jack-son of Rutland was the auctioneer Becomes Ssfgeant.

Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Spires have received word that their grandson, Dale Seggerman, had been made sergeant in the U. S. army.

A former local boy and a graduate of Dana high school, he is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Seggerman of Patonsburg. His address now is: Sgt Dale Seggerman, Group 90th Squadron, Camp Barkeley, Texas. Miss Mina Lake, who is employed in the office of the State Farm Mutual at Bloomington, spent the weekend Wlth her patents, Mr.

and Mrs. Homer Lake. She was recently graduated from Gallagher- Business College at Kankakee and has since been working in the Bloomington office. Miss Ella Mae Elgin, commercial teacher of Dana high school and a graduate of Normal University, Normal, and Miss Blanche Baker f-pent the week-end in Normal attending the annual homecoming of the U-1 1 1 1 1 1 '-'J 1 1 1 M.1 ITS PATRIOTIC to Get Em to Market; Magnolia Methodist Youth Group Holds Installation friends from Junior College. They all attended the carnival.

home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dagner. Mr. and Mrs.

Edward Brady, of 'Beloit Wis, spent the week-end and Its Meat fighting food more pork and more beef are needed for your countrys fighting men. Its your Job to produce at much as you can this year. Come in, let us show you the Purina plan to help you produce capacity pork and beef for your country. 'Mk Abwf OoMff the Job with those PURINA SUPPLEMENTS PURINA HOG CHOW PROFITABLE, tool wh1mi i in that loner 40 of yours i That com field of yours not only can be the means -of satisfying the hunger of hundreds of soldiers men, women, children, but It can be converted into vital rubber, and powerful explosives. Yes, your field of corn is truly a storehouse of food and ammunition, products that will win the War and the Peace.

1 Your Job is to raise more corn and Its the job of your neighborhood DeKalb Hybrid Seed Corn dealer to help you increase your yield raise more and better corn on less land. Your local DeKalb farmer-dealer knows corn because he grows It he knows your soil, you weather and can help you select the hybrid varieties that will do best on your farm. See him today. Many leading hbg men say they average 100 lbs. of pork with 5A bushels of com and SO lbs.

of Purina Hog Chow on the Purina Plan. That meant fast gains that help them hit the early market get a better price for com on the hoof. Hog Chow putt on the pounds. and thick. Ask us about hi MAGNOLIA Following the worship service Sunday morning a candlelight installation and consecration service -was held for the officers of the Methodist Youth Fellowship The officers this year are: President, Miss Bernice Donoho; vice presv'ent, Miss Berkeley Satterfield, secretary, John Rolley, Jr treasurer, Miss Shirley Tipton; worship and evangelism.

Miss Berkeley Satterfield, chairman of world friendship, Miss Margaret Simonton; chairman of community service, Robert Paxsoru chairman of decoration, Dale Spear. Walter Martin is superintendent of the south division of the church. Miss Cora Smith i counselor for the Youth Fellowship. Miss Faye Homrighous is counselor for social and recreational activities, and Mrs. Eugene E.

Stauffer is music counselor and pianist. Guests Honored. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph? Stith entertained at dimer Sunday in honor of the latters sister and husband, Mr.

and Mrs. G. W. Sullivan, of Vine Grove, Ky. Those presertt were- Mr.

and Mrs. Charles Fowlef, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Stith, Ml and Mrs. Wayne Stith, daughter Nancy Jo and Beverly Ann, Eloonf-ington; Mr.

and Mrs. Glenn Stitb and son Bobbie, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stith and son, Larry Lee, Minting Mr. and Mrs, James Artman, so Junior and Floyd, Wenona Sullivan is also a sister man.

Ice cream and cake were served in the afternoon. Mr and Mrs Sullivan left their home in Kentucky Monday, Week-end guests at the A. J. Si veil home were: Mr. and Robert Rightmyer, Salem; Mis? Harriet Eddingfielld, Springfield; Mrs.

James Hughes, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Flaherty and son Jimmie, of Hammond, Ind; Darrell Moiphew, Chicago. Miss Feme Turner, Belleflower, spent theweek end her parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Archie Turner. Mr. and Mrs. John Stewait, St Louis, Mo, Miss Allie Dagncr, of Henry spent the week-end at the irtman, so rtf enona. Mr of Mr.

Art- PURINA STEER FATENA goes with your grain to put on fast gains and maTket-topping finish. Steer Fatena doesn't take the place of the grain you raise on the farm ita built to round out your feeding program help your grain give better results and get more money for your grain. HYBRID CORN Barackman Feed Co. 131 S. Vermillion St.





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The Times from Streator, Illinois (2024)
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Article information

Author: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Views: 5931

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Reviews: 80% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

Phone: +3571286597580

Job: Product Banking Analyst

Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.